Isaac Newton

 Isaac Newton

Isaac Newton

Isaac Newton, one of the most influential scientists of all time, was born in England in 1642 on the day of Kar Sims, in the place of "Wolles Thorpe" in England. Galileo died in the same year. He was born after the death of Ho Nahar Barwa in his childhood.

Newton was an intelligent child, but he had no interest in school. When he was young, his mother picked him up from school in the hope that he might become a successful farmer. Fortunately, she believed that His interests are different. At the age of eighteen he entered Cambridge University.

There he devoted himself to science and mathematics.

Soon he began to do good research on his own. From the age of twenty-five to twenty-seven, he shook the foundations of the scientific ideas that were to revolutionize the world.

In the middle of the seventeenth century, the field of science was in full swing. At the beginning of this century, the invention of the telescope caused a stir in the field of astronomy.

Both the English philosopher Fran بois Bacon and the French philosopher Renے Descartes persuaded scientists across Europe to observe and experiment on their own without acknowledging Aristotle's authority. His astronomical observations "made the invention possible with the help of binoculars" gave a new direction to astronomy.

Its mechanical experience is based on this principle, which we call the first law of motion.

Other great scientists, such as William Harvey, who discovered the principle of the circulation of blood, and Johns Kepler, who discovered the laws of motion of the planets around the Sun, were providing new basic information to the class of scientists. There was only one job opportunity for science scholars.

There was also no evidence that science would change human society in the way that "technology" did, as predicted by France Bacon.

Although Copernicus and Galileo dispelled many of the misconceptions of the ancient sciences and made valuable additions to the understanding of the universe, no set of laws has yet been devised.

The young man adapted seemingly irrelevant facts into a coherent theory that would then make scientific predictions possible. It was Isaac Newton who proposed this theory and turned modern science to the point where it is still alive today. Newton was always hesitant in publishing investigations, even though he had formulated basic theories through his research by 1669, but most of his theories came to light later.

The first shocking ideas he published were about the nature of light. After a series of careful experiments, Newton discovered that ordinary white light is a mixture of all the colors of the rainbow. He also carefully analyzed the results of the laws of. Using these laws in 1668, he developed a map and structure of the first light-reflecting telescope.

It is a special telescope that is still used today in large astronomical observatories. Joe, along with many other visual experiments, presented his discoveries to the "British Royal Society" when he was only an age old. She was 29 years old.

In optics, Newton's maestro was probably enough to make it to the list. So we are nothing compared to his achievements in pure mathematics and mechanics.

His greatest achievement in mathematics was the invention of the complete calculus, which he made possible at the age of twenty-three or twenty-four. This most important invention of modern mathematics is the only one that sleeps. Much of the current has erupted, but it is also an indispensable tool without which most of the success of modern science would not have been possible.

If Newton had not invented anything other than the invention of this perfect statistic, he could still have found a place in the early part of this list.

However, Newton's greatest inventions are in the field of "mechanics". This knowledge relates to the motion of material objects. Galileo discovered the first law of motion, which describes the motion of objects, that is, when they are free from any external force. Am

Practically every body is always under the influence of external forces, while the most important question in the science of peace and movement is how the body moves in these conditions. Newton solved this problem with the help of his second law of motion. The most basic law of classical physics can rightly be recognized (this law is mathematically represented by the equation, F = ma).

According to this, the rate of change of a body, that is, the rate at which the speed of that body changes, is equal to the force exerted on the body, which is divided into two parts due to the volume of the object. Added one more (according to which every natural energy produces an equal force of action), while the most important of its scientific laws was the law of "gravity".

This combination of four laws combined to form an integrated system that eventually made it possible to study all mechanical systems, whether it was a system of motion of a pendulum or a planet orbiting the sun. Newton not only described these mechanical laws, he also used the mathematical principles of statistics to prove how these basic laws could be used to solve real problems. Cars can be brought.

Newton's laws have been used extensively in science and engineering issues. During his lifetime, his laws have been dramatically applied in astronomy. In this field, too, Newton opened new doors. Published his great book, The Mathematical Laws of Natural Philosophy. In it he described his laws of gravity and motion.

Newton proved how these laws could be used to predict the movements of the planets orbiting the sun. This is the basic problem of kinetic astronomy, that is, how to predict the exact position and motion of stars and planets. Newton solved it in one fell swoop. That is why Newton is considered to be the greatest figure in astronomy.

Is this our analysis of Newton's importance in science? If one looks at the index of the lexicon of science, one will see references (probably two to three times more than others) to Newton and his theories and inventions. It should also be borne in mind that what other scientists have to say about Newton? Leibniz 'who was not even a friend of Newton' but in one case the two had a very bitter argument.

There is a place for money in mathematics from the creative world to Newton. Of course, this work alone is worse than all other knowledge. The great French scientist Lailas is a money-maker. "Laws" are far better than fabrications. "La Grange often insisted that Newton was the greatest possessor of all," Ernest Makh wrote in a 1901 article.

"Everything that has increased in the knowledge of mathematics since then is the derivation of a machine based on Newton's laws, a 'formal and mathematical evolution.'" And the rules weren't confusing. Some of the phenomena were capable of being described, but only a few could be predicted.

Instead, it has given us an integrated system of laws, which can be applied in a wide range of natural phenomena and can also be used for accurate predictions.

It is not possible to give a full account of all of Newton's discoveries in such a short article, so many less important inventions are not even mentioned here, although they were important inventions in their own right.

Newton also made valuable advances in thermodynamics and phonetics. He proposed the most important natural laws for the preservation of standard motion and angular standard motion. He discovered a two-digit system in mathematics. The first rationale for the appearance was presented.

Now, although it is clear that Newton is indeed the greatest and most influential scientist in the world, the question still arises as to whether he was credited with great political figures such as Alexander the Great or George Washington and Jesus Christ and Gautama Buddha. Why is it that great religious leaders have been deprived of a higher status? My view is that although the political ups and downs are extreme, it is fair to say that most people lived in the same conditions until five hundred years after Alexander's death. Life was lived five centuries before his father Alexander.

In the same way, in terms of most of their daily activities, the majority of human beings were as alive in 1500 as they were in 1500 BC. Revolutionary changes in the daily life of the common man due to the advancement of modern science in the last five centuries. We have different clothes, we have different food, we have different livelihoods and we spend our free time differently from the people of 1500.

Scientific discoveries not only revolutionized technology and economics, but also radically changed politics, religious thought, the arts, and philosophy. Some aspects of human activity, however, remained unchanged after this scientific revolution. That there are so many scientists and inventors in our list. Newton is not only the greatest of all scientists, but also has a very influential role in the evolution of scientific theory. That is why he is on the list of the most influential people in the world. Fully entitled to a place in the early stages.

Newton died in 1727. He was buried in Westminster Church, the first scientist to receive the award.

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