Mohsin Pakistan Muhammad Ali Jinnah!

Mohsin Pakistan Muhammad Ali Jinnah!

Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, the Founder of Pakistan, is a great benefactor to the people of Pakistan that he fought hard for the establishment of a free, independent state for the Muslims of the subcontinent, and devoted his entire life to this struggle. 

An eminent personality, a great jurist, a principled politician, and a high-ranking thinker, he had extraordinary strength of action and unshakable warmth, the maturity of will, and immense patience and perseverance. With his unwavering willpower, intellectual abilities, deep ingenuity, and strong steel nerves and hard work, he freed Muslims from the shackles of centuries of slavery in Pakistan and India and made Muslims aware of Pakistan's goals. 

He persuaded them not to make any sacrifice in the struggle for independence. As a result, the Muslims of the subcontinent united under the banner of the Muslim League. Maulana Hasrat Ali Mohani used to say that it was Pakistan When he arrived at his residence to meet Quaid-e-Azam before he was born, the employee apologized that he was busy with some important work and could not meet him at that time. During this time, he offered the evening prayers on the lawn outside the house and then started walking. At the same time, as he was walking along the porch of the house, he passed by a room and it seemed to him that the leader was talking to someone.

 Maulana Hasrat Mohani says that I saw that “inside the room, there was a musalla lying on the floor. And Quaid-e-Azam was begging the Almighty for the welfare of Muslims, for the attainment of freedom, unity, organization, and the establishment of Pakistan. Thanks to the prayers and hard work of the Quaid-e-Azam, the independence movement finally came to fruition and the British had to accept the Hindu-Muslim separate nationality ie two national ideology. 

And on June 3, 1947, Lord Mountbatten, the last Viceroy and Governor-General of India, announced on All India Radio the plan to partition India. What, However, it is a fact that at the various stages of the struggle for independence started by the Muslims of the subcontinent, no Muslim leader has had the passion and demonstration of obedience on behalf of his nation that the Father of the Nation has achieved. The selfless and day and night struggle was made possible.

With the struggle for independence, the health of the founder of Pakistan continued to decline. Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah had been suffering from tuberculosis since 1930 and only his sister and a few close associates knew about this disease. 

Even in the state of freedom struggle did not give up any meeting. The death of the Founder of Pakistan just a year and a month after the establishment of Pakistan is a national tragedy whose effects are still being felt today because Quaid-e-Azam to solve the serious problems facing the nation and deal with internal and external conspiracies after the establishment of Pakistan. Was in dire need of guidance. And the division of India's assets, the unfair actions of the Boundary Commission (which led to the Kashmir dispute), and other unavoidable circumstances led to the drafting of the constitution and the consensus on fundamental issues between the various units of the country. 

The delay in the acquisition was further complicated by the death of the Quaid. In Quaid-e-Azam's life, neither the civil and khaki bureaucracy would have had the opportunity to interfere in democratic institutions and the political system, nor would the gulf of differences between the various political and religious classes and geographical units of the country have deepened. 

Due to God-given insight, Quaid-e-Azam was not only a symbol of unity and solidarity but also had the ability to solve problems. The founder of Pakistan, Quaid-e-Azam, in his address to the first Constituent Assembly, said, "If we want to make the great nation of Pakistan prosperous, we have to focus on the welfare of the people, especially the non-Muslims, regardless of sect." Whatever his color, race, religion, he is first and foremost a citizen of the country. Its rights, privileges and responsibilities are equal. ” Today, it is necessary to play a full role in the construction and development of the beloved homeland by strictly following the principles and rules laid down by Quaid-e-Azam.

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