Mohandas Gandh

Mohandas Gandh

Mohandas Please Gandhi was an extraordinary leader of the movement for an independent India. On this basis, many people expressed the view that his name should be included in the list of great personalities. It must be borne in mind that sooner or later the independence of England would have been necessary. In view of the strength of all these historical factors which were at the forefront of the defeat of the colonial system, today we can guess that if it were not for Gandhi, India would have become independent in 1947.
 It is true that Gandhi's plan of peaceful government disobedience was one of the main factors in forcing the British to leave the country. It has been suggested that if the Indians had used more forceful tactics, the process of independence would have been accelerated.
 (to be continued)

 Since it is difficult to decide whether Gandhi accelerated or diminished the Indian independence process as a whole, we can, of course, speculate that the effects of his (at least in this regard) efforts were very limited.

 The point is also made that Gandhi was not the leader of the Indian independence movement. (The Indian National Congress was formed in 1885) nor was he one of the most prominent political leaders when the partition process was completed.
 It can be said that Gandhi's main importance was his insistence on the policy of non-violence. His ideas were not really his own.

 He himself said at one point that these were borrowed from Thurio Tolstoy and the New Testament and several Hindi writings. There is no doubt, however, that if Gandhi's policies had gained global acceptance, they could have changed the world. Unfortunately, even in India, they did not pass. 55. This policy was adopted in 1954 to persuade the Portuguese to relinquish control of Goa.
 The movement failed. A few years later, the Indian government finally invaded. In the last 40 years, India has fought three border wars with Pakistan and one with China. Other countries are also reluctant to adopt Gandhi's policies. In the eight years since these policies came to light, the history of the world has endured two bloody wars.

 So isn't the conclusion correct that Gandhi failed completely as a philosopher?
 This is more clearly understood in modern times. It is also important to note that forty years after Jesus' death, every conscious and informed Roman would have come to the same conclusion that Jesus failed. Even if he carefully considered all of Jesus' thoughts. Nor could anyone have predicted in 450 BC that Confucius would prove to be such an influential figure.

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