Benjamin Franklin Founding Fathers of the United States

Benjamin Franklin Founding Fathers of the United States

Benjamin Franklin Founding Fathers of the United States

I think it would be fair to say that Benjamin Franklin is one of the most extraordinary figures in history, who has done more in various fields with greater success than Leonardo da Vinci. It is astonishing but true that the Franklin human tragedy He has been very successful in at least four fields, including business, science, literature, and politics.

Benjamin's business life is like the stories of classical literature from the ashes to the million. His family lived a cosmopolitan life in Boston. In his forties, Franklin became a wealthy man at the expense of his publishing house, his newspaper, and other business ventures.

During this time he studied science in his spare time.

He learned four foreign languages ​​on his own. As a scientist, Franklin's fame is due to his research into electronics and light. He also made a number of very useful inventions, including Franklin's stove and other masked ones. The last invention is still widely used today. He made his first literary efforts as a journalist.

He soon published (Poor Richard s Almanac) in which he expressed the extraordinary essence of writing a fast-paced sentence. (Only a few authors would have left behind such memorable sayings. Years later He also wrote an autobiography. It is one of the world's leading books. It is still read with interest today. Franklin was also successful in politics as an administrator (he was the "postmaster general of the colonies"). Was

Under this, the postal service became profitable (he also succeeded as a legislator (he became a member of the Pennsylvania Legislative Council more than once). One aspect of this was also the diplomat. He was well-known and successful as the US ambassador to France during a critical period in US history. In addition, he was one of the signatories to the US Declaration of Independence and later a member of the Constituent Assembly.

In addition to all of these areas, the fifth aspect of Franklin's political life is public sympathy and management. For example, he was one of the founders of Philadelphia's first hospital. He also succeeded in establishing a local police department. He also set up a travel library and laid the foundation of the first scientific organization.

Like all of us, Franklin faced difficulties and severe setbacks. But his life is an amazing and extraordinary example in the history of a full and successful life. Franklin's health has been exemplary in his long life of 84 years. Franklin was destined to have a long, full, useful, colorful and prosperous life on earth. In light of all these details, it seemed appropriate to add Franklin to the basic list. It does not succeed in bringing it into the ranks of the most influential people. In fact, I do not think that all its significant actions together have made it possible.

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