The great and incomparable deeds of Hazrat Abu Bakr's caliphate

The great and incomparable deeds of Hazrat Abu Bakr's caliphate

His name is Abdullah, his surname is Abu Bakr and his title is Siddiq. His father's name was Qahafa. 
 He belonged to the Bani Tamim branch of the Quraysh tribe. From the sixth generation, his family goes back to the Holy Prophet Muhammad. His family was highly esteemed from the time of Jahiliyyah, and in the early and evolutionary periods of Islam, he performed great services and sacrifices, the like of which could never be found before him and could not be found in the world to come. 

 Your family An example of the greatness of the Prophet is that in the political system of the Quraysh, the position of fidelity to the bloodshed was the responsibility of his family. Before Islam, Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiq's profession was trade. He was sane from the beginning, so even in the age of ignorance, his footsteps were completely free from common vices of Arab morality such as drinking, gambling, money, usury, dishonesty, hypocrisy, etc., and from that time onwards, his good character, The coin of righteousness, sincerity and seriousness was seated and in the honorable Makkah he was looked upon with great respect and reverence. He was almost a contemporary of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). Due to the uniformity and seriousness of nature, the two had a deep connection since childhood. Due to these connections, both were well acquainted with each other's character and morals. ۔ 

 Therefore, when the Prophet (peace be upon him) first called for Islam, Abu Bakr Siddiq confirmed it without any hesitation, without any doubt. After Musharraf converted to Islam, he became his right hand man in preaching Islam and sacrificed his life, wealth, honor and dignity in the way of God. Even on the battlefield, no other Companion could take away from him. On some occasions the entire property of the house was given in the way of God, when the Holy Prophet asked if he had left some for his family? So did Allah and His Messenger suffice for them? (Tirmidhi Manaqib Abi Bakr) The Islamic services of a Companion are not equal to his. 

 His short list is that the old people of Quraysh were the first to convert to Islam, they were the backbone of the Prophet (sws) in every stage of his life in the perilous and oppressed life of Makkah, they continued to accompany him in preaching Islam, where Akram would visit them, take them with him and introduce them to each other. The great Companions like Hazrat Uthman, Hazrat Zubair, Hazrat Abdul Rahman bin Awf, Hazrat Saad bin Abi Waqas, Hazrat Abu Ubaidah bin Jarrah and Hazrat Uthman bin Mazoon converted to Islam through his efforts. (Bukhari, Chapter on the Prophets and the Companions of the polytheists). Purpose At every stage from the beginning of Islam to the death of the Prophet, Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiq made a selfless companionship of the Holy Prophet. 

 His sacrifices had such an effect on him that he used to say, "In terms of life and property, I have no right except Abu Bakr." (Bukhari Chapter Virtues of Abi Bakr). In the life of the Holy Prophet, he was always his companion and companion. But the real test began after the demise of Noor. The demise of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) from this world was such a great shock to him that the mountain collapsed so that there was no sign of patience in the face of this catastrophe, but even then he had to bear the responsibility of the Khilafah. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) was still going through a period of great sorrow and grief and the burial of the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) had not even taken place. If we take a closer look, the real struggle of Abu Bakr Siddiq started after the demise of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) from this world, because while living in the company of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) That's fine - this is a great thing to do, but it's important to keep up the good content, and keep up the good content, and keep up the good content. 

 The first difficulty that arose after the demise of the Beloved of God has been summed up in history as Saqifa Bani Sa'ida. The group of hypocrites in Madinah, whose motto was to spread Islam in the guise of friendship, was always present and at every opportunity they were showing anti-Islamic sentiments. Since the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) did not nominate anyone as his successor, after the death of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) this group got a chance to provoke sedition. Therefore, after his death, the issue of his succession was raised by the conspiracy of the hypocrites even before the funeral and burial, and the Ansar gathered in Saqifa bin Sa'ida and claimed succession. 

