Fragrance poet Parveen Shakir

Fragrance poet Parveen Shakir

25 years have passed since the death of Parveen Shakir, a poet with a unique tone who expresses the fragrance of love in poetry, but his words are still making thousands of hearts feel alive, and this great poetess is among us. Are testifying to be. Khushboo poet Parveen Shakir was born on November 24, 1952 in a religious family in Karachi. Her father Syed Saqib Hussain was also a poet. 

He graduated in English Literature and Linguistics and later obtained his MA in the same subjects from Karachi University. Parveen Shakir also had the honor of obtaining an MBA degree from Howard University in the United States. Parveen Shakir was involved in the field of teaching as a teacher for nine years and then took up a government job. Served as Secretary in the Customs Department in 1986. He completed his PhD from a US university Unable to submit the article due to lack of life. As a poet with a unique Urdu accent, you gained the fame that very few people get in a very short period of time. Thanks to his God-given talents, he performed feats in a short span of time, thanks to which he was awarded the Pride of Performance and Adam GK Awards, as well as the title and title of "Poet of Fragrance". She also appeared as the best host in VK programs. Even before the publication of her first book, she had won the hearts of thousands of people through literary magazines, while in 1976, at the age of just 24, Parveen Shakir's first book, Khushbo, was published. 

Mili, and the fragrance of Parveen Shakir's art spread four hundred. The popularity of the perfume was such that a second edition had to be published six months after its first publication. And the book took the form of gifts To begin with, this book breathed new life into Parveen Shakir's literary career. Parveen Shakir, translating the emotions of the younger generation and the new generation by tying words and emotions in a unique relationship, turned the feminine ego, desire and denial into poetry in simple words. Deep poetic style soon made Parveen Shakir famous. Delivered to heights. Looking at Parveen Shakir's personal life, the sadness of Tawan's personal life led to the end of his married life. She married Dr. Naseer Ali of Karachi from whom a son Murad Ali was born. Later she divorced Dr. Naseer and said goodbye to her married life. While there is a precious sense of love, woman and values ​​in the themes of Parveen Shakir's poetry, the state of sorrow and grief also emerged in his poetry. Bound in a unique relationship, in simple words, feminine ego, desire and denial turned into poetry, deep poetic style of expression soon took Parveen Shakir to the heights of fame. Looking at Parveen Shakir's personal life, the sadness of Tawan's personal life led to the end of his married life. She married Dr. Naseer Ali of Karachi, from whom a son, Murad Ali, was born. Later, she divorced Dr. Naseer and said goodbye to her married life. 

While there is a precious sense of love, woman and values ​​in the themes of Parveen Shakir's poetry, the state of sorrow and grief also emerged in his poetry. Bound in a unique relationship, in simple words, feminine ego, desire and denial turned into poetry, deep poetic style of expression soon took Parveen Shakir to the heights of fame. Looking at Parveen Shakir's personal life, the sadness of Tawan's personal life led to the end of his married life. She married Dr. Naseer Ali of Karachi from whom a son Murad Ali was born. Later she divorced Dr. Naseer and said goodbye to her married life. While there is a precious sense of love, woman and values ​​in the themes of Parveen Shakir's poetry, the state of sorrow and grief also emerged in his poetry. She married Dr. Naseer Ali of Karachi and had a son, Murad Ali. Later, she divorced Dr. Naseer and said goodbye to her married life. While there is a precious sense of love, woman and values ​​in the themes of Parveen Shakir's poetry, the state of sorrow and grief also emerged in his poetry. She married Dr. Naseer Ali of Karachi and had a son, Murad Ali. Later, she divorced Dr. Naseer and said goodbye to her married life. While there is a precious sense of love, woman and values ​​in the themes of Parveen Shakir's poetry, the state of sorrow and grief also emerged in his poetry.

I will tell the truth but still lose.

He will lie and do the wrong thing

Parveen Shakir is one of the few women who convinced herself. He portrayed the Eastern feelings of a woman, the hardships, sorrows and boredoms that no other poet before her has described feminine feelings so delicately. They are very beautifully written. While his poetry also shows denial and rebellion against tradition. Parveen Shakir's entire poetry is an expression of his own feelings and feelings of the pain of the universe, the seven colors of the rainbow are seen in his poetry. For this reason, he has a prominent place in modern poetry. His poetry collections were published in 1976 in Khushboo, in 1980 in Sadberg, in 1990 in Khod Kalami, in 1990 in Ankar, and in 1994 in Mah. He wrote poetry as well as columns. Van Shaker was not even fully immersed in the art of literature until December 26, 1994. On Monday, on his way to his office in Islamabad, he met Khaliq Haqiqi, 42, in a traffic accident. You said in your poetry that

Even if I die, where will people forget? The

word will testify that I am dead,

while it is a fact that the words of their poems and ghazals are still alive in the tongues and hearts of the young generation and lovers of poetry. Making sense She liked the way she spoke. Parveen Shakir's poems are of the same quality which are immersed in a deep creative impression and are enough to prove his greatness. He sang ghazals so well that the language became special and common. For example, let's see some verses of ghazals. How can I say that he has accepted me like a perfume

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