Chapter 4
4.1 Demographic Characteristics
The demographic factors include gender and designation of the employees. The gender includes male and female, while designations vary from employees to employees. Designations are MSE, MIO, SMIO,DM, distribution manager and Customer Loyalty manager.
4.2 Review of hypotheses
In case of Ufonethere is insignificant relationship between the philanthropy and
Hypothesis 1:
Ho: There is no effect of corporate philanthropy on customer’s loyalty.
H1: Effects of corporate philanthropy exists on customer’s loyalty. .
H2: Corporate philanthropy enhances firm’s Reputation.
H3: Corporate philanthropy has significant effect on brand image
4.3 tatistical results and interpretation
Table II-A:
Regression Analysis (
Ho: There is no significant relationship between corporate philanthropy and
H1: There is no significant relationship between corporate philanthropy and
S.No |
Dependent Variable |
Independent variable |
Adjusted R square |
F |
B |
St. Error |
T |
P. Value |
1 |
customer’s loyalty |
Philanthropic Practices |
0.75 |
0.849 |
0.270 |
0.293 |
0.922 |
0.369 |
The above table shows that there is an insignificant relationship between philanthropic practices and
Table II-B:
H2: Effects of corporate philanthropy exists on the UFONEFirm’s Reputation
S.NO |
Dependent Variable |
Independent variable |
Adjusted R square |
F |
B |
St. Error |
T |
P. Value |
1 |
Firm’s Reputation |
Philanthropic Practices |
0.49 |
0.118 |
0.86 |
0.250 |
0.343 |
0.735 |
The above table demonstrate that there is an insignificant relationship between philanthropic practices and Firm’s Reputation (P.value = 0.735, T = 0.343), which means that there is no relationship between philanthropic practices and Firm’s Reputation. Or we can say that the philanthropic contributions made by UFONE, didn’t affect the UFONE image in the eyes of stakeholders at all. Again we can estimate from the given P value and T figure that UFONE image is not affected by the philanthropy. It might be that UFONE is not contributing in health and education that’s why they are not getting any reasonable and attractive image in the eyes of stake holders.
Table II-C:
H3: Corporate philanthropy creates loyalty with customers
S.No |
Dependent Variable |
Independent variable |
Adjusted R square |
F |
B |
St. Error |
T |
P. Value |
1 |
Customer Loyalty |
Philanthropic Practices |
0.110 |
3.360 |
0.448 |
0.244 |
1.833 |
0.83 |
The above table explain that there is an insignificant relationship between philanthropic practices and customer loyalty (P.value = 0.83, T = 1.833), which means that there is no relationship between philanthropic practices and customers loyalty. Or we can say that the philanthropic contributions made by UFONE, didn’t attracted the customers loyalty. The customers are not loyal to UFONE and their products. So on the basis of above mention hypothesis i.e. Ho that
Table II-D:
Regression Analysis (
Ho: There is no significant relationship between corporate philanthropy and Customer Loyalties.
H1: There is no significant relationship between corporate philanthropy and Customer Loyalties.
S.No |
Dependent Variable |
Independent variable |
Adjusted R square |
F |
B |
St. Error |
T |
P. Value |
1 |
Customer Loyalty |
Philanthropic Practices |
0.402 |
11.801 |
1.048 |
0.315 |
3.329 |
0.005 |
The above table shows that there is significant relationship between philanthropic practices and Customer Loyalties (P.value = 0.005, T = 3.329), which means that there is a positive relationship between philanthropic practices and Customer Loyalties. The contributions made by Tapal Teain the field of education and health, have affected their Customer Loyalties and have generated potential revenues for the firm.
