The purpose of education is to build a good society

The purpose of education is to build a good society

At no time has the usefulness of education and its spirituality been deviated from. Thanksgiving The most important habits, such as fear of God and determination, become an integral part of life - even in an educated society. 

He is considered to be a true advocate of courage and human values ​​- at the same time it is important to state that education plays a positive role in empowering the weakest society - the real purpose of education is to be characterised by pure and virtuous thoughts The formation of society came into being so that the society sympathized ؛ Let the educated people be able to think of the happiness and prosperity of mankind through the light of knowledge and their serious efforts. When such hard work is done in society, it will surely directly benefit scholars. It will happen to the downtrodden and ignorant people of the society as well. 

And there is no denying the fact that the benefit of education is that the maximum benefit to humanity is to get the light of education to the homes of those who are deprived of knowledge due to helplessness and poverty. If the educated class appreciates their longings and aspirations, then it can be said with full confidence that no home, family or individual in the society will complain about their helplessness and then the whole society will be adorned with the adornment of education. 

The right to acquire the right of all, regardless of religion or nationality, whether rich or poor; There should be no secrecy in the attitude of education towards any human being. Therefore, the primary responsibility of our central and state governments is to provide equal educational opportunities for all the people of the country. If the policy of the government is not moderate and balanced in the promotion of education, then that country

A study of history reveals that the attachment to education has been the oldest tradition of the Muslims when Europe was plunged into the darkness of ignorance. At that time, Muslims were endowed with all kinds of sciences and arts. There were great colleges and universities of wisdom whose enlightenment has benefited the whole of Europe for many years. 

Today, whatever candle of knowledge is lit in the West is due to the Muslims - it is a pity that today the Muslims Began to show disgust with an ancient civilization and education, which led to the decline of Muslims. They suffer from backwardness and humiliation - it is surprising that some unscrupulous people have divided the sciences, ie, the sciences of the hereafter and the sciences of the world, while every student of history knows that if we review the scholarly efforts of our forefathers. Assuming that he always tried to strike a balance in the acquisition of knowledge

The Abbasi era has a special place in history, the only reason being that the Abbasid caliphs played an important role in the promotion and dissemination of science and art. And by translating the most important books of other intellectuals, modern aspects of knowledge and wisdom were introduced. Similarly, translations of the basic books of Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism and other religions also came into existence. 

One of the advantages of this was that the gap between the modern and the ancient was widened to a great extent. The other benefit was that the Muslims were exposed to the cultures of other religions and their thoughts and beliefs. Acquainted with the ideas and opinions that led to interfaith understanding and religious hatred - a study of history reveals that the scholars and experts in the House of Wisdom

Education should also be useful in such a way that after receiving it, all the people become the guarantors of each other's security. Now the question arises. 

what is the importance and reality of education in this day and age? 

In this day and age, education means only earning money and achieving material progress. The main purpose of education was to create a good and virtuous society through which society will be free from bribery, immorality, social evils and other basic evils. Justice may prevail in society, but it is sad to say that it is no longer considered a source of good for mankind. Despite the major flaws and complexities in the education system, there is still an opportunity for us to make education meaningful and useful. School life has shown that children have no interest in education. To teach a child, the teacher has to become a child himself

This kind of teaching goes through the minds of the children, they do not achieve anything and the real purpose of education is not fulfilled. A true teacher is a model of compassion, love and affection for children, he goes down in the hearts and minds of children. 

The specific method is to motivate the children towards education and the children happily agree to read and write. It is important to keep in mind that the right teacher firmly believes that the right results can be achieved only when children are taught with love and compassion. The secret of a teacher's success lies in compassion and love, not in teaching children by intimidation! Students' lives are divided into two parts.

That is, school life (school) and home life, these two parts are inseparable and depend on each other in addition to walking. Extremely useful for home education This is the education on the basis of which a child can succeed or fail in school It has now become a norm in the minds of children to put more pressure on them than they can handle.

Just as it is not possible to eat a lot of food at once, it is not possible to impart a lot of knowledge at the same time. Then it comes to textbooks! These books should be consistent with the educational material, ie they should be consistent with the curriculum taught in the previous class even after going to the next class. That way, the student will not feel alienated when he or she reaches the next grade. This applies to other subjects as well.

Therefore, the most important goal of the teacher should be to understand the minds of the students and teach them carefully and thoroughly, instead of delaying these goals can be achieved only through the method of education. Is. This is the time when the student acquires knowledge of a particular field or profession of his choice. At this stage, the importance of time should be kept in mind at all times and any unimportant thing should be avoided. 

While studying, the student should also have the facility to be free from all kinds of stress. Imprisoning his intellectual, scientific and technical abilities would be detrimental. Each of us affects the people around us in our own way. Because of the way we influence others, what we say or do is important not only to us but to others as well. Another important thing is the educational environment.


If the environment is moral and dignified, the goals are achieved very quickly and easily. In life, knowledge and morality go hand in hand. Moral education means education that makes the student a true and complete human being. With this kind of education, the students become better in character and their morals are also improved. If we ask, is the process of returning to the citizens right? 

The moral answer is that if one man returns and runs away and another time another man imitates him, then every member of the society will start doing the same and this evil deed will become a routine of life. In that case, society will be insecure. 

Therefore, a code of conduct or conduct that is not collectively applicable cannot be applied individually. Education should be given a dignified place. The teacher should be respected. This honourable profession should be respected because from time immemorial this entity and profession are honourable and sacred.