 This issue was raised at such a critical time that if it was not rectified immediately, a very critical situation would have arisen. But Hazrat Abu Bakr was informed about this in time and he immediately reached Saqifa Bani Sa'ida with Hazrat Umar and Amin Al-Ummah Hazrat Abu Ubaidah bin Jarrah. When he saw here, the other flower was open. He should have a share in it and his party along with the Quraysh should have an Ameer Naib-ul-Rasool, but the consequences of having two successors for one person are very clear, so accepting this situation means destroying the Islamic system Had to It was possible that only the Ansaris could get this position but there was a problem that first the Quraysh themselves could not bow down to any other family except the Quraysh and then the other Arab tribes. 

 Then there were two rival factions among the Ansar, Aws and Khazaj. Whichever of them was given this position, the other would not accept it, and then as a result, the battle between Aws and Khazaj was ended through the Moakhat of Madinah He would have been born again and thus a new riot would have taken place in the Islamic state and the Islamic revolution would have been in disarray.
 On this critical occasion, Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiq, acting with great gentleness and patience, explained to the Ansar and delivered this influential speech, “I do not deny your virtues and virtues and your Islamic services, except for the Arabs and the Quraysh. And if they cannot accept the leadership of a family, then the Muhajireen are more deserving of your succession because of their precedence in Islam and their family relationship with the Prophet. These are Abu Ubaidah and Umar ibn al-Khattab. Take the oath of allegiance from whichever of them you wish. Upon hearing this, Umar shook hands with Abu Bakr and said, "You are the eldest of us all, the best of us all and the closest to the Messenger of Allah, so we swear allegiance to you.

" ۔ (Bukhari vol. 1, p. 518) The personality of Hazrat Abu Bakr was so respected in every community that no one could object to this choice. Thus, with the pledge of allegiance of Hazrat Umar, the Muslims broke down for the pledge of allegiance and survived a great revolution in the speech of Abu Bakr and the advance of Hazrat Umar in the pledge of allegiance. On the second day, a general pledge of allegiance was taken in the Prophet's Mosque and in Rabi-ul-Awal 11 AH, Hazrat Abu Bakr was able to establish the Khilafah. After the general pledge of allegiance, he delivered the following speech: "Logo! I have been made ruler over you, although I am not better than your congregation. If I do good, obey me, and if I do evil, straighten it. Truth is trust and falsehood is betrayal. Your weak person is also strong in my opinion until I give him his right from others and your strong person is also weak in my opinion until I get the right of others from him. Remember! God humiliates a nation that abandons jihad for the sake of God, and God afflicts a nation where immorality spreads. If I obey God and His Messenger, then obey me and if I disobey them, then you do not have to obey me.

 ”(Tabqat Ibn Sa'd) Witness that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) had no personal intention or personal preference for the Khilafah. Today, some Muslim schools of thought say that Abu Bakr and Umar themselves were involved in the conspiracy in Saqifa, which is completely wrong and absolutely illegitimate. This heinous act is attributed to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) because he was there, but it is ignored that he was there to prevent fitna and not for the sake of joining. And he took over the Khilafah keeping in view the delicacy and seriousness of the times and not for personal pleasure. 

 And history bears witness to the fact that if the Nation of Islam had not found a leader like Siddiq Akbar in this critical time, the Shiraz of the Muslim Ummah would have been shattered and only a few of those who took the name of Islam would have remained, in some corner of the world. Had Islamic laws been followed in secret, Islam would not have spread in the world, as the world of Islam. After the establishment of the Khilafah, Abu Bakr faced difficulties. It is impossible to mention all of them. Some of them are mentioned below. After the death of the Holy Prophet, when he succeeded to the Khilafah, the Muhajireen and the Ansar surrendered. The great Umayyads, who believed in the conquest of Makkah, were stirring up tribal prejudice and racial arrogance, so Abu Sufyan came to Ali and said, "What is the rage of the smallest tribe of the Quraysh?" 

