Muhammad bin Qasim: Conqueror of Sindh

 Muhammad bin Qasim: Conqueror of Sindh

 “O people of Basra! I am sure that the messenger would have ordered the proud mujahideen of his army to put on the saddles of horses after hearing about the plight of Muslim children and women. I am the daughter of a Muslim and all my companions are captives of such an enemy. I am the one who has no room for pity in my heart. Death is hovering over my head all the time in this dark cell of the prison. It does not mean that I am afraid of death. But when I die, I will be shocked that the sword that struck the proud crown princes of Rome and Persia like lightning. But it proved blunt before the Raja of Sindh.

O people of Basra! If you are alive, come to the aid of the orphans and widows of your nation. ”

When the messenger brought this tormenting letter to Hajjaj bin Yusuf, the governor of Basra. And when he had read it, he cried aloud. "I'm coming to your aid, daughter."

When the pilgrims informed Caliph Waleed of the whole situation, he allowed jihad against Raja Dahir of Sindh. First of all, the pilgrims wrote a letter to Raja Dahir of Sindh to arrest the dacoits and punish them and release the Muslim women and children by compensating them. Raja Dahir replied that the pirates were out of my control. Come and deal with them yourself. So the governor of Basra sent the first two armies but they did not succeed. Eventually, he sent a 17-year-old young general, Muhammad bin Qasim, with 6,000 Syrian and Iraqi soldiers and 3,000 camels loaded with supplies. The supplies included a catapult, called a wedding, and which took a collective strength of 500 men to run it. This army of faith-inspiring and enthusiastic Mujahideen, along with its young commander-in-chief and the best administrator, anchored off the coast of Debal (Sindh) in 712 AD.

The Islamic army first attacked the port of Debal. The people of the city did not have the courage to go out and fight. Therefore, they were besieged in the fort. The Islamic army rained stones with anti-fort cannons but the people of the city defended it with great courage. The siege continued for a month but no result came out. The flag of the temple will remain in place. Until then, the Hindus will not give up. So Muhammad bin Qasim waved his catapult at the temple and turned towards the flag. Just as the flag was about to fall, the Hindus lost heart and the Islamic army Entered the city. After the conquest of Debal, the Islamic Lashkar conquered Hyderabad without any resistance. Meanwhile, it was reported that Raja Dahir had reached the banks of the Indus River with 50,000 Lashkar. The Islamic army turned its back on it. Where the power of Islam overcame disbelief and Raja Dahar was also killed. With the conquests of Debal, Hyderabad.

After these great victories, this young general Muhammad bin Qasim transformed Sindh in three or four years. Presented a high standard of kindness to the people and subjects. Hindus were given complete religious freedom. All taxes except Jizya were waived. This was the reason why people converted to Islam in droves because of his good behaviour and prudence. And thanks to which Islam spread throughout South Asia.

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