Selfless and religious leader

 Selfless and religious leader

Sudden and Tragic Death:

Renowned Islamic Scholar, Selfless Milli and Religious Leader, Famous Urdu Columnist, and Popular Khatib Hazrat Maulana Muhammad Israr-ul-Haq Qasmi on December 7, 2018, Coached by this mortal. That night he was in Tapu, where he addressed the teachers and students of his Darul Uloom Safa late into the night. After the program, Gushanganj rested at the Circuit House. About three o'clock in the morning he woke up and was preparing for Tahajjud when he had a heart attack and he passed away. Due to his social, educational, religious, journalistic, and political services, his death is a great tragedy, especially for the minority community. Due to his gentle speech, nobility, gentleness, and good morals, he was not recognized in public and in private. There was little popularity.

How the Famous Becomes Unmarked - How the Earth Eats the Sky How

Birth and Education: 

He was born in Tarabari, Kishanganj, Bihar, in the house of Mr. Munshi Ameed and Ms. Amna Khatun, on February 15, 1942. After receiving his primary education in regional madrassas, he entered the great school of Islamic thought: Dar-ul-Uloom, Deoband, and completed his Hadith Sharif tour in 1964. She was married on May 16, 1965. His wife passed away on July 9, 2012. Allah Almighty blessed him with three sons: Mr. Sohail Israr, Maulana Saud Israr Nadvi Azhari, and Mr. Fahad Israr and two daughters.

Teaching services:

After graduation, he chose the field of teaching for service. Firstly, he taught in Madrasa Rahima, Madhepura. Then in 1968, he joined "Madrasa Badr-ul-Islam, Begum Sarai". He served in this institution till 1973 and then retired. Although he was involved in teaching services in a religious institution, he did not confine himself to the confines of the institution. Maulana also kept a close eye on social conditions and was any social problem arose. So be at the forefront in solving or getting it done.

Jamiat Ulema-i-Hind:

In a very short period of time, due to his spirit of social service and due to his intelligence and genius, the great Jamiat Ulema-i-Hind selected him in 1974 to serve from the platform of Jamiat. Jamiat is the oldest and most valuable organization in India which offers its services all over India. Thus, this platform gave you the opportunity to reach out to every individual and class of society at the national level. Here he performed his assigned duty so well that he became an important and reliable member of the Jamiat. Then, in 1980, the leaders of the Jamiat appreciated his services and promoted him to the important post of General Secretary of the Jamiat, giving him the opportunity to perform more services. He remained the General Secretary of the Jamiat till 1991. From the pulpit of Jamiat, he said, "Save the nation and the nation", "Protection of Aligarh Muslim University", "Protection of Muslim Personal Movement" Etc. on the occasion of very significant performance. The social, charitable and scholarly services rendered by him in the Jamiat should always be remembered.

While living in Jamiat, he traveled thousands of villages, towns and cities in India, on various occasions, on various fronts, proving his activism without any fear or apprehension. Whether you have worked in the Jamiat as a member or as the General Secretary, you have been very popular in the Jamiat because of your dedication, perseverance and high service. As if your idea was that

life is the name of a constant struggle for annihilation - the path becomes even more exhausting after resting

All India Educational and Milli Foundation:

After resigning from Jamiat, he started serving the nation from the platform of "All India Milli Council", an organization established under the supervision of Qazi Mujahid-ul-Islam Sahib Qasmi (1936-2002). Initially he was the Assistant General Secretary of the Council, then he was made the Vice President and Tadam returned to this position. He proved to be a valiant soldier and selfless servant of the council. He did his best to nurture the council.

While performing social and welfare services from the platform of Jamiat and Council, he felt that the main reason for the degradation of Indian Muslims was their backwardness in the field of education. Therefore, in the year 2000, he established the "All India Educational Welfare Foundation" to work in the field of education. The main purpose of the foundation was to work in the field of education. Then he established several institutes of religious and modern sciences under the foundation. He did educational work in places where people were completely unfamiliar with knowledge. They did not know the importance of knowledge and did not realize themselves to be in the darkness of ignorance. He called the "Milli Girls School" especially for girls' education. Established in Tipu, Kishanganj. Hundreds of girls are receiving excellent education and training in this institution in an Islamic environment. The school has accommodation as well as all kinds of modern educational facilities. The school is the only one of its kind in the area. It is playing an important role in equipping girls with knowledge.

He also carried out relief work under the All India Education and Milli Foundation. Provided timely relief to tsunami and flood victims. From last year's catastrophic floods; While the area of ​​Kishanganj was badly affected, he delivered relief to the victims in a timely manner. He then visited the area, met the people and consoled them. Beneficiaries will never forget the services you have rendered and the educational and welfare services you have rendered and you will surely be rewarded for these services by Allah, inshaAllah.

Writing and journalistic services:

He was a religious and Islamic writer and columnist. His articles were based on Islamic thought. The language of his articles was very simple and clear. His articles are a beacon for readers. He carried out the duty of disseminating Islamic teachings for a long time through his articles. In his writings, where he raised many national and national issues, he also fulfilled his responsibility of reform by writing on Islamic subjects. When you were in the congregation; In addition to performing other services, he was also the editor of the Jamiat spokesman: "Jamiat". While being the editor of Al-Jamiat, he wrote a lot.

When the All India Milli Council started its spokesperson monthly "Milli Ittehad". So you were elected its chief editor. He fulfilled this responsibility well. He did not stop writing in spite of his busy schedule, but continued to return. You proved to be a great writer. Scholars and commentators also attached great importance to his writings. Almost all the Urdu newspapers and periodicals in India published his articles. Due to the importance of his thoughts and ideas, sometimes Arabic and English magazines and periodicals also published translations of his articles.

