Shaheed Mazloom Madinah, Jami-ul-Quran, Amir-ul-Momineen Syed Na Usman Ghani

 Shaheed Mazloom Madinah, Jami-ul-Quran, Amir-ul-Momineen Syed Na Usman Ghani

Famous Personalities

Famous Personalities
Martyrdom of Uthman is the life of Islam. Islam is alive with self-sacrifice and perseverance of Uthman
Amir al-Mu'minin, Imam al-Muttaqeen, Ambassador Bayat al-Ridwan, Comprehensive and Publisher of the Qur'an, while reciting Furqan Sani. 

The idea of ​​a very generous person emerges in front of him. Although he was the richest man in the Quraysh because of his trade, he did not succumb to the weaknesses of the rich, arrogance, pride, greed, selfishness and forced exploitation. He was humble and well-mannered. He was gentle with those who treated him harshly and arrogantly. Forgiveness and forgiveness were ingrained in him. The idea of ​​revenge for one's self and the spirit of revenge was not in them at all. 

The oppressed Imam Usman was truly rich. I used to spend. I used to be very generous to my family and relatives. I never took a single penny from the treasury for my personal expenses. I used to do some charity out of my own pocket. Were in the mood They did not get provoked even on the most difficult occasions and did not show any anger or rage. The substance of patience and perseverance was given to them by nature. And he strongly disliked bloodshed. In the end, he himself became a martyr, but he insisted that the sword be drawn from its scabbard for his own sake. 

The love of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) was in his veins. Strictly adhering to the Sunnah of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and saying at every opportunity, “I have seen the mercy of the two worlds in this way, even though the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) gave you the glad tidings of Paradise in this world. But they were always trembling with fear of God. (Ten Great Muslims, p. 107) 

The martyrdom of such a great, generous, generous, generous, generous and kind-hearted person with horrific cruelty and violence is a source of shame and astonishment for any human being, except when the pages of history are torn apart. Reveal that this great self-sacrifice was presented with a view to the unity, stability and perpetuation of Islam and the Nation of Islam, then the heart of the entire nation is filled with feelings of gratitude and appreciation instead of humiliation and amazement. He fought the rule of law with arguments and proof and patience.

 Amir al-mu'minin Usman Ghani's wise and lofty stand for the survival of the religion and the nation did not go unnoticed till the last moment, neither according to the conspiracy of the enemies of the religion and the nation nor according to the wishes of the mourners. Proved that the Ottoman position was correct. And the security of the religion of the nation is the Ottoman position The martyrdom of Murad Nabi son-in-law Ali Al-Murtada could not reach the depths of the dangerous secret conspiracies of the enemies from the incident of Syedna Umar Farooq. 

The position taken by Syedna Usman Ghani in countering this conspiracy The enmity between the party and its religion and nation became clear to the Muslims and the Muslims, aware of the great tribulation, took effective measures to protect their religion and their nation from them. Had it not been so, it was quite possible that the greatness of Islam and the Nation of Islam would have vanished from the face of the earth only after twenty-five years of its life. Promoting the same recitation and pronunciation of the Qur'an Al-Hakim and fighting the enemies of religion and nation against violence and lawlessness by standing like a mountain on the stand of evidence and knowledge and tolerance. For the unity and stability of religion and nation.

There are great deeds that the history of the world is unable to give an example of The tragic incident of the martyrdom of Syedna Usman Ghani took place on 18 Zul-Hijjah 25 AH when Abdu Zahid Usman built mosques for the Muslims to offer their prayers. Mercy be upon the beloved son-in-law of the Prophet (peace be upon him) Usman Zul-Noorin, who had the honour of having a double son-in-law with the beloved Prophet (peace be upon him). 

The seditionists threw stones at the Prophet's mosque so that he fell down from the pulpit. He arranged for the recitation of the Holy Qur'an in every part of the Islamic Khilafah with a single recitation and pronunciation so that no Muslim would be deprived of the bliss of reciting the Holy Qur'an. The Sabaeans themselves forcibly stopped them from reciting not only this but also these enemy Qur'anic rebels who were wreaking havoc in the name of the Holy Qur'an. (Tabari, Vol. 5, p. 139) The lover of the Qur'an Dedicates to them. The ruthless Sabaeans also turned a blind eye to such benevolent humanity. The generous Uthman who could not see the hardships of famine on the Muslims and in a single day laid thousands of grains in the streets of Madinah. Was The Black Carthusians made it impossible for a single grain of grain to reach them in the same Medina?

