Top 3 universities in the UK

 1. Oxford University

Top 3 universities in the UK

Oxford University is one of the oldest and most famous universities in the world, attracting top scholars and students in its 44 colleges and halls. Admission standards are high and admission is competitive. On average, it receives five applications for each available space.

As is common in the UK, the university offers several joint honors programs that combine two subjects at the undergraduate level. In total, there are 250 undergraduate degree combinations. The combination of philosophy, politics, and economics is a particularly prestigious degree course on offer, although it is no longer unique to Oxford University.

Undergraduates and postgraduates belong to the college and often live in a college building or college-owned accommodation. Social life and recreational activities - such as line-ups, cultural events and societies - also revolve around the college. Undergraduates are taught by almost all colleges exclusively as tutors in their colleges, while postgraduate students are primarily taught through a centralized faculty.

Oxford has more than 100 libraries, the most famous of which is the Bodleian, built in 1602. The city also houses several museums, including the Oxford University Museum of Natural History, which houses relics of Dudu. Museum of History Science, showing the blackboard used by Albert Einstein.

More than 30 world leaders, 27 British prime ministers, 50 Nobel laureates and 120 Olympic medalists were educated at Oxford. Stephen Hawking, Hugh Grant, and Indira Gandhi are some of the famous students.

Within six months of graduating from university, 95% of Oxford students are employed or studying further.

2. University of Cambridge

Like Oxford, Cambridge University is essentially comprehensive and is one of the oldest and most prestigious universities in the world. The town is just an hour's drive from London.

The university has more than 18,000 students and 9,000 staff. There are 31 colleges, some dating back to the 13th century, and more than 100 academic departments.

Cambridge is especially known for its excellence in mathematics and has educated some of the most famous British scientists. In all, 117 Nobel laureates have been associated with the university and Cambridge-based mathematicians have won 11 field medals.

Getting an undergraduate position at a university is very competitive. The acceptance rate is less than 25% and more than half of the rejected candidates have obtained A grade for all their final school examinations.

Undergraduates are taught through lectures and supervision. Intimate lessons at most with other students only. The workload is very high but the conditions are short compared to many other UK universities.

Cambridge libraries have an extensive collection of medieval manuscripts and the University Museum displays collections of archeological specimens and marital specimens.

Notable graduates include actors, politicians, royalty, athletes and cultural figures, including biologist Charles Darwin, environmental broadcaster David Attenborough, conservative Jane Goodall, and actress Olivia Coleman.

3. Imperial College London

Imperial College London has consistently been ranked among the world's best universities for science, technology, engineering, medicine, and business.

It was formed in 1907 with the merger of three colleges in London and now has 16,000 students and 8,000 staff. The student union is highly international and consists of more than 125 nationalities.

In addition to top scientists, Fields medalists, and Nobel laureates, Imperial also produces influential government advisers and policymakers. Many graduates achieve significant innovations in industry and business and are greatly sought after by blue-chip companies and startups.

The Imperial is located alongside other campuses around downtown Kensington and the Kensington Palace in Chelsea's Royal Borough.

Famous Imperial alumni include author HG Wells and the Queen's Head of Medicine, Sir Liam Donaldson.

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