Unit 04 Population Growth and its Impact On Environment”

Unit 04 Population Growth and its Impact On Environment”

"Population Growth and its Impact On Environment"

A. Answer the following questions.
Class 10 English Notes

Q1. Why is there no single and easy solution to the problem of population growth and its impact on the environment?
Ans: There is no single and easy solution to the problem of population growth and its impact on the environment because this problem is very complicated. To solve this problem all options should be utilized including awareness campaigns, re-assessment of consumption patterns, recycling of waste and less use of resources.

Q2: How is the carrying capacity of earth affected?
Ans: The carrying capacity of the earth is affected by overpopulation. Earth has the carrying capacity of 500 million to one trillion humans, but it has limited resources so, it is not able to support such a large number of people.

Q3: Why does population growth directly affect the environment?
Ans: Population growth has a direct impact on the environment. An increase in population means an increase in the consumption of resources and production of more waste materials, water and air pollution.

Note: Q4,5 and 6, have been skipped.

B. Choose the correct option.
Ans1: (a) Enormous 2. (a) Fact 3. (a) Released
4. (b) The maximum population size of the species that the environment can sustain
5. (c) Poor, developing and advanced nations.

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