Allama Iqbal's political life!

 In the first decade of the twentieth century, the Muslim population of Punjab was at a standstill. There were two political factions within the Muslims, but both were alien to the real cultural, political, and economic problems of the Muslims. The leadership of one of them was in the hands of Sir Muhammad Shafi and the other Sir Fazal Hussain also arrived with his supporters and it was decided to establish a Provincial Muslim League in Punjab. 

This decision was acted upon immediately. Mian Shah Din was made President and Sir Muhammad Shafi Secretary-General. Sir Fazal Hussain remained practically isolated. Iqbal had friendly relations with all these leaders but he kept himself aloof from practical politics. Until 1911, most of the Muslim leaders of United India, according to Sir Syed, continued to be loyal to the British government. In the middle of 1912, the situation, which was going on at a standstill, suddenly changed. Muslim politicians were in favor of the partition of Bengal, so were the British Wanted, but Hindus strongly opposed the plan. When they resorted to violence, the British government resorted to violence. 

Partition of Bengal was canceled. According to Maulana Shibli Nomani, the abolition of the Partition of Bengal was tantamount to slapping the Muslims in the face, which turned their faces away. When the abolition of the Partition of Bengal was announced, on February 1, 1912, the Muslims at Mochi Darwaza in Lahore Held a protest rally in which Iqbal also participated. The speakers delivered very emotional and spirited speeches. When Iqbal's turn came, he became a beacon of greatness for the Muslims and said: "Muslims must fight for their own development. What the Hindus have got so far, they have got only through their own efforts. 

Look at the history of Islam. European architects called the Arabian Peninsula a waste and a useless stone, saying that no foundation could be laid on it. The nations of Asia and Europe hated the Arabs, but when the Arabs regained consciousness and used their own means, this stone became the key to the sanctuary of the world's civilization, and by God! A powerful empire like Roma could not stand the flood of Arabs, this is the condition of the nation that stood on its own two feet! With this speech, the momentary and unbridled enthusiasm in the assembly turned into a meaningful force needed for the living identity of our nation, which was still limited but had to expand in the future. Meetings of the Muslim League and the Hindu Congress began to take place simultaneously. Now Iqbal was detached from practical politics but firmly adhered to the principle of Muslim nationalism which was revealed to him during the establishment of England. t

The period from 1914  after his return from Europe It is time. On April 13, 1919, a protest rally was held at Jallianwala Bagh in Amritsar city. The infamous General Dyer surrounded the crowd, opened fire indiscriminately, killing hundreds. Although Iqbal had taken up residence at that time, the threat of an accident reached his heart. He recited these poems in memory of the dead:

She says to every pilgrim of Chaman, do

not be unaware of the pure dust. The world has

been irrigated by the trick of the kidneys. Its seed is shed with the blood of the martyrs, so

do not be stingy with tears.

Abdul Majeed Salik writes in his book "Zikr Iqbal". :

I 'protest religious discrimination in the country now called Iran and Tsarist tnfr commotion. The defeat of Turkey was even more profound on the hearts of the Muslims than the atrocities of Jallianwala Bagh and Punjab, due to which there was a danger that the freedom and sovereignty of the Turks of Al-Uthman would be reduced to dust. Iqbal was a member of the Provincial Khilafah Committee, but this change of circumstances caused him to have sharp differences with the Khilafah leaders. The reason for the difference was two things:

The first was that Iqbal was not in favor of the Khilafah delegation going to England for negotiations. He considered it a British ploy. The second was that he considered running a non-cooperation movement with Hindus harmful to Muslims because someone Without an acceptable Hindu-Muslim agreement, the misconception of a united nation on the basis of mere British animosity would destroy the separate national status of Muslims. If these differences were not resolved, Iqbal withdrew from the Provincial Khilafah Committee. 

Iqbal's insight was that the future of the Ottoman Caliphate itself was in jeopardy, so the national unity of the Muslim nations should be based on some other principle instead. On April 16, 1922, at the annual meeting of the Anjuman-e-Jamaat-e-Islam, Iqbal wrote his long poem "Khidr Rah" was heard. Abdul Majeed Salik was present there. He writes:

In this poem, on the one hand, the beauty of Iqbal's poetic imagination and innovative style was manifested with all its splendor, and on each poem, the masters of good taste were ecstatic. On the other hand, Allama rigged the victorious nations in connection with the Great War. , His demonic politics, the standard of capitalism, the awakening of the workers have made an effective and eloquent comment on the helplessness of the Islamic world, especially the Turks of the Ottomans, and in this regard have hurt the views of ethnic nationalism and discrimination. In January 1923, Iqbal received the title of Sir. His old friend Mir Ghulam Bheek Nerang expressed concern that he might not be able to exercise freedom of expression now, to which Iqbal wrote in reply:

