Conqueror of India

Conqueror of India

There was not a single human being here who helped him but he sowed the seeds of the spread of Islam here on the trust of the Almighty which later became a shady tree. 

In his view not only Ajmer but the whole of India During this time many times his life was in danger but he did not give up. He put his promising disciple Qutbuddin Bakhtiar Kaki on duty in Delhi. Seeing his services, it is clear who he is. Hearts and kidneys were courageous. 

The characterization of Islam was not limited to men only but also trained his daughter Hafiza Jamal to preach among women. After she reached the level of perfection, she preached brilliantly among women and gave life to this work. Thousands of women converted to Islam after being inspired by the character of the Prophet (peace be upon him). 

Then Khawaja Ji spread his trained caliphs in different parts of India. He and his comrades established mosques and madrassas at various places where Muslim cheese was cultivated which was later spread all over the country in the form of a fertile crop. 

They started to convert to Islam. Sahib Sir Al-Awliya has said very well about him that what could be more miraculous than that those who were associated with Shah Ajmer were themselves kings of religion who helped the servants of God.

'He brought them out of the deception and infidelity of the world and brought them into Islam' Millions became Muslims at the hands of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and became Muslims after him. Thus, this reward will be given to Shah Chisht till the Day of Resurrection. Thousands of enemies in life He forgave the Muslims and trained them spiritually.

While performing Hajj, he became a pious elder. Thousands of such idolaters entered the light of Islam through disbelief through the eyes of the real conqueror of India.


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