The Ideology Of Pakistan And Our Responsibility

The Ideology Of Pakistan And Our Responsibility

23 March Pakistan Resolution

On March 23 last year, I saw a survey program on the same media in which different people were being asked what happened on March 23.

 No one gave the correct answer, but the darker side of it is that the host of the show kept making fun of the respondents and we waited until the end for Shahid to shed some light on the date of March 23. Will, but either they didn't know or permission !!!.

We are fortunate to belong to the generation that got freedom by placing it on the plate and the generation that is growing up before our eyes is getting freedom with all the facilities of life (Alhamdulillah). In such a situation, it becomes a little difficult to remember why we got this freedom. How many sacrifices have been made for this freedom? What a blessing! And then what is our real responsibility? Remember how freedom is just a celebration for us. 

Dancing, singing, hugging, wearing green clothes and now painting yourself in green has become a name. Who reminds me of this ?? A little lesson in social studies ?? And that's it ?? Just a formality. The most influential source is doing what is stated above, a serious matter, a thought-provoking conversation where the entrance is closed. Who is attracted to books?
The Lahore Resolution of 1940 is the result of what can be considered one of the most important political movements in recent world history. This resulted in the establishment of a separate homeland for the Muslims of the Indian subcontinent. This country had to survive and thrive in spite of countless conspiracies and plots being hatched by undesirable forces.

That Pakistan came into being seven years after the resolution of March 23, 1940. It was formed as a result of sharp ideological divisions that were fueled by the prejudiced behavior of the Hindu leadership, whose sole purpose was to subjugate the population after India's independence from the British colonial rule.

In simple words, Islam and the Islamic way of life was the goal of Pakistan. It is impossible to imagine what happened to the Muslims as soon as the struggle for independence began. Life, wealth, honors, everything was sacrificed, then we got this kingdom, we got this freedom. But the question is, what does freedom mean to us as Muslims? Freedom in the eyes of a believer is the image of this verse. 

May Allah, the Lord of the worlds, bless them. A Muslim is a slave of only one God. He is free but obeys God's instructions. A Muslim does not accept any freedom or slavery outside this circle. He has a purpose in life. He knows that God did not give him this life.

Translation: Very great and superior is the One in whose hand is the kingdom of the universe and He has power over all things. Who created death and life, that He may try you, which of you is best in deed. (Surat al-Mulk: 1-2)
There is no place for life in this philosophy of life. My life is not my will but my life is the will of my Lord. After mentioning this concept of freedom, we see in what ways we are enjoying this freedom in this country.
Ask the Muslims living in non-Muslim countries about the importance of the adhan that we hear Alhamdulillah five times a day when their ears are longing to hear this voice. 

Learn the importance of dressing as you wish from Muslim women in France and Germany who are being fined for obeying a command of Allah but following that command. On food, everyone is aware of the difficulties and precautions of Muslims in all non-Muslim countries. And if you are not aware, ask the Muslims of India, the holidays on holidays, the difficulties in Ramadan, the slaughter of cows in India and the testimony of Muslims in this regard is a question mark for the educated people of this modern century.

This comparison would have given us an idea of ​​what we are gaining, thank God. But our circumstances, and the way in which we have put Islamic practices behind us, have fallen prey to bigotry and have finally seen the dangerous consequences in the form of separation from one of our arms. On this, Indira Gandhi had said: "We have sunk the two-nation ideology in the Bay of Bengal." A similar pistol was hit by Sonia Gandhi. On the growing popularity and record business of Indian films in Pakistan, Sonia Gandhi said: "We have defeated Pakistan on the cultural front." On the other hand, due to our negligence, today's generation of the world does not even know that Bangladesh was also Pakistan. 

Some intellectuals in our country are talking about erasing the difference between civilizations and eliminating the two-nation ideology, forgetting that our civilization is part of our faith.

The two-nation ideology is a living reality that is being experienced by Muslims in every country where they are in the minority. Burma, China, India, Sri Lanka, where violence against Muslims, loss of life and property, burning of settlements is common. The situation in the modern world is not good either. Claims of human rights and personal freedom pile up in front of a Muslim woman's two-pillow scarf. 

Therefore, we must remember that we are an ideological nation and we must establish a social and political system in which the Shari'a is prominent in every aspect of nationality in order to justify our separate identity. This is the promise we made to Allah to get this kingdom. Our goal was not just to achieve freedom but to practice Islamic principles with freedom so that the world would be attracted to Islam by observing the legitimacy of Islam and the solution to the problems of humanity. We should not become imitators of their civilization and harm ourselves.

This session  held between 22nd March and 24th March 1940, at Shahmat Khan, Madmat, Iqbal Park, (Lahore). He was also the chairman of the reception committee and personally bore all the expenses. In his speech, Sikandar Hayat Khan, while describing the present situation, emphasized that the problem and nature of d.g.khan was not, but was apparently a national one. According to Stanley Wolpert, this was the moment when Jinnah, the former ambassador of the Hindu-Muslim Alliance, completely transformed himself into the great leader of Pakistan.

According to some, Sikandar Hayat Khan, the Chief Minister of Punjab, was the sole author of the original Lahore resolution. However, the authorship of this resolution by Khan Abdul Wali Khan is different from that of Sir Muhammad Zafarullah Khan and is attributed to him.

 Sir Sikandar Hayat's Unionist Party had accelerated the elections in Punjab and provided assistance to Jinnah at the behest of Sir Muhammad Allama Iqbal, which resulted in the Sikandar Jinnah Accord. Sir Alexander also persuaded his classmate, the Prime Minister of Bengal, Fazlullah, to support Jinnah. After the refusal of all political parties in India, Alexander supported the British in World War II at the request of Sir Winston Churchill. The British had promised post-war India domination

. After his suspicious death, other players also left. Alexander did not imagine the division of his beloved Punjab. When he came to know about the partition of Punjab, he categorically rejected it. The strike of the Khaksar movement and the subsequent killing of its workers was a perversion and an attempt by its leader to hijack the independence movement. Tahiri supported the Germans and the Japanese during the war. Due to civil unrest, it was decided that Sir Fazlullah would present a resolution.

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