Poem 5 Opportunity Walter Malone
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Stanza Comprehension Poem 5 |
Stanza 1:
They do me wrong who say I come no more
When once I knock and fail to find you in;
For every day I stand outside your door
And bid you wake and rise to fight and win.
Q1: Who is the speaker of the poem?
Ans: Opportunity is the speaker of the poem.
Q2: Who stands at the door every day?
Ans: Opportunity stands at the door every day.
Q3: What does the opportunity say to the sleeping men?
Ans: Opportunity says to the sleeping men, “Wake up and rise to fight and win”.
Q4: What are the rhyming words of this stanza?
Ans: More, door and in, win are the rhyming words.
Stanza 2:
Wail not for precious chances passed away!
Weep not for golden ages on the wane!
Each night I burn the records of the day---
At sunrise, every soul is born again!
Q1: What advice does the poet give to the reader?
Ans: The poet advises the reader not to weep for the lost precious chances.
Q2: Is it good to weep for the past golden ages?
Ans: No. It is not good to weep or cry for the past golden ages.
Q3: What does Opportunity do each night?
Ans: Each night Opportunity burns the record of the whole day.
Q4: When is every soul born again?
Ans: Every soul born again, When the sun rises in the morning.
Stanza 3:
Dost, thou behold thy lost youth all aghast?
Dost reel from righteous Retribution’s blow?
Then turn from blotted archives of the past
And find the future’s pages white as snow.
Q1: What is the meaning of words Aghast and Retribution?
Ans: Aghast means filled with horror and Retribution means Punishment awarded to someone for a criminal act.
Q2: What advice does the opportunity want to give us?
Ans: The opportunity advises us to forget the loss of our past and get up with a
the new spirit and make your future bright.
Q3: What are Archives?
Ans: Archives are the places where documents and records of the past are kept safe.
Q4: Which technique does the poet use in the last line?
Ans: The poet uses the technique of simile (White as snow) in the last line.
Stanza 4:
Art thou a mourner? Rouse thee from the spell;
Art thou a sinner? Sins may be forgiven;
Each morning gives thee wings to flee from hell,
Each night a star to guide thy feet to heaven.
Q1: What advice does the opportunity give to the mourner?
Ans: Opportunity advises the mourner to rise up from the spell of laziness.
Q2: Who forgives the sins?
Ans: Allah almighty forgive the sins.
Q3: Who gives wings to the sinner to flee from hell?
Ans: Opportunity gives wings to the sinner to get out of hell.
Q4: What guides the reader to fly towards heaven?
Ans: Each night a star guides the reader to fly towards heaven.
Stanza 5:
Laugh like a boy at splendours that have sped,
To vanished joys be blind and deaf and dumb;
My judgments seal the dead past with its dead,
But never bind a moment yet to come.
Q1: What advice does the opportunity give to the boy?
Ans: Opportunity advises the boy to forget the wonderful time of the past and laugh like a brave boy.
Q2: What is meant by the word “Vanished”?
Ans: The word Vanished means suddenly disappear.
Q3: Is it necessary to think for the future?
Ans: Yes, it is necessary to think about the future.
Q4: Who stamped the dead of the past?
Ans: judgment of Opportunity stamped the dead of the past.
Stanza 6:
Though deep in mire, wring not your hands and weep;
I lend my arm to all who say, “I can!”
No shame-faced outcast ever sank so deep
But yet might rise and be again a man!
Q1: What should we do in unpleasant situations?
Ans: We should not lose courage in unpleasant situations.
Q2: Who is helped by opportunity?
Ans: Opportunity helps those who are courageous and who say, “I can”.
Q3: What are the advantages of a courageous life?
Ans: The advantages of a courageous life are that a person comes over his difficulties and solves his problems bravely.
Q4: How we can achieve great goals in life?
Ans: We can achieve great goals in life through hard work and strong determination.
Q5: What are the rhyming words of this stanza?
Ans: Weep, deep, can and man are the rhyming words of this stanza.
Q6: What is the name of this poem?
Ans: Opportunity is the name of this poem.
Q7: Who wrote this poem?
Ans: “Walter Malone,” wrote this poem.
Class 10 Notes