Unit 05 “The Great Masjid of Cordoba & Iqbal” Class 10 Notes

Unit 05 “The Great Masjid of Cordoba & Iqbal”

Unit 05 “The Great Masjid of Cordoba & Iqbal”

A. Answer the following questions.

Q1: Where did Abdur Rehman 1 import fruit trees & other plants from? Why?
Ans: Abdur Rehman 1 imported fruit trees & other plants from Damascus to Cordoba because he wanted to make Cordoba a glorious place.

Q2: What can we achieve again if we enkindle in ourselves the master passion (Ishq)?
Ans: We can achieve the past glory & greatness, if we enkindle in ourselves the passion of Ishq.

Q3: What is the view of Iqbal about the Masjid of Cordoba? Explain
Ans: The view of Iqbal about the Masjid of Cordoba is that the Masjid Cordoba is a symbol of faith and dominance of Islamic civilization in Europe. The existence of Masjid is due to Ishq and its foundations are everlasting.

Q4: What, in your opinion, is the significance of the Masjid of Cordoba to present-day Muslims? Explain.
Ans: The Masjid Cordoba is a symbol of past glory & greatness of the Muslims & their dominance over Europe. It takes us to the golden age of Islam which provided enlightenment to the dark ages of Europe.

Q5: Why did Iqbal greatly appreciated a faraway Masjid in Spain, when there were superb buildings of the Muslim era in sub-continent?
Ans: Iqbal greatly appreciated the great Masjid of Cordoba to tell the present-day Muslims the glory, strength & greatness of Muslims and Islam in Europe. The Masjid is the outstanding symbol of faith and also the finest work of Muslim Art.

B. Choose the correct option.
1.(c) Christians 2.(c) Exalted state of moral and spiritual character
3.(b) Metaphor 4.(d) Skillful 5.(b)The glory of Muslims rule in Spain.


A. Choose the correct type of adjectives to fill in the blanks.
1.(c) Demonstrative adjective 2.(b) Indefinite adjective
3.(c) Demonstrative adjective 4.(a) An adjective that modifies the pronoun 
5.(a) ) An adjective that modifies the pronoun

D. Use the nouns given in parenthesis to form adjectives.
  1.  I wish I had (magic)……….. powers.   (Magical)
  2.  My sister is (allergy)…….. to cats.       (Allergic)
  3.  That bird has a (love)…… voice.          (Lovely)
  4.  Akram has a (Friend)……. Relationship with his customers.  (Friendly)
  5.  The project has been brought to a (success)……… conclusion. (Successful)

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