Francisco Pizarro

The illiterate Spanish expedition that Francisco, who conquered his kingdom in Peru, was born in 1475 in the Spanish city of Trojello.  Greed entered the new world.  From 1502 to 1509 he lived on the Caribbean island of Hispaniola, which now includes Haiti and the Dominican Republic.
 In 1513, he embarked on a naval expedition led by Vascononezidi Balbo, who discovered the Pacific Ocean. In 1519, he settled in Panama. In 1522, when Pisaro was forty-seven years old,  He learned about the "Inca Empire" from the Pa School D&G.
Pizarro was impressed with the victory of Mexico in every sleep and quorum.

 He himself decided to conquer the "Inca" empire. In 1524-25, he proved the success of the first Clovis. Two of his ships had to return before reaching Peru. In his second attack in 1526, he attacked the port of Peru. He returned to Spain in 1528. Emperor Charles V gave him the authority to conquer Peru for Spain, and provided financial support for the meme. ۔
 Pizarro returned to Panama, where he prepared to attack. In 1531, he left Panama. He was then fifty-six years old. His army consisted of less than two hundred soldiers, while the empire he was about to conquer had a population of over six million. The following year, Pizarro reached the port of Peru. In September 1532, he entered the island with 177 soldiers and 62 horses.
 He reached a town called Kajamarka. On November 15, 1532, Pizarro's contingent reached Kajamarka. The next day, at Pizarro's request, Atahulpa left his troops behind and came to negotiate with Pizarro with about 5,000 unarmed men. Given the brutality and brutality of the Spaniards since the anchorage, it is difficult to understand why "Atahulia" allowed Pizarro's troops to reach Kajamar without resistance. But if they had been attacked where their horses were at once, they would have completely wiped out the Spanish army.

 The "Atahulia" operation after arriving at Pizza Ro's "Kajamar Ka" was quite astonishing. It was utter folly to go for talks with a treacherous army completely unarmed. This mystery can only be understood due to the fact that One of the tactics of the "refusal" army was to encircle. Pizarro did not let this golden opportunity go to waste. He ordered his troops to attack "Atahulia" and his unarmed comrades "this war" which killed It should be written normally. It lasted for about half an hour.

Not a single Spanish soldier was killed, but Pizarro suffered some injuries, including the capture of Atahu Liao. Pizarro's strategy proved successful. "His" empire was centralized.  All authority was vested in the "Inca" or ruler, whom the Indians acknowledged as a semi-deity.  The ransom was paid in the form of gold and silver.

 The cost was estimated at more than اندا 28 million. However, within a few months, Pizarro assassinated him.  Founded the city of Lima, which became the capital of Peru. In 1536, the puppet "Inca" escaped and revolted against the Spaniards.

 For some time, Pizarro's forces were besieged in Lima and Cuzco, but by next year, Spain would have succeeded in capturing most of the country. However, the revolt was completely suppressed in 1572. By then, Pizarro  He himself had died. The fall of Pizarro began when the Spaniards began to fight among themselves. A close ally of Pizarro, Dia Godi Almagro, revolted in 1537.
 His complaint was that Pizarro did not give him a fair share in the looting. However, Almagro was arrested and killed. But that did not solve the problem.  He spoke out and assassinated the 66-year-old leader, who was only eight years old when he successfully joined Cuzco. Francisco Pizarro was a fearless, determined and cunning man.

 Personally, he was a staunch religious man, while it is said that when he died he made a cross on the earth with blood, and the last word he uttered was "Jesus".  He was a treacherous man. He is considered to be one of the most heartless conquerors.

 When the Israelis achieved a dramatic victory over the Arabs in 1967, "far more numerous than they were" and who had far more weapons, many were surprised by the event. It was an impressive victory.  History is full of examples of such fatwas in which the armies of Mufti Hin were very large. Napoleon and Alexander the Great won fatwas against large armies.
 Under the leadership of Genghis Khan's successors, the Mongols conquered China, which was about 30 times the population of their country. However, the conquest of Pizarro's empire of more than six million with the help of only 180 soldiers is a marvel of history.  This is one of the incidents. The number of soldiers he overcame is more than what Cortez faced, which he plundered a sultan with a population of about five million with the help of 600 soldiers.
 Is Alexander the Great or Genghis Khan on par with Pezro's conquests? I don't think so, because neither was so cruel as to try to conquer such unarmed people. Yes.  !  It can be said that the Spanish firearms gave them a dominant position. This was not the case. At that time, a firearm called "Archivuser" could bomb a small area while it took a lot of time to refuel.  Would have
 There was a terrifying scream, but this weapon was a better bow and less effective than yours. When Pizarro entered the "Kajamarka", only three of his soldiers had the "Azki Bios" weapon and twenty.  Most of the Indians were killed with conventional weapons such as swords and spears.
 Despite a few horses and a few firearms, it was clear that the Spanish yak, rather than a serious problem, played a key role in the Spanish conquest, with top leadership and determination.  Has been cursed by some writers as a fearless deceiver. But only a few deceivers have made such a profound impact on history.

 The empire he occupied included present-day Peru and Ecuador, as well as the northern half of Chile and part of Bolivia.  Its population was larger than the combined population of all the other South American states. As a result of Pizarro's conquest, Spanish religion and culture spread throughout the region, moreover, after the fall of the "Inca" empire.  It was not possible for the region to be tied to the relay of European conquests.
 Millions of Indians still live in South America today. But Indians on most of the continent have never regained political supremacy, and European language, religion, and culture have dominated here. Cortiner and Pizarro led short armies, and only a handful.  Over time, the Aztecs and Inca empires were conquered, raising suspicions that European conquests of Mexico and Peru were inevitable.
 The Aztec Empire, of course, had no chance of regaining its sovereignty. Its location (near the Gulf of Mexico and a relatively short voyage from Cuba) led to Spanish invasion  Was helpless in front of.  Even if Isaac's troops had succeeded in defeating a small army of Ritz, large Spanish troops would soon have attacked them.

 The Inca Empire, on the other hand, was relatively defensively strong. The Pacific coast bounded it, which was far less accessible to Spanish ships than the Atlantic Ocean.  His empire was more densely populated and cohesive. In addition, Peru was a rough and mountainous region, while Europeans in many parts of the world had great difficulty in establishing colonies in the area.
 Even in the 19th century, when European armies were more stable than in the 16th century, the Italian invasion of Ethiopia failed miserably.  Similarly, the British had great difficulty in conquering the tribes in the mountainous areas on the north-western frontiers of India, while in the mountainous countries like Nepal, Afghanistan and Iran, the European nations never succeeded in establishing colonies.
 If Pizarro's attack had failed and the "Incas" had had a chance to learn about European weapons and tactics, they would have been able to confront the larger European armies later.  It took more than a decade, while the Indians had a small number of guns, and even if Pizarro had, the Spanish troops would have conquered the "Inca" empire. But this assumption is probably not correct.  Cortez accelerated the process of history, while Pizarro changed it.

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