Pope Urban

 Pope Urban

Today, not many people are familiar with Pope Urban II. However, there are not many people in history whose human history had a clearer and more direct impact than him. The Christians were encouraged to wage war and thus the Crusades began. Urban's real name was Odysseus Lagri.

He belonged to the family of the French Nawabs. He was highly educated. As a young man, he served as archbishop of Reims. He has later ordained a monk and cardinal-bishop before being elected pope in 1088.

Urban was a determined, influential, and politically savvy man. However, he did not make the list.
The event in which Urban's name lives on took place on November 27, 1095.

He convened a large gathering of churchgoers in the French city of Clermont, where he addressed a crowd of thousands, one of the most influential discourses in history. In his speech, Urban protested that the Seljuk Turks were occupying the Holy Land, desecrating Christian holy sites and harassing Christian pilgrims.

He was of the view that the whole Christian world should unite for the holy war and fight for the restoration of the Holy Land. Urban was a shrewd man. He did not insist on unselfish goals alone. Christianity is far more fertile, rich and profitable land than the densely populated regions of Europe. Then he declared that participation in this jihad is a form of atonement and the mujahid will automatically get forgiveness for all his sins.

Urban's quick-speech speech satisfies the lofty goals of his audience as well as their greed. He aroused great enthusiasm among the people. The crowd was chanting slogans before the end of the speech. (Deus le Volt) This is the intention of Yazdi. This became the slogan of the Mujahideen. The first crusade was fought within a few months. It was the prelude to a series of holy wars (eight major crusades and a few minor wars).

Urban himself died two weeks after the capture of Jerusalem as a result of the First Crusade, but the news never reached him in his lifetime.

The importance of the Crusades must be made clear. Like other wars, they have had a direct impact on their participants and the people. Deep connection created.

While the latter was considered far more advanced than the first, it paved the way for the beginning of the Renaissance, which was in fact a milestone in the evolution of modern European civilization.
Pope Urban II's inclusion in this list is due not only to the immense effects of the Crusades, but also to the fact that they would not have started without his personal influence.

It is true that the situation was favorable to him, otherwise people would have listened to his speech with one ear and removed the other. However, the leadership of a central figure was needed to start such a general European movement. No king was worthy of this retribution (for example, if the German king had started a holy war against the Turks, it is possible that the British nawab would not have joined him). In Western Europe, there was only one person whose influence had crossed national borders.

Only the pope could present a grand plan to the whole Christian world. It was to be hoped that a large crowd would respond. Without the leadership of Europe and the rhetoric he used, these crusades would never have started as a major European movement.
Nor were conditions such that a European official could propose a holy war for the liberation of the Holy Land.

On the contrary, it was an impractical proposition in many respects. Most far-sighted leaders would be reluctant to make such an extraordinary proposition because its consequences were too difficult to predict. But Urban II dared to do so. Has had a far greater impact on human history than many other well-known people.

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