 How was man made caliph? O Ali! If you wish, I swear by God, I will fill this valley with riders and infantry. ” But Hazrat Ali replied, “O Abu Sufyan! You have been hostile to Islam and the people of Islam all your life, but your enmity has not harmed Islam or the people of Islam. We consider Abu Bakr important for this position. " (Siddiq-e-Akbar by Maulana Syed Ahmad Allahabadi) That is, there were elements among the Muslims who wanted to spread the unity of the Muslims. Had to After the unveiling of the Holy Prophet, a vacuum was created which was impossible to fill. The believers themselves were suddenly disturbed by this accident. No one could believe this great accident. When the news reached the Arab tribes, the new Muslims began to deviate from the Bedouin Islam. Away from the center, tribal chiefs, realizing the golden opportunity to secede from the central government, began to consider abstinence. 
 According to some traditions, apostasy was being prepared in Makkah and Taif. One group of apostates did not deviate from Islam outright, but they refused to pay Zakat. They used to claim that according to Rabbani's saying, It was in the blessed life of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) that the Christian conflict in Syria began. In the Battle of Mota and the Battle of Tabuk, the Christians had assessed the splendor of Islam, but their aggressive intentions had not yet been thwarted by the backing and support of the Roman Empire. He sent an army headed by Osama bin Zayd to Syria to exploit this fitna, but the army returned after hearing the news of the demise of the Prophet. The short mountain of misery and problems that stood before the eyes of the Caliph Rasool and if all these were not remedied in time, Islam would not have spread in general.

 Hazrat Abdullah bin Masood states that "After the demise of the Holy Prophet (saw), we Muslims faced such a situation that if Allah Almighty had not given us Abu Bakr, we would have perished." Hazrat Ayesha says that "the Messenger of God passed away and such calamities and calamities befell my father that if those calamities had fallen on the big strong mountains, those mountains would have crumbled." But in spite of the grief of the separation of a companion like the Holy Prophet (sws), he united all his determination and perseverance and used all his abilities not only to fight with a smile but also to uproot them. The army which Hazrat Akram had sent to quell the revolt in Syria under the leadership of Hazrat Osama had returned from Jurf after hearing the news of the demise of Hazrat Rasool. Hazrat Abu Bakr was the first to want the departure of this army. Since Madinah was under the control of the rebels, the opinion of some of the Companions was that the departure of this army should be postponed for the time being. It was also said that the wives of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) are purified in Madinah, 

so Madinah should not be emptied of refugees for the sake of their safety. May Allah reward Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiq (Amen). It was his honor. He said, “With such a departure of armies, if I am sure that Madinah will be empty and I will be left here alone, the beast of the Holy Prophet. Even if the spouses drag the corpses of the purified ones in the streets of Madinah, I will not give up my resolve. ” After this, Hazrat Omar Farooq said at the behest of the Ansar, "If you have already decided to send an army, then there are experienced and mature companions in this army. You should appoint someone other than Osama as the Amir of the army." He said,

 “Then he said angrily,“ O son of Khattab! Abu Bakr has no chance to change the person who has been appointed by the Amir of the Holy Prophet. On hearing this, all the Companions were satisfied and the army led by Osama set out for Syria. Hazrat Abu Bakr sent him away with the honor that Hazrat Osama was riding a horse and Hazrat Abu Bakr was walking with him, giving instructions. Upon hearing this, Hazrat Osama said, “O Amir al-mu'minin! I am ashamed that I am riding and you are walking. Either you ride or I walk too. ” Upon this, Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiq said: “No, you will ride and I will walk because I had heard from the Holy Prophet that if one person goes in the way of Allah Almighty and the other person follows him to follow him. If he goes a little farther, he will get seven hundred virtues with every step he takes. That is why I need to attain virtue in the way of Allah. ” Hazrat Osama provided proof of his excellent military capabilities on the battlefield. 