"I would have informed you of this honour myself, but in the world in which you and I live, such incidents are far from real. Hundreds of letters and wires have come and gone and I wonder why people value these things. All that remains is the danger that your heart has realized. So I swear by the glorious God in whose possession is my soul and my honour, and I swear by the great and superior being, because of whom I have faith in God and I am called a Muslim. Can't stop telling the truth. On March 30, 1923, at a meeting of the Anjuman-e-Hamaat-e-Islam, Iqbal recited his famous poem "Tolo-e-Islam". This poem was written on the occasion of the conquest of the Greeks by the Turks. What is the poem, is the message of the bright future of the Muslims? The reason is the bright

morning , the twinkling of the stars,

the sun has risen from the horizon.

During the 1923 provincial elections, Iqbal was urged to run for the Legislative Council, but he refused because his close friend Mian Abdul Aziz Barrister had announced his candidacy from the same constituency that was being proposed for Iqbal. Iqbal was engaged in advocacy as usual when 1926 came. The Punjab Legislative Council was to be re-elected this year. The friends insisted again. This time Mian Abdul Aziz also said that he would not stand against Iqbal but would help him. This time Iqbal agreed. The formal announcement of candidature was published. Elections were held, obviously Iqbal had to succeed. The Unionist Party was in the majority in the council. Iqbal joined the Unionist Party to use its power in the national interest of the Muslims, but when the irreversible flaws of the party became apparent, Iqbal split. 

The rest of the time a lone member Passed as In the same year, he was made secretary of the Punjab Provincial Muslim League, which opened the door to Muslim politics in the subcontinent. Now Iqbal had stepped into the realm of practical politics. The Hindus were on the verge of Shadhi and the disgraceful movements of the Sanghtan, which led to step-by-step Hindu-Muslim riots. Various preaching missions were also being formed among the Muslims to remedy these tribulations. Ghulam Bheek Nerang wrote to help one such group, while Allama offered his services:

"In my opinion, the work of preaching Islam is above all else at this time. If the goal of Muslims in India is merely freedom from politics and economic well-being and the protection of Islam is not an element of that goal, as is evident from the attitude of today's nationalists, then Muslims will never succeed in their goals. ” At first glance, these are just two simple sentences, but this instruction of Allama embodies the essence of Tehreek-e-Pakistan. On January 2, 1929, Iqbal left Delhi on a tour of South India. There he gave sermons in Madras, Mysore, Bangalore and Hyderabad Deccan on the subject of the new formation of Islamic theology. He returned to Lahore at the end of January. In 1929, Iqbal's practical relationship with Afghanistan began. On January 17, 1929, Bacha Saqqa deported Amiraman Khan to Afghanistan and captured Kabul. The whole country fell victim to civil war. At last General Nadir Khan stood up to suppress the child Saqqat. Iqbal Knew them Allama helped him through various means. In order to provide financial support to General Nadir Khan, Iqbal published an appeal in the name of the Muslims of the subcontinent, which makes it seem as if we are addressing him today: 

Thousands of square miles of Islamic land and the lives and existence of millions of children of Islam are in danger, and as a painful and jealous neighbor, Muslims in India also have a duty to save Afghanistan from the last slap of the wind. Iqbal's presidency was held on September 7, 1929, against the growing violent domination of the Jews in Palestine and especially their unholy occupation of the Al-Aqsa Mosque. I had such a great meeting. Iqbal said in his sermon: It is absolutely wrong that the conscience of Muslims is devoid of patriotism. However, it is true that apart from patriotism, the spirit of piety and love of Islam is equally present in the hearts of Muslims and this is the same spirit that unites the troubled and scattered people of the nation and will do it and will always do it. Will remain The year 1930 has a historical significance in both Pakistan and Iqbal. The annual meeting of the All India Muslim League was held on December 29 in Allahabad. Quaid-e-Azam had gone to London to attend the first round table conference. According to your instructions, Iqbal was to preside over this meeting. It was here that he delivered the historic sermon that became known as the Allahabad Sermon. In this sermon, for the first time, a solid and unambiguous outline of an independent Muslim state within India was presented. 

