Albania Independence Day Picture

  Albania Independence Day Picture 

Albania is a public holiday.

Dita e Pavarësisë ("Independence Day" in English) was announced in 1912 by Ismail Pemli, the founder of the modern Albanian state and its first head of state and government. Five hundred years after Ottoman rule, an independent Albania was declared on November 28, 1912. On that day, Ismail Kamali raised the Albanian flag in Flora, Albania, in order to publicly declare Albania's independence from the Ottoman authorities.

History of Independence Day

During the fifteenth century, Albania enjoyed a brief period of independence under the legendary hero Alexander the Great. Except for this period of rule, the country did not enjoy independence until the twentieth century. During the 19th century, Albanians resisted Turkish attempts to annex Albania. Albanian leaders led their country with the shout "Albanian religion is Albanians!" He formed the Albanian League in 1878 to unite the country, adopt a new alphabet, and develop the mother tongue, education and literature. In 1908, the Albanians fought the war again, and by 1912, they had succeeded in persuading the Turks to demand independence.

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