
Alexander Fleming Physician

 Alexander Fleming Physician

Alexander Fleming (1955-1881) Alexander Ender Fleming, the discoverer of penicillin, was born in 1881 in Lockfield, Scotland. After graduating from the

Alexander Fleming (1955-1881)
Alexander Ender Fleming, the discoverer of penicillin, was born in 1881 in Lockfield, Scotland. After graduating from the Medical School of St. Mary's Hospital in London, Fleming became involved in immunological research. Later, during World War I, as a military college, he researched infectious wounds. He found that many antimicrobials harmed body cells more than germs.

There was a need for a drug that could kill bacteria but infect human cells. After the war, Fleming returned to St. Mary's Hospital. In 1922, during his research work, he discovered an element. Which he called "lysozyme."
Every substance is produced in the human body and is also found in tears and mucus.

It is not harmful to human cells. It kills certain microbes, but unfortunately, it was not very harmful to those microbes that could cause serious harm to humans. Although this discovery was interesting, it was more important. In 1928, Fleming made a great discovery.
Which polluted the atmosphere of the mold (Fleming) observed that the bacterium in the production area around the mold had become extinct. He concluded that the mold contained material that was harmful to the staphylococcus bacteria. He was soon able to prove that such substances inhibit the growth of many other harmful bacteria.

He named this template (Pencilium Nottum).
It was not harmful to the human body and animals. The results of Fleming's research were published in 1929. However, it did not receive much public attention. Fleming believed that penicillin was a medical Can be used for purposes. But we have not been able to find a way to clean penicillin ourselves.
As a result, for the next ten years, this wonderful medicine did not come into use. Finally, in 1930, two medical researchers, Howard Walter Florey and Ernest Boris Chen read Fleming's article. They began work on his research and confirmed the results. Purified penicillin and tested it on laboratory animals. In 1941, he tested it on a few patients.

The experiment clearly demonstrated that the new drug had an immediate effect. Following the intervention of the British and American governments, pharmaceutical companies began working on it and soon discovered a way to produce large amounts of penicillin. At first, penicillin was limited to war wounded. By 1944, it was being used for general patients in the United States and the United Kingdom.
When the war ended in 1945, the use of penicillin spread around the world. The discovery of penicillin led to the discovery of other antibiotics. This research led to several miraculous drugs. However, penicillin was the most widely used. One of the advantages of penicillin is that it is very safe to use. Fifty thousand units of penicillin is effective for some infectious diseases.

However, as many as 100 million units of penicillin were injected daily and did not cause any adverse effects. Yes, certain people are allergic to penicillin, while the majority of people can use it with confidence and a sense of security. Penicillin has saved the lives of millions of people. People will benefit in the future as well. Few people complain about this important invention of Fleming.
The most important thing in determining Fleming's status on this list is to decide what part of the honor Florey and China deserve. However, I think the real honor goes to Fleming. In fact, he invented it. Without it, the discovery of penicillin would have been greatly delayed. Fleming had only one child. He was awarded the Nobel Prize for this discovery in 1945. It was distributed in Flora and China. He died in 1955.

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