 The Syrians had to face the humiliation of defeat. He returned to Madinah with a large number of booty and prisoners of war and Siddiq Akbar came out of Madinah to receive him. Lashkar-e-Osama had a spectacular effect on the tribes who were planning to attack Madinah. He felt that the Muslims had immense military power or that military action could not be taken against the Roman Empire. Before the departure of Lashkar-e-Osama, the danger of attack by the Christians was so great that once Atban ibn Malik once said to Hazrat Umar: "I am angry." Hazrat Umar asked in annoyance, "What happened?" Christians have come? "That is, the world was just attacked, just attacked. But the Christians were so intimidated by Osama's campaign that according to Ibn Asakar's statement, Caesar Rome, addressing a gathering of priests, said, “Look! These are the people I used to warn you about, but you did not know. You see the courage of these Arabs who come at a distance of a month and raid you and go back safe and sound at the same time. ” This army of seven thousand, which passed by the apostate tribe, became Muslim again after seeing the glory of the Islamic army. The departure of Osama bin Zayd's army is a shining example of Siddiq Akbar's passion for following the Prophet. Commenting on the incident, the Christian author of the Encyclopedia writes: "The Prophet of Islam realized that the Arab tribes could not be at peace unless the expeditions were sent to Syria." Abu Bakr Siddiq was aware of its political significance. 

 That is why, in spite of great dangers and fierce opposition, they sent a large army under the leadership of Osama bin Laden. " The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) was about to leave the world when a storm of revolt broke out all over Arabia with such force that the walls of the building of Islam shook and the Companions were trapped in it. According to a narrator in the history of Tabari, "The condition of the Muslims at that time was like that of a goat standing on a rainy winter night." Those who lined up against apostates, rebels or Muslims were mostly neo-Muslims who converted to Islam out of greed or pressure, but Islam had not yet taken root in their hearts. On this basis, Professor Bhatti writes:

 “The fact that lack of resources, lack of regular organization of preachers and lack of time were the reasons why more than one third of the Arabian Peninsula Muslims in the life of the Prophet of Islam. Could not The Hijaz itself, which was the center of the Prophet's activities, had become a full-fledged Muslim a year or two before his death. Two delegations came to the service of the Prophet of Islam, they could not be called the spokesman of the whole of Arabia. The status of a delegation being a Muslim was nothing more than the fact that the chiefs of this tribe converted to Islam. ”The banner of Islam was raised and due to successive victories, it set foot in Hijaz when it was firmly established and Madinah When a powerful Islamic state was established, Iran and Rome became concerned. Therefore, they incited the Arab tribes, who were their vassals and benefactors, against Islam and eventually persuaded them to revolt. 

 The battle of Mota was organized by the Holy Prophet to suppress these people. The real purpose of this campaign had not yet been achieved when the Prophet (peace be upon him) perished and the material of the anti-Islamic rhetoric that was brewing inside him suddenly erupted in the form of a volcano of rebellion. It took determination to put out the fire of sedition. Hazrat Abu Bakr was waiting for Lashkar-e-Osama. As soon as the victorious army returned, he formed eleven detachments to suppress the rebellious tribes, which are as follows: 

  •  1 ... Amir Lashkar sent Hazrat Khalid bin Waleed to suppress Malik bin Nawra after the repression of Taliha. 
  •  2 ... Hazrat Ikrimah bin Abi Jahl was sent against Hazrat Saleema Kadhab.
  •  3 ... He sent Hazrat Sharjeel bin Hasna to help Hazrat Ikrimah and then to suppress the death of Hafarmahut. 
  •  4 ... He sent Hazrat Amr bin Al-Aas to suppress the apostates. 
  •  5. Hazrat Khalid bin Al-Aas was sent to suppress the apostates of the Syrian border. 
  •  6 ... Hazrat Hudhaifah bin Muhsin was sent to suppress the apostate Raba. 
  •  7 ... He sent Hazrat Tarifa bin Hatir to suppress the apostates of Banu Muslim and Banu Hawazan. 
  • 8 ... Hazrat Mureed bin Maqoon was sent to suppress the people of Yemen. 
  •  9- Hazrat Ala Hazrat was sent to suppress the apostates of Bahrain. 
  •  10 ... He sent Hazrat Arfajah bin Hartamah to suppress the apostates of Mehra. 
  •  11 Hazrat Muhajir bin Umayyah was commissioned to suppress the feet of Aswad Ansari. (Fifty Companions by Talib Hashmi) Before the departure of these armies, Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiq sent a general proclamation through messengers to all the apostate tribes promising them that if they refrained from rebellion and the rules of Islam They will not be attacked. In the same way, give different instructions to each commander when you go. Three days and three nights passed in Madinah Manoah in such a way that no man was present in the city except women and children.

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