History of Saint Paul

 Saint Paul

The young contemporary of Jesus Christ and The Holy Paul drew the mock of people to this new religion. Its influence on Theology was the most lasting and lasting effect of all other Christian writers and scholars.
Paul is also known as Saul. He was born in the town of Silesia (now called Turkey).

He was a Roman citizen and a Jew. In his youth, he learned Hebrew and studied Zionist. He trained in tent-building. In a distant age, he went to Jerusalem to learn from Rabbi Gumalyl, a prominent scholar. Jesus and Paul were both in Jerusalem at the same time, 'but it is a close-up that the two never met each other.

After Jesus' death, the first Christians were declared as evil.
They had to be two or four of the people who were in the state of being praised.
Paul himself took part in this process of dishonouring. However, he was moved to Damascus when he was asked to speak to him. He became a follower of the new religion. It was an important turn in his life. The man who was a serious rival of The Christian city has now become the most effective and exciting ally of this new religion.

Paul spent the rest of his life in writing and writing Christianity.
People were Christians with the same stoicism. During his preaching journey he traveled to Asia, To chall, Greece, Syria and Palestine. Paul was more successful in preaching among the first Christians than the Jews. Of course his wife reacted strongly to her and at times she risked her life. Paul's actions on non-Zionists had an extraordinary effect.

He became so famous that he was called "the heir of the Jews". No other person has played such a significant role in the promotion of Christianity.
After three long preaching tours in the eastern parts of the Roman Empire, Paul returned to Jerusalem. There he was arrested. He was tried in Rome. It is not known how the case ended, or he could never get out of Rome.

Paul's effective approach to the development of Christianity was based on three issues (1) as a preacher his great success. (2) The writings of the prophets which become an important part of the modern covenant. (3) Its role in the evolution of Christian theology.
The covenant of the modern is associated with 14 of the twenty-seven books. The scholars believe that only four or five of them have written,' although Paul is the most important writer of modern writing.

Paul's influence on Christian theology is inconceivable. Some of his important theories are: Jesus Christ was not just a well-known human prophet. But it was a very divine existence. He lost his life to forgive our sins. He made our salvation possible. A man can't attain salvation by simply being in tune with the gospel. Yes, it is possible to believe in Jesus Christ.

If one believes in Jesus, his sins will be automatically washed away. Paul also created the concept of real sin.

Since the only specific laws cannot be obeyed, "Sopal insisted that Christians should not be allowed to ban Zionist al-Islami or to make it appropriate for the Mussa'i sharia, even the baptism, which he has given to the secondary class."

At this point, many leading Christian leaders strongly disagree with with Paul. If their views were to be found, then it was not possible that Christianity would have been able to lead the whole empire into Rome.

Paul lived a life of experience. Nor did any woman ever have sexual harassment. His thoughts on sex and woman had found a place in the holy scriptures, and his influence on later times was severe.
This is how his famous phrase is on this subject. "I counsel the widows and widows that they should live like me. But if they cannot live in this way, then they marry that it is better to burn in this fire than to become a Kabia."

Paul's ideas about the position of women are very concrete. "The woman should read the lesson of life in silence with all her own care.
I will not allow the woman to teach or allow her to exercise her authority over men, but she should remain silent" because Adam was created before. (11-13:1 Timothy2) Some similar concepts are more pronounced in the Corinthians (7-9:11).

Paul's views were no different from those of many of his contemporaries.

Paul's role in converting Christianism from a Zionist Muslim to the world's largest religion is more important than any other person. His ideas about Jesus' estrangestism and his belief in faith only with the power of faith were the basis of Christianity throughout these centuries. All later Christian theologians, including Augustine 'Luther and Calvin', were deeply impressed by his writings.
Of course, Paul's views were so powerful that some scholars claimed that he should be regarded as the founder of Christian faith rather than Jesus. 

This view is particularly extreme. Although paul's influence is less than Jesus. Yet they were much deeper than any other Christian authority.

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