6 September 1965 and today's conditions

6 September 1965 and today's conditions

This war did not start suddenly and overnight.  India's border violations since April were the result of its global conspiracies.  The global political situation was not in our favor.  European countries had put all their weight in favor of India because of Pak-China friendship.
 An environment was created in which it became extremely difficult to defend Pakistan.  We had 4 weeks and India had 12 weeks of military equipment.

 India knew that Pakistan lacked arms.  Weapons were also severely restricted.  The United States has banned the use of weapons in the war against India.

 First of all, we should not have taken up arms on these terms because we were not enemies of China at all and there was no possibility of war with any other country.  The conditions were unacceptable.  However, a world leader told former Foreign Minister Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto that he had no weapons and that the war was not fought empty-handed.

 Bhutto had said, "We and our army will fight in defense of the homeland till the last drop of blood. When the ammunition runs out, we will continue the war with sticks, poles, and stones."  If it doesn't stay, we will work for hand in hand.  But the war of defense will never end. "

 Hundreds of letters and statements, including documents from the "Johnson Library", the Library of Congress, and other libraries named after former US President Johnson, secret documents, the journal Foreign Policy, have been used in writing this article.  This story is theirs, just my words.  Let's read

 In 1963, Chou En-lai visited Pakistan and the whole world politics turned upside down.  Pakistan's allies stood in the line of opposition and India's opponents began to appear behind India as they do today.

 As soon as Chou En-lai's visit to Pakistan came to an end, the United States agreed to a five-year defense agreement with India and to help build a supersonic fighter jet.

 At the same time, the United States "directed" Britain to help India.  At the behest of the US, the UK also extended a helping hand to stabilize India's defense industry.

 At the behest of former President Johnson, the Rolls-Royce car company also began considering setting up a plant abroad for Indian fighter jets.

 The engines of these cars could be used in India's HF24 supersonic fighter jets.  As early as February 1964, the United States was aware of India's nuclear capabilities.

 India had the capability to build an atomic bomb in 4 to 6 months with the help of European nuclear cooperation.  The United States had provided heavy water to India, but according to the United States, this heavy water is very safe and the United States is monitoring its use.  The Tarapur nuclear plant was set up with the help of the United States.

 On February 25, the United States said General Adams would visit the region to review Pak-India tensions, while the United States would also seek a report from Hong Kong to review Pak-China relations.

 It was also revealed that the United States had announced an immediate increase in military aid to India.  "We are ready to provide 70 700 million in military and economic aid but will not make Ayub stronger than Nehru because India is facing a governance crisis," he said.

 If India breaks up, we will also suffer.  If India becomes a communist country, it will be another evil like China.  Even if India lives in the Soviet bloc, it is not acceptable to us. "

 The United States cut off all military and civilian aid to Pakistan as soon as it shared military plans with India.  The United States asked the consortium, including the World Bank, Germany and the United Kingdom, to suspend aid to Pakistan, which the consortium adjourned.

 The United States has made all international aid to Pakistan subject to the approval of the US Congress.  The US Congress was scheduled to convene in August 1965.  The same consortium providing aid to Pakistan set the date of the meeting as September 27, 1965.

 India's nuclear scientist Dr Bhabha and former Prime Minister Lal Bahadur Shastri have threatened to build hundreds of atomic bombs in two years in front of US leaders over Dinke's injury.

 But US leaders listened quietly because everyone, including the Pentagon, the State Department, the CIA and the National Security Affairs, had nothing to do but humiliate Pakistan.

 He had to pay the price for Pak-China friendship.  We are building state-of-the-art weapons that helped us defeat India.

 The situation on the Pak-India border in 1965 was more or less the same as we are seeing today.  Every day, India used to target the civilian population by shelling on one front or the other.

 Each time he got a clear answer, but still his fighting spirit did not cool down and a few days later he would start shelling again.  One day he entered the plane within the borders of Pakistan.  This was the last day of India's peace. On this day, the Pakistan Air Force took off the Indian warplanes and killed them.

 Just as Pakistan destroyed India's peace by detaining Abhinandan, so too in 1965 it destroyed airports like Halwara, Adampur and Pathankot, shattering the dream of regional supremacy.

 India had started moving near Pakistan's border posts since 1964. The atmosphere was tense.  The United States, Russia and China have been closely monitoring the situation.

 China's statements were in favor of Pakistan, but both the United States, Russia and China were watching.  On the US radar, China was more suspicious than Russia, while China's eyes were on Washington and Moscow.

 The former Soviet Union was ready to play a new game in Southeast Asia after signing a defense agreement with India.  The purpose of this triangle of US, Russia and India was to put occupied Kashmir behind them forever, nothing but to make India a regional police force.

