Abraham Lincoln 16th US President

 Abraham Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln 16th US President

The 16th President of the United States, Abraham Lincoln, is one of the most popular and successful political leaders in the history of the United States of America. Why was the last name not included in the basic list? Is it a trivial feat to free 3.5 million slaves?

Yes, it is. In the general context of this age, one can easily understand the important forces that were trying to eradicate slavery from the world.

Even before Lincoln came to power, many countries had outlawed slavery. Sixty-five years after his death, similar laws were passed in several other countries. Lincoln, however, is honoured to have abolished this inevitable act of history.

It is safe to assume that Lincoln Kasab's most important achievement was to keep the United States consistently united in the face of the separatism of the southern states, and that this was the only achievement that entitled him to be on the list.

Lincoln's election was in fact a shield against the separatism of the southern states. But it is not clear whether the civil war would have ended if Lincoln had been replaced by another president. However, if the northern states had started the war. It had a large population and was also great in terms of industrial production. Linguistic, religious, cultural and trade co-operation between the northern and southern states was of great importance.

It is often speculated that she would have gone somewhere in the end.
It would not have been a major event in the history of the world if the anarchy had lasted for twenty years or for forty-five years. The country and a prominent industrial power.

Does this mean that Lincoln was a completely insignificant figure? Absolutely not! His efforts affected the efforts of millions of people of that time. But even this fact does not take him to the level of greatness where people like Mahavir are present. Whose effects have lasted for centuries.

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