Laozi Chinese philosopher

 Laozi Chinese philosopher

Of the thousands of books written in China, one is the one that has received the most translations and the most read abroad. It was written about two thousand years ago and Rao Tsuya is known as "Tauti Chung". It is considered a fundamental book on the philosophy of Taoism.
It is a complex book, written extraordinarily and mysteriously and can be interpreted in many ways.
The basic concept of Taoism, "Tao", is usually translated as "the way." "Tao" is not a name that can be repeated, it cannot be an eternal name.
However, we can say that the raw translation of "Tao" is "natural system".

Taoism takes the position that man should not act against "Tao". Rather, it should be obeyed and harmonized with it. That is, there is no active attempt at power or its application as stupid and useless. "Tao" cannot be given. It is in man's best interest to adapt to this. (The follower of Taomat will say that infinitely soft water, the Jubilee protest flows down the slope and responds to the weakest force without any resistance.)
Soya is indestructible. Even the strongest rocks are helpless ahead of time.
For a human being, simplicity and naturalness are preferred. Violence must be avoided, and the pursuit of wealth and status is illegitimate. The pursuit of world reform is futile, but it must be valued. A passive strategy is the best strategy for governments.
Numerous constitutions already exist. Making more laws or tightening old laws is usually tantamount to making matters worse. More traits, more ambitious government schemes and wars, all this is against the spirit of Taoism philosophy.
According to Chinese tradition, the author of the Taoist was Rautsu. Probably a contemporary of Confucius.

Confucius was born in the sixth century BC. Given its style and subject matter, some modern scholars believe that the Taoist Chung was written during this period. Scholars differ on the exact date of the book's authorship. There is no mention of a particular person, place, historical or historical event in the Taoist Chung (320 BC).

Often more or less the same year from the original date.
This issue has raised doubts about the history and even the existence of Lautsu itself. Some scholars believe that Lao Tzu existed in the sixth century BC. They conclude that he did not write the Taoist Chung. Other scholars believe that the person is a fictitious character.
From my point of view, only a few scholars agree that (1) Lao Tzu was a real man and that he was the author of the Taoist Chung, (2) he was born in the fourth century BC, and (3) the age of Lao Tzu Confucius. The receipt was contemporary. Is fictional, invented by later philosophers to honour the author of the book.

It is important to note that ancient Chinese writers such as Confucius (479 BC).
551) Mao (fifth century BC), Mini Yess (289-371 BC), etc., make no mention of Lao Tzu "Tauti Chung". However, Chuang Tsune, who was an important Taoist philosopher in 300 BC, repeatedly mentions Lotus.
The very existence of Lao Tzu itself is controversial. We can't even rely on his current biography, but there are credible references to Laotsu, who was born and died in northern China. He often lived in Loving, the capital of the Chou dynasty.
Lotus was not his real name. Rather, it was a speech that means "ancient teacher." He also got married and had a son, Laotsong, who became a general in a state called Tsong Wei.
Although Taoism is basically an atheistic philosophy. However, one of these religious movements was born. The philosophy of Taoism is basically based on the concepts described in Taoist Chung.
Taoism soon became tainted with a lot of zeal and devotion, which had nothing to do with Lao Tzu's ideas.

If it is assumed that Laotsuhi was the original author of the Taoist Chung, then we must also acknowledge that its effects were long-lasting. The book is very short (it contains less than 6,000 Chinese words. It can be found on a single page of a newspaper) but it has great power to stimulate thinking.

A large group of philosophers read this book as a starting point for forming their ideas.
In the West, the writings of Taoist Chung are better known than Confucius's writings or any of his followers. In fact, more than forty translations of this book have been made into English. No book other than the Bible has been translated into this number.

In China itself, Confucianism has generally been a prominent philosophy, and in which case, there is a contradiction between Lao Tzu and Confucius' ideas.

The Chinese generally prefer to follow the latter. However, followers of Confucianism hold Lautsu in high esteem. In many instances, the ideas of Taoism were easily integrated into the philosophy of Confucius. Also, it has affected thousands of people who do not consider themselves followers of Taoism. Similarly, Taoism has played a major role in the Chinese evolution of Buddhist philosophy. Zen in particular is Buddhist. Even though some people still call themselves followers of Taumata. In Chinese philosophy, however, Confucius is the only philosopher who has had as profound an effect on humanity as Lao Tzu.

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