The British government also invited Iqbal to the second round table conference. To go to London on September 8, 1931 Departed from Lahore. Arrived in Delhi the next morning. A crowd of thousands was present on the platform of the station. Arrived in Bombay on September 10, 1931. The next day they sailed for England and reached London on 27 September. By the way, Iqbal went to participate in the second round table conference, but his academic and literary fame in England, which was far beyond his political fame, divided his engagements into two parts. From the very beginning of the conference, some signs began to appear that Iqbal became disheartened. He attended some of the meetings with a sense of detachment, but when he was disappointed with any positive outcome, he finally withdrew from the conference on November 19, 1931, leaving the Muslim delegation. It was useless to stay in London now.

 Accompanied by Maulana Ghulam Rasool Mehr, he reached Rome on the night of November 22. On March 21, 1932, a meeting of the All India Muslim Conference was held in Lahore under the chairmanship of Iqbal. Iqbal He delivered a presidential sermon in which he narrated the story of the Second Round Table Conference, took a deep look at the important political issues of the time and looked at the prospects for building the future. This sermon is very important in every way. The essence of the Muslim history of the subcontinent cannot be ignored. At the end of 1932, the Third Round Table Conference was organized by the British Government in London. 

Iqbal was also called this time. He left for England on October 17, 1932. Stayed there until December 30. Iqbal again took no interest in the conference, as most of the issues raised in it were related to the federation, with which Iqbal had nothing to do. He was convinced of the autonomy of the provinces within India in which there was no such thing as a central government but the provinces were directly related to the Indian minister sitting in London. Muslim political parties in the subcontinent were in deep disarray and disunity. ۔ His own melody was being sung. The issue of the national future of the Muslims had been practically forgotten. Disappointed, Quaid-e-Azam had gone to London. All this was left to Iqbal, but nature accepted the good of Muslims. At the insistence of Iqbal and other devotees, Quaid-e-Azam returned to India and on March 4, 1934, joined the Muslim League. President elected. The body of the League died and the days of the Muslims of the subcontinent began. On May 6, 1936, he visited the "Javed Manzil" to meet Hazrat Quaid-e-Azam (may Allah have mercy on him). He invited Iqbal to become a member of the Central Parliamentary Board of the Muslim League, which Iqbal gladly accepted despite his serious illness. On May 12, Iqbal was re-elected President of the Punjab Muslim League. With your teachings and the tireless efforts of Quaid-e-Azam, the country became independent and Pakistan came into being. There was only one Iqbal left to languish, but nature accepted the betterment of the Muslims. At the insistence of Iqbal and other devotees, Quaid-e-Azam returned to India and was elected President of the Muslim League on March 4, 1934. 

The body of the League died and the days of the Muslims of the subcontinent began. On May 6, 1936, he visited the "Javed Manzil" to meet Hazrat Quaid-e-Azam (may Allah have mercy on him). He invited Iqbal to become a member of the Central Parliamentary Board of the Muslim League, which Iqbal gladly accepted despite his serious illness. On May 12, Iqbal was re-elected President of the Punjab Muslim League. With your teachings and the tireless efforts of Quaid-e-Azam, the country became independent and Pakistan came into being. 

There was only one Iqbal left to languish, but nature accepted the betterment of the Muslims. At the insistence of Iqbal and other devotees, Quaid-e-Azam returned to India and was elected President of the Muslim League on March 4, 1934. The body of the League died and the days of the Muslims of the subcontinent began. On May 6, 1936, he visited the "Javed Manzil" to meet Hazrat Quaid-e-Azam (may Allah have mercy on him). He invited Iqbal to become a member of the Central Parliamentary Board of the Muslim League, which Iqbal gladly accepted despite his serious illness. 

On May 12, Iqbal was re-elected President of the Punjab Muslim League. With your teachings and the tireless efforts of Quaid-e-Azam, the country became independent and Pakistan came into being. On May 6, 1936, he visited "Javed Manzil" to meet Hazrat Quaid-e-Azam (may Allah have mercy on him). He invited Iqbal to become a member of the Central Parliamentary Board of the Muslim League, which Iqbal gladly accepted despite his serious illness. On May 12, Iqbal was re-elected President of the Punjab Muslim League. With your teachings and the tireless efforts of Quaid-e-Azam, the country became independent and Pakistan came into being. On May 6, 1936, he visited "Javed Manzil" to meet Hazrat Quaid-e-Azam (may Allah have mercy on him). He invited Iqbal to become a member of the Central Parliamentary Board of the Muslim League, which Iqbal gladly accepted despite his serious illness. On May 12, Iqbal was re-elected President of the Punjab Muslim League. With your teachings and the tireless efforts of Quaid-e-Azam, the country became independent and Pakistan came into being.

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