Amir al-mu'minin, the great caliph of the Muslims, the great conqueror, Syedna Usman Dhi Al-Nurain, whose empire was at one end of Asia, Kabul, the other in Africa, Morocco, and Spain in Europe. In order to avenge the blood of Uthman, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) promised to sacrifice his life for the sake of the Sahaabah yesterday. And these rebellious Sabaeans of the Islamic Caliphate martyred Usman Ghani, a fasting person with the same allegiance to Rizwan, in the state of recitation of the Qur'an with great brutality in broad daylight. Uthman was martyred innocently and oppressed. His killers were unjust and oppressive. Those who did not associate with him were forced to be disabled because of his order. Shaykh-ul-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah says: The party killed

The body of Amir al-mu'minin of the Islamic nation, the compassionate and merciful ruler of the Islamic world, will be buried for three days. He was lying down because the Sabaeans did not allow him to be buried. Finally, on the third day, this beautiful statue of patience and forbearance was secretly buried by some Muslims in blood-stained clothes in the darkness of night. 

The servicemen used to provide arms, horses, camels and all kinds of weapons to the armies out of their own pockets. History has shown that Amir al-mu'minin was neither helpless nor helpless. 

He fought against false beliefs and violence and conspiracy And despite having the power and authority to wield power, they have resorted to violence and lawlessness He refused to fight with force and said only that no one should be attacked until his will is fulfilled. Let the bloodshed begin. Hazrat Usman Ghani has shown unparalleled restraint and tolerance for the sake of unity and solidarity of Islam and the Nation of Islam for the sake of the monotheistic faith of pure monotheism and the infallibility of Islamic jurisprudence, democratic principles of the Islamic Khilafah and the right of democratic Muslims to rule. 

He sacrificed his life for the sake of great patience, perseverance and unparalleled spirit of self-sacrifice. For the success of their nefarious intentions, the Sabaeans relied on rumor-mongering, inventiveness, conspiracy and violence to mislead public opinion, but Hazrat Uthman was sacrificed for the protection of the rights of the Holy Prophet and Hadi Du'alam and the majority of Muslims. Was proud Sabai was released after them But they showed great courage and faith and refused to turn away from the truth, even cutting their necks, but did not allow the flag of truth to be lowered. The role of Syedna Usman will always be a beacon for those who fight for the truth. His unparalleled perseverance and courageous sacrifice has given a new impetus to the Islamic world.

That copy of the Book of Truth still exists today with the holy blood of Usman Ghani. It indicates the destiny of the assassins of Uthman. The Sabaeans were shocked. The tax could not go to Ajam but for centuries remained among the first preachers of Islam ie Arab Muslims. For the first full century this great responsibility rested on the strong shoulders of Umayyads who planted the flags of pure monotheism and unique Islam in Asia, Africa and Europe. During the caliphate of the Umayyad Caliphate, the Islamic Empire with its blessings, virtues and blessings spread from the Pacific Ocean in Europe to the Indus in the Indian Ocean and from Spain to the waterfalls of the Nile River. If he fulfills the pledge of allegiance to Rizwan, he will be given a great reward (Al-Fath).The history of irrigating the blood of Uthman was a miracle.

Martyrdom of Uthman is the real life of Islam.

Islam is alive. Self-sacrifice and perseverance. It is narrated from Zayd ibn Habib that most of the people who attacked Uthman had gone insane and died. It is narrated in the narrations about the mysteries of the Prophet Hazrat Hudhaifah Ibn Yaman that when When they walked towards him, the people came to him and said that they had gone to the house of Uthman. What do you say? He said, "By God, these people will martyr him." The people asked, "What will happen after he is martyred?" He said, "By God, 'Uthman will go to Paradise and for his killers, by God, is Hell, from which they will not be saved in any way."

Tradition has it that Hazrat Hassan, who had been wounded by the rebels when he wanted to deliver water to the oppressed Imam Uthman in a state of siege, stood up to deliver a sermon during the caliphate of Hazrat Ali Al-Murtada. Describe a dream. From this dream it will be known that what happens in this world of causes has an outward form and an esoteric reality. Hazrat Hassan said that people, I had a strange dream last night. 

The Lord of the Universe is possible on His Throne. 

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) came to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and stood up holding one foot of the Throne. Hazrat Omar Farooq comes and he puts his hand on the shoulder of Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiq and then stands up Ask your servants who have taken the name of your last prophet and who call themselves Muslims for what sin I was killed and martyred, what was my last sin and what was the crime for which After my head was beheaded, Hazrat Hassan narrates that at the cry of the oppressed Imam Uthman, 

I saw that the Divine Throne was shaken and two streams of blood were released from the sky which started shedding blood on the earth. Later, the people complained to Qazi Syedna Ali, who was present at the time of this sermon, that he had heard Hasan narrating because this dream was confirming the oppression of Hazrat Uthman. Hazrat Ali Al-Murtada, the fourth caliph of the Ummah Faqih Al-Sahaba, in reply, said that Hasan was narrating what he had seen. There were signs of. May millions of blessings and blessings be upon the martyred and oppressed Syedna Usman Dhi Al Noor.

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