The writings that have come to light from his pen offer a solution to the current problems. His books include "Muslim Personal Law and Indian Muslims", "Society and Islam", "Islam and the Responsibilities of Muslims", "Burning Issues", "Indian Muslims: Issues and Resistance" and "Women and Muslim Society". Included. The first book came out at that time. When he was the Nazim of Madrasa Badr-ul-Islam, Begusarai. He wrote thousands of columns. If these columns are submitted; So many huge volumes can be prepared. His religious and social columns containing Islamic thoughts and ideas must be compiled. People and properties will benefit from them.

The rhetoric of the field:

Just as he wrote thousands of columns, so he addressed hundreds of public and private gatherings. He was an excellent public speaker. He was invited as a Khatib in meetings of many madrassas and universities and in public reform programs. The audience listened intently to your speech. In the days when he was an MP, people would still come to invite him. Time permits So you would have accepted the invitation and participated in the program. Due to his good manners, simplicity and gentle speech, the management of any program was happy to invite him. He would accept invitations to village, town and city programs without any discrimination and would go everywhere. His participation in any program was generally considered a guarantee of the success of the program. Due to the pain and bitterness in his heart regarding the reform of the Ummah, Allah had a great influence in his speech. Even in Parliament When he spoke or addressed a public meeting, he spoke with confidence. People used to go from one town to another and from one city to another to listen to his speech. He was a master of rhetoric. The servant first heard him addressing the students of Darul Uloom in 2001 at the Darul Uloom, Darul Hadith, Deoband, in the program of "Sajjad Library".

In the field of politics:

If a person is sincere; So even in this day and age, by staying in the field of politics, he can serve the nation well. Because a political leader has all the tools he needs to serve the people. He also participated in the general elections several times with the spirit of serving the nation. But luck did not help. So defeat became your destiny. Then in the 2009 general elections, the "Congress" party, relying on his national and national services, gave him a ticket from "Kishanganj". He then ran in the 2009 general election. He proved to be a strong candidate and reached Parliament after winning the election. In 2014; While there was a wave of Mr. Modi all over the country and the Congress was on the margins. Yet this wave had no effect on his circle. He defeated the BJP candidate, Dr. Dilip Kumar Jaiswal by nearly 200,000 votes and reached Parliament.

As an MP, he did his best to establish a branch of "Aligarh Muslim University" in his constituency Kishanganj. He succeeded in this endeavor. But behind this success lies your sacrifice. He begged the Bihar government for the land required for the establishment of the branch. When things don't work out that way; So he prepared the people of Simanchal to hold a sit-in. Then on October 12, 2010, the people of Simanchal staged a "Maha Dharna" in Kishanganj and about four lakh people gathered. After that, the Nitish government agreed to give about 224 acres of land. Then in the presence of Bihar Chief Minister Mr. Nitish Kumar, Ms. Sonia Gandhi and various regional political and social leaders, the cornerstone of the branch was laid.

Traumatized, saddened, abused - but did not leave the nation's servant

humble and sincere servant:

During his half-century of social, political and national service from various platforms, Maulana has been acquainted and had good relations with people from different fields. But he never used these relationships for his own benefit or for the benefit of his family. He himself held many important positions, but none of them had any effect on his life. He lived his whole life in simplicity. He always had the same style of speech as from the beginning, the same dress and attire as from the beginning and the same lifestyle as before. People never felt that their lifestyle was the same as before and this is what happened after coming to this position. Perhaps he had made the principle of his life "simple life and high thinking".

His hopes are few, his goals are glorious - his heart is deceitful, his eyes are kind

He established a relationship with the first Mufti Muzaffar Hussain Sahib, former Nazim of Mazahir Uloom (ancient) regarding purification and reform. The Mufti blessed him with the Khilafah. Then after his death, he became associated with Shaykh Tariqat Hazrat Maulana Qamar-ul-Zaman Allahabadi (may Allah be pleased with him). Shaykh Allahabadi also blessed him with Khilafah. These sheikhs of the Prophet trained him in such a way that people seldom observed wonder, selfishness, arrogance etc. in him. He lived a very successful life. In clear words, he proved to be a very simple, humble and sincere servant of the nation.

Expression of devotion:

He worked in various fields and was always at the forefront of the struggle for the survival and protection of the Islamic nation. His services were appreciated by the people of thought and thought. Various institutions and universities awarded him membership to benefit from his experiences and to show devotion. He was a member of his mother Darul Uloom, Deoband Shura, court member of Aligarh Muslim University, esteemed member of Muslim Personal Law Board, Vice President of Milli Council and Founder and President of All India Education and Milli Foundation. , Sent to Parliament. He was also the custodian of several madrassas and schools. He served the nation for almost half a century. May Allah reward him the best!


Upon hearing the news of his demise, the Chief Minister of Bihar, Mr. Nitish Kumar, appreciated his services, paid homage to him and offered to perform the last rites with official honors. But Maulana's followers politely rejected the offer. He said that Maulana had bequeathed to him that after his death, he should be simply shrouded and buried. His funeral prayers were offered by Hazrat Maulana Anwar-ul-Haq Sahib, Nazim: Darul Uloom, Bahadur Ganj. Funeral prayers were offered at "Milli Girls Aslol". About 2.5 million people attended the funeral. People buried this sincere servant of the nation with tears in their eyes in the graveyard of their native village. May Allah Almighty grant you a place in Paradise and bless your followers with patience and beauty! Amen!

The day was fading when they came to bury him - the sun was also down sadly bent on the ground

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