 On January 8, 1964, Pakistan's Ambassador Ghulam Ahmed met with US State Department officials and briefed them on the movement of Indian troops near Pakistani Kashmir and the border line.

 It is alleged that the bomber struck shortly after noon in front of a U.S. military base.  The Pakistani ambassador reminded the United States that under the October 1963 agreement, "the United States is committed to assisting Pakistan in the event of any war."

 Seto and Santo were also cited in this regard.  Talks were held between US Under Secretary Ball and Bhutto on the same subject.  US leader Talbot assured Pakistan that the United States was committed to implementing the agreement reached on January 24, 1957 and that there had been no change in the foreign policy of other countries. But in practice, the talks failed.

 In the Lok Sabha, the bitterness in the lips and accent of the Indian leader was a sign of tension in the region.  The debate in the Lok Sabha was a wake-up call for the Kashmiri and Pakistani people.

 Some leaders had bluntly threatened to devour Pakistan, to which the Pakistani ambassador objected to the US government, then US General Taylor contacted Ayub Khan.

 General Taylor assured Ayub Khan that "we stand by our position".  After the telephone conversation, General Taylor visited Pakistan in the second week of January, where he presented a five-year program of cooperation with Pakistan.  The US administration had submitted a similar plan to India.

 Riots in Narainganj and Dhaka fueled the fire.  After the martyrdom of 175 Muslims in Calcutta, more than 20,000 Muslims entered the former East Pakistan in the first phase.

 This was exactly the situation in 1971.  In 1971, India also invaded West Pakistan under the pretext of the arrival of East Pakistanis.

 However, India had made life difficult for Muslims in Assam and Bengal.  As bad as the situation is in Assam today, 3.4 million Muslims are being deprived of citizenship.

 Former President Ayub Khan had demanded an end to the martyrdom and evacuation of Muslims in Assam and West Bengal.  The former East Pakistan was also home to about 10 million Hindus with the aim of destabilizing the situation in several places, including Dhaka, Rajshahi, Sylhet and Narainganj.

 In 1964, India shelled Chaknot Sector and Poonch Sector.  On the deteriorating situation, Pakistan convened a meeting of the UN Security Council on 19 January 1964.  Like Donald Trump, the United States and Britain offered to mediate.  But like today, India rejected.

 Despite the offer of mediation, the US attitude towards Pakistan was getting colder.  In the winter and spring of 1962, in the discussions at the UN Security Council, the United States fully supported Pakistan.

 But in 1964, American warmth was somewhat over.  About the same time, a letter from the Foreign Office's executive secretary, Macizon, surfaced.  He wrote: "Ayub Khan is getting stronger with the continued support of the United States. He feels energetic and powerful to deal with India. He is beginning to see himself as powerful in the case of India, so show some coolness.  Should''.

 The US State Department's ambassador and several other officials were also threatening the US administration in Southeast Asia with China.  The purpose of these officers was to convince them that with the help of Pakistan, China would become the Chaudhry of the region.  The United States has a responsibility to help India counteract China's influence.

 According to US experts, Pakistan was joining the Chinese bloc.  Realizing the US point of view, Pakistan made it clear that there was no change in Pakistan's foreign policy.

 Bhutto also assured on November 29, 1964 that President Ayub Khan had ordered me to convey to him (President Johnson) the message that you should free yourself from the worry that Pakistan would never change its foreign policy.  ۔

 Shastri stressed that the Kashmir issue would never be resolved if the US continued to help Pakistan in the same way.  Under Indian pressure, the United States slowly began to retreat.

 The United States intervened on May 1 after the situation worsened.  After receiving an emergency message from President Johnson, there was a resurgence of negotiations on the Boundary Area.

 Pakistan Run agreed to ceasefire in Kachh.  But after India's clear refusal, the situation worsened.  The United States sent some of its officers to Pakistan and India for border inspections.

 The US general first arrived in Badin, where he inspected the transport of the 8th Division.  The US military also visited Indian territory.  India used American Rockles 6mm rifles in the shelling of Rajasthan sector.  Pakistan complained to the United States.  The bullet casings were presented to the American officer.

 The US official admitted that the weapons given to India to kill China have been used by India against friendly country Pakistan.  He failed to stop India from using these weapons against Pakistan.

 Vajpayee delivered a strong emotional speech in the Indian Parliament on the run-off and Rajasthan.  The speeches provided similar evidence that India has sent several brigades armed with American weapons to war with Pakistan.

 Prior to the 1965 war, India had also started arresting young men and women in occupied Kashmir as the war was intensifying in Azad Kashmir as well.

 It sounded like an alarm in Delhi's parliaments, echoing in the United States.  In order to push Pakistan back in occupied Kashmir, India shelled the Sulemanki sector.  On May 14, Canberra planes attempted to fly to Kharian.

