The great Sufi poet Shah Abdul Latif Bhattai

The great Sufi poet Shah Abdul Latif Bhattai

Shah Latif's shrine is located at a distance of about two hundred kilometres from Karachi, where the series of hearings that began in his life has been going on uninterruptedly every day for the last three hundred years. His wedding is celebrated every year on 14 Safar Al-Muzaffar. Shah Abdul Latif Bhattai was a great Sufi poet of Sindh, who spread the message of Allah and His Messenger through his system of words. The series of hearings that started in his life has been going on at his shrine for the last three hundred years. Continues without a hitch.

 His poetry collection "Shah Jo Risalo" has gained worldwide acclaim
 Shah Abdul Latif Bhattai was happily born in 1689, 1101 AH in the mansion of Hala tehsil of Matiari district. His ancestors belonged to the Sadat family. Their lineage goes back to Al-Rasool. Shah Latif's father Habib was known as Shah Habib. His ancestors belonged to the province of Herat in Afghanistan. Syed Haider Shah, an elder of the family, came to Sindh and became a guest of Shah Muhammad, a landlord in the Halla area. Shah Mohammad served him in such a way that the temporary way of life changed into a relationship.

 He was so impressed with the personality of Syed Haider Shah that a few days later he married his daughter Fatima to him. Syed Haider Shah stayed in Hala for three years and then returned to Herat after hearing the news of his father's death. He also died three years after his father's death. After the death of Syed Sahib, his wife gave birth to a child named Mir Ali. Among the descendants of Mir Ali were born the great Sahib Kamal Buzurg, among whom, besides Shah Abdul Latif Bhattai, Shah Abdul Karim Balriwar, Syed Hashim and Syed Jalal are particularly noteworthy.
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 From Syed Mir Ali's family was Syed Habibullah, who had three marriages, but was deprived of the blessing of children. He mentioned his deprivation to Abdul Latif, the perfect elder of the time, and asked him for prayers. He listened to the plea of ​​Habibullah and prayed to him and assured him that Allah Almighty will soon give you male children, naming him Abdul Latif after me, it will be the only job by the command of Allah. Sometime later, his first wife gave birth to a son. Shah Habib named him Abdul Latif as per the instructions of the said elder, but he died in infancy. A few years later, she gave birth to another child. Habibullah also named him Abdul Latif. These sons of his proved to be perfect according to the predictions of the elders and their city became known all over the world. A few days after the birth of Shah Abdul Latif Bhattai, his father left his native village and started living in Kotri. At the age of five, Shah Latif was sent to Akhund Noor Muhammad's seminary to acquire knowledge. But he refused to read the words "B" and beyond "A". Seeing this situation, his credentials Akhund Noor Mohammad called Shah Habib. 

 He said that this child is aware of the oneness of Allah, so he is not ready to recite any word from A to Allah. Shah Abdul Latif had a deep instinct for Sindhi language and he mastered it. He had access to the spirituality inherited from his father but due to a happy accident, he fell in love with the virtual three For years he continued to sift the dust of deserts and forests and reached Thatta in the same world. There he met a Sufi saint Muhammad Moin Thattavi. He created in his heart the spirit of worship of God, devotion to austerities, love of saints, obedience to parents, service to humanity. The same spirit presented Shah Sahib in the service of his father. When he met his father, he was very happy. Discussions about the spirituality of Shah Latif became common in Hala and a large number of people started joining his intentions. Later, he got married to the same girl whose love led him to the Thatta monastery. 

After the marriage, the followers of Shah Abdul Latif Bhattai gave him the title of "Taj Al-Makhdorat". He chose a quiet and peaceful place for his residence, where there were high mounds. In Sindhi language, it is called "Bhat" mound, that is why this place was named Bhat Shah. Shah Sahib's hard work turned the mounds of mud and stones into a beautiful settlement. During his stay there, he promoted Sindhi language and literature. He was fond of poetry and worked for the development and promotion of Sindhi language through his poetry. Shah Abdul Latif Bhattai used the words from Qur'an and Hadith in his speech but translated it into his mother tongue. 

