Unit 07 The Aged Mother English Notes Class 10

Unit 07 The Aged Mother English Notes Class 10

The Aged Mother 

English Notes Class 10

A. Answer the following questions.
Q1: Why did the farmer decide to take his mother on the summit?
Ans: The farmer decided to take his mother on the summit to abandon her there for some time. In this way, she will die in isolation.

Q2: Why did the son hide his mother in the closet?
Ans: The son hid his mother in a closet beneath the floor of the kitchen so that she may escape the possible death sentence announced by the governor for the aged people.

Q3: What does the phrase “with the crown of snow there cometh wisdom” mean?
Ans: The phrase “with the crown of snow there cometh wisdom” means that wisdom is achieved with the passage of time.

Q4: What is the theme of “The aged mother”?
Ans: The theme of the story “The aged mother” is that the aged people are wiser and more experienced than the young people because they observe life from very near.

Q5: What is the climax of the story “The aged mother”?
Ans: The climax of the story “The aged mother” is that when the farmer discloses the secret of his mother in front of the governor. He listened to him silently and then he ordered to abolish the cruel law of killing all the aged people.

Q6: Why did the farmer disclose his secret?
Ans: The farmer disclosed his secret in front of the governor because he thought it a safe way for himself. He wanted to inform the governor that the aged people are very important for the state because they have a lot of experience and wisdom.

Q7: What are the elements of the story “The aged mother”?
Ans: The elements of the story “The aged mother” are characters, setting, beginning, middle, end and moral lesson. Farmer, Mother and Governor are the main characters of the story. The setting of the story is the town of Shinano. The importance of aged people is the moral lesson of the story.

Q8: What is the setting of the story?
Ans: The setting of the story is the town of Shinano, where a small hut was situated at the foot of the mountain. In that hut, the farmer and his mother were living.

Q9: Why did the leader issue the proclamation?
Ans: The leader issued the proclamation to put all the aged people to death because he thought that old people were dangerous for his despotic rule and strength.

Q10: How does the poor youth feel about the proclamation?
Ans: The poor youth felt sorrow and distress about the proclamation.

Q11: How did the youth carry out the order?
Ans: The youth carried out the governor order with the help of his old mother. He made a rope of ashes because of his old mother suggestion.

B. Choose the correct option.
1.(c) The governor was a cruel man.
2.(c) The mountain was steep & he was to abandon his mother.
3.(d) He was greatly moved by the pains she took to guide him back his home.
4.(b) Wisdom comes with the passage of time.
5.(b) Citizens.


Model verbs:
A. Choose the correct answer about the function of the model verbs in the following.
Model verbs: Model verbs are used before ordinary verbs and express meanings such as permission, possibility, certainty and necessity. Can, could, may, might, will, would, shall, should, must and ought are Model verbs.

1.(c) To make a semi-formal request 2. (b) For the prohibition
3.(a) To convey the idea of an obligation 4. (b) To express willingness
5.(c) Expressing lack of necessity        6. (a) To make a request
7.(b) To make a prediction        8.(d) To show habitual activity
9.(b) For offering someone helps 10. (b) Requesting for help

B. Choose the most appropriate answer to express the idea specified in parenthesis.
1.(d) Should 2.(b) Could you 3.(a)
4.(d) Must 5.(a) Can

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