 Pakistan protested internationally.  If Pakistan had shot down this plane, the war would have spread on the same day, then it would have been impossible to control it.  Immediately after the flight to Kharian, new orders were issued.  The army and air force were ordered to shoot down every Indian aircraft.  After that, the Indian army did not dare to violate Pakistani borders.

 On May 23, Indian Prime Minister Lal Bahadur Shastri wrote another letter to US President Johnson in which dozens of allegations were leveled against Pakistan.

 In response to Shastri's letter, the United States announced دینے 227 million for India and 1. 1.85 million for Pakistan.  India had brought its 4th Division attacking army at a distance of one hundred and fifty yards from the Pakistani border.  On May 16 and 17, the Indian Army launched a surprise attack in the Kargil sector.

 By June 6, the Indian Army was making a nefarious plan to infiltrate 20 to 25 miles west of Kargil.  After the Pakistani army thwarted the Indian attack, it entered Chamb within several miles.

 India once again slammed the use of American weapons.  "We have already taken steps to put pressure on Pakistan," said Robert Gomer of the National Security Council.  The supply of two squadrons of F-104 aircraft has been suspended for two years.  We are taking further steps which is causing bloodshed in Pakistan.  He used the phrase "Pakistan is bleeding".

 Patrolling was offered by neutral circles on the occasion which was rejected by Indian Prime Minister Shastri.  He said that Pakistan will consider if the run is empty.

 Shastri made world peace conditional on the full withdrawal of Pakistan in the run-up to Kachha even though the Boundary Commission had given these areas to Pakistan.  This entire sector of Pakistan would have become insecure after a full return from the run.  Our defensive depth would be lost.

 On September 1, Sardar Soren Singh spoke of invading Pakistan.  He said that attack on Pakistan was inevitable.  India closed all routes to occupied Kashmir.

 Overseas fire line was shelled.  On September 2, Foreign Secretary Rush Talbot and Vice Taylor, Admin Rubin, held emergency talks.

 "If there is a war, one million people will be killed," he said.  India wanted to evacuate the ceasefire line but trained people have entered occupied Kashmir.  India should respect ceasefire otherwise the road to Srinagar will be cut off.

 As a result, the run-off situation in Poonch Sector, Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir began to deteriorate further.  The United States has said it cannot control Indian and Pakistani tanks from 10,000 miles away.  There will be 2-3 thousand armed people in occupied Kashmir.

 By September 1, the war had intensified.  Pakistani troops had entered Indian territory several miles into the Tatwal, Uri and Poonch sectors, at which point India began chanting that Pakistan had sent more than 25,000 young men in civilian clothes to Kashmir, which the Indian Army  Are harming.

 But these allegations proved to be as baseless as they are today.  On September 1, Pakistan launched a major counter-attack called "Operation Grand Slam".  The aim was to seize Akhnoor and cut off India's supply line.

 All preparations were made for this.  President Ayub Khan was well aware that if India faced major setbacks in one or two areas, its back would be broken and it would come to the negotiating table on the same day.

 That is why by the afternoon of September 1, Chhamb sector was hit by heavy artillery shelling.  The war was taking place in Indian territory.  The Pakistan Army had secured Pakistan's borders in every way.

 India got a surprise there too.  Armed with state-of-the-art tanks and other weapons, the armed forces were stunned and Pakistan achieved tremendous success in the Chhamb skater.

 So the very next day, India threw the Indian Air Force into the fire of war to launch a full-scale attack on Pakistan.  Here, too, many surprises were ready for him.

 Indian planes tried to enter Azad Kashmir and Punjab but even here our Mujahideen were waiting for them.  The attack has already been foiled.

 Now comes September 6th

 The Indian government ordered Major General Naran Jan Prasad, who fought in World War II in Bokhlahat, to launch a full-scale attack on Pakistan.  They attacked us in the dark of seven nights of their 15th Infantry Division, but they were also surprised here.

 The children of the country stood with their army like a plywood wall.  India had so much confidence in the former general of World War II that he was thinking of having evening tea in our gym.

 Like Abhinandan, we can give tea to Hindus in captivity, but not in the gym.  Anyway our bureaucrats never allowed us to have tea there, how could they allow Hindus to enter there.

 He thought that in half an hour he would cross the BRB and have fun in Lahore because he had heard that he who had not seen Lahore had not seen anything.

 In Lahore, the Pakistan Army retaliated against the attacking convoy of the Major General who wanted to drink tea.  Our attack was so severe that the Indian general left his convoy and fled for his life.

 For weeks no one knew where they were.  Meanwhile, the Pak army also captured Khemkarna.  Batapur area in Lahore became a graveyard of Bhati army.  A similar story was repeated in every sector.

