Thomas Edison

 Thomas Edison

The universal inventor Thomas Elvis was born in 1847 in the town of Milan, Ohio.
Edison's first invention was the electronic counting device, which he developed at the age of twenty-one. It didn't sell at all, which led him to the invention of an item that he thought could sell well in the market.
Shortly after his first invention, he invented a better price instrument for the stock market, which sold for   40,000. It was a huge sum of money at the time. Probably his most original invention was the phonograph.
In 1877, he acquired his authoritative invention. However, his most important invention for the world, however, was the practical incandescent light bulb that occurred in 1879.

Edison was the first man to create an electric lighting system. For several years, electric arc lamps were used for street lighting in Paris. But Edison's bulbs and the electric distribution system he invented made electric lighting possible for general household use. In 1882, the company began generating electricity for home use in New York City.

Later, the domestic use of electronics became common in the world.
Edison paved the way for the development of a large industry by paving the way for the distribution of electrical energy for domestic use. However, today we use this energy not only for electric lighting but also for various electronic devices such as TVs. I use everything from V-sets to washing machines.
In addition, the Edison-based company for the supply of electrical energy has strengthened the industrial use of this energy.

Edison also worked hard to improve the animated film cameras and projectors. It also made significant additions to the telephone (its hearing was enhanced by its carbon device delivery) and the electrical system and typewriter.
His other inventions include spelling mammographs and dry seals. In total, Edison acquired the rights to more than a thousand inventions. One of the reasons for Edison's extraordinary productivity was that he Initially, it set up a research laboratory in the Menlo Park area of ​​New Jersey, where it recruited a handful of assistants.
This was the earliest example of the large-scale research laboratories that have been set up by various industrial organizations today. The modern and slow-moving research laboratory, the "Adsense Organization" where many people work together, was its most important invention. He couldn't get it.
Edison was not only an inventor, he was also involved in manufacturing activities and formed several industrial companies, the most important of which was later known as the General Electric Company.

Although he was not a true scientist, he made an important scientific discovery. In 1882, he discovered that in a space between two dots that are stretched without touching each other, the electric current stops flowing. This phenomenon is called the effect of codification. This discovery proved to be the foundation of the tent and electronics industry.

For most of his life, Edison suffered from hearing impairment. He worked very hard. He got married twice (his first wife died in his youth). Both wives had three children. In 1931, he moved to West Jersey, New Jersey. Died at Orange.
The essence of Edison is beyond doubt. Experts agree that he was one of the greatest inventors in the world.
The list of his most successful inventions is astonishing. However, it is often speculated that most of his inventions were improved by other inventors in thirty years. However, if we examine his inventions individually, we will see that none of them Not really important. For example, the incandescent light bulb, although commonly used, is not an integral part of modern life.
Fluorescent lamps, which work on a completely different scientific principle, are also in common use. Even if we did not have electric bulbs, it would not affect our daily life much more. Many candles, oil lamps and gas lamps were used as a satisfactory source of light.
The phonograph is, of course, an infinite tool, but it cannot be claimed that it has affected our lives as much as radioactivity.

In recent years, telephones have discovered quite different ways of preserving sound. Even if we didn't have a magnetic tape recorder, a phonograph or a tape recorder, our lives wouldn't be affected. Edison's many inventions were actually invented by others. And related additions to usable items.
Although such additions proved to be beneficial, they did not play a major role in the collective landscape of history. No invention of Edison in itself is of immense importance, but we must not forget the fact that he did not make any invention, but more than a thousand. Given a higher status than the well-known inventors.

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