

          From:  216 To 276

The third century AD prophet Mani was the founder of Mani Mate. Today this religion is no more, but in its last days, it has a great following. It began in the Middle East, then spread to the Atlantic Ocean in the west and the PacificOceanintheeast.Itlastedforabouta thousand years.

The religion that Mani created was an interesting fusion of the ideas of ancient religions.
According to Mani, Zoroastrianism, Buddhism and Jesus Christ were prophets, but in this case, it was now the only complete religion.

Although there are elements of Buddhism and Christianity, the most important concept (which is surprising to Western countries) was derived from the dualism of Zoroastrianism.

Mani taught that the world is not ruled by a single entity, but by two forces at work in this seemingly permanent process, an evil whose meaning is equal to silence and matter.

The second power is "good" which they call light and soul. Christianity's concept of "God and Satan" seems to be being implemented again. In Manichaeism, good and evil are essentially equal forces, "as a result of this belief, the philosophically contradictory issue of the existence of evil," which has created difficulties for Christian and Jewish philosophers. 

Don't believe the world.

This is the essence of the mini-mat belief. However, it would be better to say that Manimat has likened the human soul to goodness and the human body to shirk. This led to the belief that all sex must be avoided, whether it is recreational or not. It also forbids eating meat and drinking alcohol.

At first glance, such a belief may be popular. However, these restrictions on beliefs did not apply to its ordinary followers, but also to some believers who are called "chosen."

The general audience was allowed to "marry" for marriage, raising a family, eating meat, drinking alcohol, and so on. The responsibility of many religious rites was placed on his shoulders. They had a duty to support the "chosen" people, but the code of conduct applied to them was quite simple.

(There are religions in which monks and priests are forbidden to cut tuna but they are free from common beliefs). The souls of these "chosen" people went straight to heaven after the death of the body. For the "listeners", however, the road to heaven was a bit long. However, some sects, such as the Kathari, believe that listeners, like the elect, can attain paradise.

Mani was born in Mesopotamia in 216, then part of the Iranian Empire of the Arcadia Parthen dynasty. Mani himself was of Persian descent and belonged to the Arshad rulers. Most were followers of the Iranian religion, but Mani was trained in the Christian sect. This revelation was revealed at the age of twelve. He was twenty years old when he started a new faith.

Initially, he did not succeed in his homeland. He went to northwest India. Where he succeeded in making an ally of a local ruler.
In 242 he returned to Iran. He was accompanied by King Shaver I and a large audience. Although the king disagreed, he was impressed and allowed her to preach in the Iranian Empire.

This Iranian empire was once called the Sassanid Empire, but then in 226 this new dynasty was established). Over the next thirty years, under the rule of Chevrolet and Harvard Mazda I, Mani gathered a large number of followers without interruption. During this period, missionary groups were sent abroad. However, Mani's success aroused the hatred of Zoroastrian priests.

Zoroastrianism became the official religion during the imperial period. Around 276, after the accession of a new king, Bahram I, Mani was arrested and imprisoned. Where he died after suffering for twenty-six days.

Mani has written several books in his life. One is in Persian and the rest is Syriac (Aramaic-like Semitic language of Jesus' t

Do not accept these books as religious scriptures. After the abolition of this religion, these scriptures also disappeared. However, some of them were discovered in the twentieth century.

From the beginning, this religion had the power to make people believe in it. In his lifetime, followers of the Holy Prophet were born from India to Europe. After his death, the religion spread, even to Spain in the west and China in the east.

It gained popularity in the West in the fourth century AD when it became a major rival to Christianity (St. Augustine himself remained a follower of Manichaeism for years). But after Christianity became the official religion of the Roman Empire, the followers of Manichaeism were brutally murdered. By 600, it was almost extinct in the West.
At that time it was very popular in Mesopotamia and Iran.

From there it spread to Central Asia, Turkestan, and western China. By the end of the eighth century, it had become the official religion of the Uighurs, whose territories included western China and Mongolia. 

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