 Mystic imagination is characteristic of Shah's speech, his poetry includes simplicity and selfless sincerity. Shah Latif was very pious and pious. He had nothing to do with worldly pleasures. He spent his whole life in worship and austerities. He has given ethics cadres everywhere in his system of speech. The systematic history of Sindh has also been summed up in "Shah Jo Risalo". He was a great Sufi poet, he narrated the facts in the form of allegory and all the characters he portrayed belong to the mainland of Sindh. At the time when Shah Latif was born, Persian was prevalent in the subcontinent and Sindh The region was also affected by this, but Shah Bhattai considered the Sindhi language instead of Persian as important for the identification of the Sindh land, and by writing poetry in the same language gave the Sindhi language a new status. Shah Abdul Latif Bhattai's system consists of 30 chapters and in each chapter, there is recognition of the sanctity and greatness of women. The chapters in the magazine are called "Shah Jo Sar". 

 Thus, Shah Jursalo is based on thirty suras. The names of all the chapters of poetry in Shah Bhattai's magazine are attributed to women. The heroines of his poetry are women. Sasi, Mari, Momal, Sohni, Noori, these are all the characters he has commanded by describing in his poetry. He has chosen women to express his words instead of men, in order to make the society realize that a woman who is considered as an inferior creature in our society also has a high and lofty position. Hashim Faqir, Bilal Faqir and Temar Faqir are well known in this regard. Temar Faqir penned his poems and thoughts and named them "Ganj Shah Latif" meaning "Treasure of Shah Latif". 

 His maid Mai Nemat also assisted him in this work. This manuscript was preserved in the possession of the heirs of Temer Faqir, which is still present in the Bhitshah Museum. A century after the demise of Shah Sahib, a German intellectual Dr. Appointed by the British Government in Sindh. He was fluent in European languages ​​as well as Sindhi, Punjabi, Brohi and Pashto. Shah Latif's words, sung in the voices of jogis and singers, enchanted him. During his stay in Hyderabad, he copied Ganj Shah Latif and after his retirement he took it to Germany and published it from Leipzig in Leipzig, calling it the "Message of the King". Immediately after its publication, Elsa Qazi, the German wife of Allama II Qazi, published its English translation. It was only after the publication of Shah Latif's collection of Kalam in Germany that it became known to the whole world that "Shah Jo Risalo" "He is a great literary masterpiece that can be rightly presented in the world of literature. 

 A manuscript is also preserved in the British Museum. Shah Jo Risalo was translated from Sindhi into Urdu by renowned poet Sheikh Ayaz and assisted in this work by Prof. Afaq Siddiqui. Shah Abdul Latif Bhattai from Academy of Literature Pakistan and The Shah Abdul Latif Bhattai and Sufism Awards were launched for the best books written on Sufism. Shah Abdul Latif Bhattai was very keen on "Samaa". 

 The subcontinent was completely unfamiliar with the style of singing. You had different names for the heads of the singers, these tones are divided into stories, and behind each story is "Y" which is Abdul Latif's own invention, its form is similar to ghazal. Sassi's painful voices are heard in "Sur Hussaini", similarly Shah Sahib has highlighted Marvi as a symbol of love for the country. Shah Bhattai used to sit on the hill and engage in divine prayers and compile his mystical words. There was also a canal flowing near it. Look at the perfection of art. King Abdul Latif Bhattai discovered the melody of music by listening to the noise or sounds of its water and invented a musical instrument which is called "Tambur". Singers or jogs sing only on the tambourine, and no other musical instrument is used.

Shah Abdul Latif Bhattai died on 14 Safar 1165 AH in 1752 AD. According to his will, he was buried in Bhatshah.

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