The main objectives of education

The main objectives of education

There are goodness and virtue in the nature of knowledge. Knowledge guides man in every difficult time. Knowledge helps to deal with the difficulties that arise in every age. Whenever and wherever there is a challenge, it gives courage and courage to face it. Knowledge basically builds competence and ability. After being adorned with knowledge, the human mind expands and opens up. Only then is the development of the state, society and society possible. 

Knowledge opens the door to new possibilities. That is why the acquisition of knowledge is so important in all the religions of the world. Islam has made the acquisition of knowledge one of its top priorities. The beginning of the revelation of the Holy Qur'an It was said that knowledge is the most important thing. The first verse of the Holy Qur'an and the first surah is Surah Al-Alaq in which Allah Almighty has commanded His servants to acquire knowledge. But the question is, what is the purpose of knowledge itself? What is the purpose of education? ۔ What changes does knowledge bring about in man? ۔

There is a long list of goals for education but the most important thing is that after knowledge comes consciousness in man. The ability to understand is born in it. The first requirement of knowledge is that man should know his Creator. Know the purpose of your creation. Know your Lord. What is the purpose of his birth? Because the Creator of the universe has created man. 

He should also think about who is the creator of this world. Who created the heavens and the earth? Why is everything in the universe created for the benefit of humanity? What is the status of human beings? Why human beings have been given the highest priority and importance among all creatures. When knowledge comes, a person thinks about these things, and this is one of the basic purposes of knowledge. ۔

Knowledge also plays a significant role in the formation of a moderate and righteous society. Society is formed by the existence of people. If a society is virtuous, moderate and virtuous, then humanity develops, that society becomes proud and if there are any shortcomings in society, then that society becomes a scourge for the world. Evils exist in society. Instead of focusing on the good, focus on the bad. It also defeats the purpose of the creation of humanity.

 Allah (SWT) causes the wrath of Allah (SWT), ignorance leads to misguidance and then man forgets the real purpose of his creation and understands only the temporary life of the world for a few days and then to improve it. They start killing each other. 

One becomes thirsty for another's blood. One tries to cross all boundaries in pursuit of wealth. Some go to extremes to gain government and power, some become victims of familial bigotry and consider themselves the most capable and then from here the society deteriorates. Jealousy against each other, jealousy begins and the matter turns into a battlefield. One family becomes thirsty for the blood of another family. The brother does not hesitate to kill his brother. Peace and tranquillity are destroyed and all this leads to a lack of knowledge. Due to lack of knowledge, man traps the society in the mire of evils.

The basic goals of knowledge include human freedom. When a man has a wealth of knowledge, he considers his freedom necessary and obligatory. It considers self-determination, understanding, expression and living as its basic right, but when society is deprived of knowledge, the members of society are indifferent to knowledge, then a section tries to enslave them. Adopts inhumane attitude towards them. He puts an end to their thoughts and makes them subject to his orders. Man's own thinking, his own thought disappears. His status becomes that of an animal-like slave, the sole purpose of such a life is made and that is to obey his master blindly, to obey his every command, to live according to his will.

The main reason for being chained in slavery is lack of knowledge. When a person is educated, he knows about himself, about his future. Thinks about the situation around you. Decides independently. He considers his right to life first and foremost and this quality of freedom in any human being arises only after knowledge. That is why slaves all over the world have always been prevented from acquiring knowledge. They were deprived of knowledge and whoever gained knowledge raised his voice against his slavery. He started a movement against human trafficking and tried to gain freedom in society by using his knowledge.

After being endowed with knowledge, consciousness is created in man by which he plans to make the society prosperous, successful and worthy of imitation. He fights against the activities found against the good values ​​of society. Raises his voice against oppression and supports the oppressed. There is a general tendency in society to despise others.

 Those who have wealth tend to despise others and consider themselves the most civilized. Some people are proud of their family lineage. They think they are the best and the supremo. His family is high and civilized. Other than that, others don't matter, other people belong to inferior families. In human respect, they are superior and superior to other human beings and then they start oppressing others. They make it a training ground for their oppression. 

Considering them weak, helpless and helpless, they consider it their family privilege and pride to do all kinds of oppression, but in the same society, those who are endowed with a wealth of knowledge, raise their voices against this oppression. Support the oppressed and prevent the oppressors from oppressing and this virtue is born after knowledge and it is considered the identity of an educated person.

After acquiring knowledge, the human heart undergoes significant changes. Instead of relying on materialism, there is a tendency to think about humanity. Knowledge creates the virtues of self-memorization in man. Knowledge makes a man an ideal human being by adorning him with the attributes of monotheism, love of God, high determination, hard work, chastity, poverty, tolerance, moderation, helping the weak, fighting against the oppressors and dervish contentment. 

Human society becomes pleasant and thus a clear purpose of knowledge comes before us, here it is also known why Allah Almighty has placed so much emphasis on the acquisition of knowledge? Why is the importance of acquiring knowledge mentioned in every religion? And why is the virtue of knowledge described as great? ۔ Why is knowing the cause of human respect?

In short, the purpose of education is to prepare human beings for the correction of corruption and to mould it in such a way that they become useful citizens and help in creating a just and moderate society. Struggle against oppression. Free human beings from the chains of slavery. Along with all these, the greatest purpose of education is for a person to know his Creator, to understand the purpose of his creation, to create this consciousness in him and to equip him with such attributes as self-strength and stability.

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