Christopher Columbus


Christopher Columbus

discovery left its mark on the history of the world far more accurately than his own estimates. His discovery ushered in an era of tourism and colonization in the New World. This event proved to be a milestone in history. It opened the door to two continents for Europe to consume its growing population.

And provided them with mineral wealth and raw material reserves, which transformed Europe's economy. This discovery also trampled on the civilization of American Indians. Overall, it formed a new group of nations in the Western Hemisphere. The young people were very different from the Indian peoples.

We do not know the basic elements of Columbus' story. He was born in 1451 in Genoa, Italy. As a young man, he became a ship's captain and a seasoned sailor. He thought that traveling westward in the Atlantic could lead to the discovery of a sea route to East Asia. He tried desperately to explain his point.

Eventually, Queen Isabella I of Castile agreed to finance his expedition.

On August 13, 1492, his ship sailed from Spain. Their first stop was on the coast of Africa, on the islands of Hercules. On September 6, they sailed west from the Kazi Islands. It was a long journey. The sailors became frightened and insisted on returning. Columbus was the only Egyptian to continue the journey On October 12, 1492, the land appeared dry.

Columbus returned to Spain in March of the following year. The victorious campaign was greeted with great fanfare. He made three more voyages across the Atlantic, reluctant to take a direct sea route to Yachin, Japan. Columbus was adamant in his belief that he had discovered the sea route to East Asia, which for a long time most people did not believe.

Isabella promised Columbus that the island he would discover would be her governor. But he proved so incompetent as administrator that he was eventually fired. He returned to Spain. He was immediately liberated but never got any administrative post again. The general rumor that he died in a state of cosmopolitanism is baseless.

At the time of his death in 1506, he was very wealthy.

Columbus's first voyage clearly had a revolutionary effect on European history, and much deeper on the United States. The date of 1492 will be remembered by every student of the school. However, the decision to give Columbus such a prominent position on the list still needs further explanation.

One objection is that Columbus was not the first European to discover this new world.

Leaf Abercrombie, a walking sailor, arrived in the United States centuries ago. Then there is the fact that in the intervening period between the Watking Sailor and Columbus, there were numerous expeditions that sailors crossed the Atlantic. Historically, Leif Erickson was an insignificant figure. The details of his discoveries have never been public. Nor did they succeed in bringing about any change in the United States or Europe.

The Second Job Columbus's Discovery Stories As a direct result of his discoveries, within a few years of his return and his conquests and settlements of these new territories continued.

Columbus, like the other figures in the book, is thought to have had his discoveries made without him.

Fifteenth-century Europe was in the throes of a frenzy. Trade was booming, so such tourism campaigns were inevitable. In fact, long before Columbus, the Tigris marched in search of shipping routes to the Andes.

It is speculated that European sailors would soon have discovered the United States. It is also possible that it will take longer.

But if the United States had been discovered by a French or English expedition sailor in 1410, instead of Columbus, for example, in 1510, then there has been progressing. Its nature would have been different. In any case, Columbus is the man who discovered America.

A third possible objection might be that before Columbus's voyage, many European sailors of the fifteenth century were aware of the fact that the world is round.

This theory was proposed by Greek philosophers many centuries ago. However, after Aristotle's acceptance of this hypothesis, it was no longer possible for educated Europeans of the 1400s. However, the reason for Columbus is not to assume that this cosmos is round. (The fact is that he did not try to prove it). Its popularity is due to its discovery of this new world, while neither Aristotle nor the European scholars of the fifteenth century knew that America existed anywhere.

Personally, Columbus's attributes were not admirable. He was extraordinarily greedy. In fact, one of the reasons is that Columbus had difficulty obtaining financial support from Isabella because of very strict conditions. Although he may not be up to date with today's moral standards, but it is true that his treatment of the locals there was very brutal. Our list is by no means a list of the most sophisticated people in the world. Columbus should have had a prominent place in the list anyway.

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