 The story of the Indian defeat from September 6 to September 17

 It is generally said that in Pakistan and India only Kashmir is the incomplete agenda of Tehreek-e-Pakistan and establishment of Pakistan.  But other than that, many areas were handed over to India by Mountbatten on the spot, which has been causing differences since the time of Hazrat Quaid-e-Azam and then Liaquat Ali Khan.

 These included the run-off area.  The part that Pakistan should have got, Mountbatten also gave to India.  In 1956, India tried to seize more territory in the Run of Kuchh which was thwarted by Pakistan.

 In 1965, realizing India's intentions, Pakistan pushed back India by increasing its military operations and thwarted its ambitions.

 On April 8, 1965, India resumed shelling, to which it was met with a resounding response.  Later, India again approached the international community and the United Kingdom and appealed to them to intervene.

 Reacting to India's call for help, British Prime Minister Harold Wilson urged the two countries to agree on a formula instead of escalating the war.

 On his advice, the two countries agreed to set up a tribunal.  Both countries agreed that whatever the tribunal decides on territorial boundaries would be recognized by both countries.  The tribunal ceded an area of ​​910 km to Pakistan.  Pakistan accepted the decision, but India kept making noise.

 On August 5, 1965, India once again tried to look down on Pakistan and shelled some areas.  Taking the initiative, he tried to enter our area, but the Pak army pushed him several kilometers away.

 The Pakistan Army chewed the cud in the Tatwal, Uri and Poonch sectors.  Meanwhile, India tried to attack Haji Pir Pass in Kashmir, in response to which the Pakistan Army also launched Operation Grand Slam on September 1.

 The shelling started at 3.30 pm on September 1 in Chhamb Jodian sector.  Pakistan also gave a full response in which the Indian army suffered heavy losses.

 The Indian army left its tanks and armored vehicles and fled.  On the same day, India summoned the Air Force.  On September 2, the Pakistan Air Force, already on red alert, took action.

 The Pakistan Air Force targeted Indian bases and other military installations in occupied Kashmir and Punjab.  On the same day, the Indian government ordered the Infantry Division and the Three Tank Regiment to attack Lahore.

 He wanted to enter Lahore via Lahore Canal and Batapur.  General Prashad was in the mood to eat at the gym in Lahore!  This attack was also thwarted and General Prasad himself fled the field.

 On September 8, India intensified its offensive in Sindh towards Rajasthan.  He thought that Mona Bao's border would easily fall under his control, so India sent troops to Mona Bao armed with artillery and machine guns.

 India placed 5 Maratha light infantry on the front line to deceive the Pak army, trying hard to print heavy artillery.  The aim was to attack inside Sindh, but the Pak army also thwarted the attack.

 The Pakistani army not only captured the Maratha Hills but also targeted the reinforcements sent there.  India made several attacks to recapture this important area, just 25 km from Jodhpur, but the Pakistan Air Force cut off the supply line of the Indian Army and also destroyed the railway lines.  Thus this important Indian territory of Mona Bao came under the control of Pakistan.  The fall of Mona Bao brought silence to India.

 On September 9, India also opened the Sialkot front.  He wanted to spread the war on different fronts and affect the combat capability of the Pakistan Army, but he did not know that wherever he went, he would have to eat.

 India threw the First Armored Division on this front.  This division is also called Fakhr Bharat.  "Fakhr Bharat" thought that it would enter Sialkot at a speed of one hundred miles per hour and cross the Toi River to capture the city.

 But opening this front also cost India dearly.  This is the place where the graveyard of Indian tanks was built.  One of the most terrible tank battles in the history of the world was fought here.  Hundreds of tanks will be destroyed.

 The 6th Infantry Division of the Pakistan Army dusted off the army called "Fakhr Bharat".  People still cite examples of the Chonda war and the bravery of the Pakistan Army.

 In order to give a clear answer to India at once, the Pakistan Army launched Operation Wind Up, ie the Indian Army's "Bed Round Operation" was launched.  During this operation, the Indian army was pushed further back.

 To push India further back, the First Armored Division of the Pakistan Army attacked Khemkarna.  Here, the Pakistan Army destroyed 32 Indian tanks.

 In this war, Pakistan Air Force carried out a record 2279 attacks on India.  Pakistan Air Force destroys more than 67 Indian aircraft.  The name of one of the heroes of this air war, Muhammad Mahmood Alam (MM Alam) began to shine like a star in the sky.

 He shot down nine Indian planes alone.  The evil army also thwarted India's repeated attempts to enter Pakistan's territorial waters.  Many times India wanted to move towards Karachi with the help of its submarines but Karachi is a distant thing. Our navy kept India behind even beyond its own waters.  In this war, Pakistan occupied 1600 square miles of India

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