Leonardo Da Vinci

 Leonardo Da Vinci

Leona Reddownsi was born in 1452 in Florence, Italy. She died in 1519. In the centuries that followed, his personality as the world's most brilliant artist did not rust. If a list of extraordinary people were to be compiled, Leonard Rodrاناguez would certainly be counted among the top fifty, but his gems are far more significant and profound than his influence on history.

In the old journals, Leotardon sketched many modern inventions, such as airplanes and submarines. These journals are a mirror of his innovation and intelligence, but they did not affect the development of science. The first thing is that Leonardo Their models were not developed. Second, if his ideas were very clear, but nowhere was it proved that these inventions are practically usable or not.
Establishing the concept of a submarine is a different matter, but a workable, detailed and comprehensive map and then creating such models is a very difficult and different thing that can work. There are no great people who are the best at inventing these inventions. Invented ideas but failed to put them into practice. The great inventors are people like the Thomas Edison James Wright or Wright brothers, who had an understanding of the machine, and had the courage to work constantly and endure hardships so that they could invent something really useful. Could not

Moreover, although there was a discussion in his sketches on every detail of making the invention workable, what difference does it make? Because those inventions were buried in his diaries. These details were published somewhere centuries after his death. By the time these ideas came to light, other inventors had formulated them and made them work. We conclude that Leonardo, as a scientist and inventor, could not make an impact on himself.

His credentials for this list are based on his artistic achievements. Leonard was a first-rate artist, though not as unusual as other artists such as Rembrandt, Lafayette, Van Gogh or El Grego. Michelangelo is less than Picasso.
It was a sad trait for Leonardo da Vinci to start a project with great enthusiasm but never to complete it.
As a result, the number of complete photographs is much smaller than the ones mentioned above.
Without completing the old plan, he would soon turn his attention to the new plan, as a result of which Leonardo lost a large part of his extraordinary gems. It is not fair to say that he was an insufficient worker.
But many who have carefully considered his life have come to the same conclusion.
It is possible that Leonardo da Vinci was one of the most extraordinarily intelligent people in history, but his achievements were short-lived. ۔
None of his idols survive today. What remains as a monument to his extraordinary art are a few drawings, a few illustrations (not twenty in all) and diaries that reveal his gems to the twentieth-century reader, but in no way a history of science or invention. Despite being a talented artist, Leonardo Cashmar is not on the list of the most influential travelers in the world.

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