Table II-E:
H2: Effects of corporate philanthropy exists on the UFONEFirm’s Reputation
S.No |
Dependent Variable |
Independent variable |
Adjusted R square |
F |
B |
St. Error |
T |
P. Value |
1 |
Firm’s Reputation |
Philanthropic Practices |
0.407 |
9.913 |
0.897 |
0.285 |
3.149 |
0.008 |
The above table demonstrate that there is significant relationship between philanthropic practices and Firm’s Reputation (P.value = 0.008, T = 3.149), which means that there is a positive relationship between philanthropic practices and Firm’s Reputation. The contributions made by Tapal Teain the field of education and health, have affected positively the Tapal Teaimage in the eyes of stakeholders and they have positive word of mouth about Tapal Tea.
Table II-F:
H3: Corporate philanthropy creates brand loyalty with customers
S.No |
Dependent Variable |
Independent variable |
Adjusted R square |
F |
B |
St. Error |
T |
P. Value |
1 |
Customers Loyalty |
Philanthropic Practices |
0.540 |
17.439 |
0.514 |
0.123 |
4.176 |
0.001 |
The above table explain that there is a significant relationship between philanthropic practices and customer loyalty (P.value = 0.001, T = 4.176, which means that a positive relationship exist between philanthropic practices and customers loyalty. Or we can say that the philanthropic contributions made by Tapal Tea, attracted the customers loyalty very much
Table III-A:
4.4 Co-relation Analysis (
S.No |
Dependent Variables |
Independent Variables |
R |
R Square |
1 |
Customer Loyalty |
Philanthropic Practices |
0.212 |
0.45 |
2 |
Firm’s Reputation |
Philanthropic Practices |
0.81 |
0.47 |
3 |
Brand Image |
Philanthropic Practices |
0.397 |
0.157 |
Co-relation Analysis (Tapal Tea):
S.No |
Dependent Variables |
Independent Variables |
R |
R Square |
1 |
Customer Loyalty |
Philanthropic Practices |
0.665 |
0.442 |
2 |
Firm’s Reputation |
Philanthropic Practices |
0.673 |
0.452 |
3 |
Brand Image |
Philanthropic Practices |
0.757 |
0.573 |
4.5 Summary of results
S.No |
Dependent Variables |
Independent variable |
Adjusted R square |
F |
B |
St. Error |
T |
P. Value |
1 |
Customer Loyalty |
Philanthropic Practices |
0.75 |
0.849 |
0.270 |
0.293 |
0.922 |
0.369 |
2 |
Firm’s Reputation |
Philanthropic Practices |
0.49 |
0.118 |
0.86 |
0.250 |
0.343 |
0.735 |
3 |
Brand Image |
Philanthropic Practices |
0.110 |
3.360 |
0.448 |
0.244 |
1.833 |
0.83 |
Tapal Tea |
4 |
Customer Loyalty |
Philanthropic Practices |
0.402 |
11.801 |
1.048 |
0.315 |
3.329 |
0.005 |
5 |
Firm’s Reputation |
Philanthropic Practices |
0.407 |
9.913 |
0.897 |
0.285 |
3.149 |
0.47 |
6 |
Brand Image |
Philanthropic Practices |
0.540 |
17.439 |
0.514 |
0.123 |
4.176 |
0.147 |
The above summarized table shows significance and insignificance relationship between the dependent and independent variables. This shows that the UFONEdata is an insignificant relationship between the philanthropic practices and the rest of dependent variables. On the other hand the Tapal Tea has the significant relationship between the independent and dependent variables.
In the UFONE data the most insignificant figure is customer loyalty showing the P-Value (0.83) and less insignificant figure is Customer Loyalty having the P-value of 0.369
On the other hand the Tapal Tea shows the most significant and prominent variable is customer loyaltyhaving the p-value 0.001, and the less significant variable is Firm’s Reputation having the p-value of 0.008. Hence the above result shows that the Tapal Teainvest more in philanthropy (health and education) therefore Tapal Teabelieve on philanthropic practices and using it as a tool for gaining customer loyalty, increasing Customer Loyalty and enhancing the firm Firm’s Reputation in the eyes of stake holders.