Marie Curie French Polish physicist

 Marie Curie (real name was "Maria Scalodo Saka") is more famous than any other scientist on our list of individuals. I don't think the main reason for her fame was her scientific research as much as the fact that This deed was done by a woman. Her life clearly shows the fact that a woman can really be such a great scientist.

That is why it was so well-received, and the misconception that it was he who discovered "radiation" was actually discovered. Not debatable.

Because it was only after reading the article about the discovery of Ebacurel (her intelligent scientist husband Pierre and) that she began her research on the subject.

Marie Curie's most important discovery was the chemical element "radium". Earlier she had discovered another useless substance which she named "Plum Name" after her native Poland. These were admirable achievements. But we did not have any shocking discoveries in the world of science. In 1903, Marie Curie and Antonio New Henry Ibqueral were jointly awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics.

In 1911, Marie Curie received her second Nobel Prize in Chemistry. She was the first person to win the Nobel Prize twice.

It is interesting to note that when she was well-known in her most important scientific research, she also had young children. Her eldest daughter, Irony, also became a well-known scientist. Frederick Joe Lat.

Together they researched and discovered the process of artificial radiation. For this discovery (which we can call the product of the theory of natural radiation) Juliet-Curiez shared the 1935 Nobel Prize in Physics. The second daughter, Eve, became a prominent musician and writer. This is the family. Madame Curie Leo died in 1934 after suffering from alchemy. She was born due to the constant proximity of radioactive elements.

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