Maulana Muhammad Ali Johar and Historical Confusion

 Maulana Muhammad Ali Johar and Historical Confusion

Maulana Muhammad Ali Johar and Historical Confusion

The Khilafah movement was in no way driven by bi-national ideology. The movement relied on the Congress and Gandhiji instead of the Muslim League and was run on the basis of Indian nationality.

The memory of nations, countries, and nations in history. When history is confused, nations and nations are also confused. January 8 is the day of death of Maulana Muhammad Ali Johar. Historical facts should be clarified.

Maulana Muhammad Ali Johar's life is full of activism and struggle. We begin with the formation of the Muslim League. Attended a special meeting at the invitation of Saleemullah Khan.

The meeting was chaired by Nawab Waqar-ul-Mulk. Many important Muslim dignitaries including Nawab Mohsin-ul-Mulk Maulana Muhammad Ali Johar, Maulana Zafar Ali Khan, Hakim Ajmal Khan and Nawab Saleemullah Khan were present in the meeting. Sir Aga Khan was elected the first president of the Muslim League. The head office was established at Aligarh. Branches were set up in all the provinces. Syed Amir Ali was made the President of the London Branch in the United Kingdom.

The next major event in history is that of World War I. The war lasted from July 28, 1914 to November 11, 1918, with Germany, Austria, Khangri, Turkey and Bulgaria on one side, and Britain, France, Russia, Italy, Romania, Portugal, Japan and the United States on the other. On November 11, 1918, Germany ended the war.

In the four years between 6 and 7, the Muslims of the subcontinent were very worried about the survival of the Ottoman Caliphate. Here the Muslim leadership of the subcontinent was in a state of great confusion. Distrusting, a separate Khilafah Committee was formed.
On the one hand, the people affiliated with the Khilafah Committee considered the Turkish Khilafah to be a divine Khilafah, and on the other hand, they sought the help of the British to save it, which was the exact opposite of their monotheistic ideology.

Examples of this are the statements of Kulbhushan Yadav and the confessions of the arrested Taliban that they have been seeking help from India for the establishment of the Divine Khilafah.

This situation is still found among Muslims today that on the one hand they do not allow any other Muslim to kiss the lattice of the shrine of the Holy Prophet in the name of monotheism and on the other hand they are seen kissing the cheeks of Trump and Alan Sharon.

Similarly, the Khilafah Movement, which was started to save the Turkish Khilafah and is said to have been founded by Maulana Muhammad Ali Johar, on July 5, 1919, to organize public opinion on the issue of Khilafah and to formulate a consensus strategy. The All India Khilafah Committee was formed in Bombay with Seth Chhotani as its president and Siddique Kashtari as its secretary.

The Khilafah movement was in no way driven by bi-nationalism. The movement relied on the Congress and Gandhiji instead of the Muslim League and was run on the basis of Indian nationality.
Not only this, the Muslims who run the Khilafah movement also issued a fatwa to appease their allied Hindus that Muslims should not sacrifice a cow on Eid-ul-Fitr this year considering the sentiments of the Hindus.

Oddly enough, just as fatwas were issued to please Hindus at the expense of Muslims at that time, so too are fatwas issued today to please the United States and Israel.

There were only three major demands of the Muslims in the Khilafah movement at that time:
a. The Turkish Khilafah should be maintained.
B) The holy places (Makkah, Madinah) remained in the custody of Turkey.
The Turkish Empire should not be divided.

Amjad Abdulaziz Ibn Saud, the ancestor of the House of Saud in Saudi Arabia, turned a blind eye to all three demands by announcing the establishment of a separate state in the name of Saudi Arabia, and thus Saudi Arabia withdrew the Khilafah Movement.

In 1920, a delegation led by Maulana Muhammad Ali Johar set out on a tour of England, Italy and France to remind the Prime Minister of Britain and its allies of their promises.

The delegation arrived in the UK and met with Prime Minister Lloyd George, but was disappointed to hear "Australia and Germany have done a terrible justice and how can Turkey avoid it." The delegation then visited Italy and France, but no hearing was held.

What was to be heard when on the one hand Mustafa Kamal Pasha announced the end of the Khilafah and on the other hand Saudi Arabia seceded from Turkey, then what more could the Khilafah Movement do !!!

After the failure of this movement, instead of re-examining the situation, a vindictive mindset was adopted and a non-alignment movement was started with the following objectives:
to return the speeches of the government.
Resign from council membership.
Separation from government jobs.
Educational institutions should stop receiving government aid.
Cases should be presented in arbitration courts instead of government courts.
English goods should be boycotted.

Similarly, at the behest of Maulana Abdul Bari, Maulana Abul Kalam Azad and Ali Brothers, a migration movement was started which declared India as the capital and issued a fatwa for Muslims to migrate from here. Thousands of Muslims fled their businesses and homes to Afghanistan. This migration failed due to non-cooperation of the Afghan government. It is not known whether the fatwa givers themselves migrated or not, but the Muslims suffered heavy loss of life and property in this migration.

You can also find an example of this in the case of our jihadi mullahs whose fatwas have resulted in the children of the people becoming terrorists, being imprisoned or stumbled into exile, and their own children from London and the United States. Travel for higher education degrees.

The point of all this is that we should tell history in a transparent way, rather than confusing it with our likes and dislikes, so that we do not get confused nationally and ideologically.

We should make it clear with reference to the Khilafah movement in the study of Pakistan that this movement had nothing to do with the Muslim League or the binational ideology. And if Maulana Muhammad Ali Johar was a pioneer of united nationalism, he was so disappointed with the attitude of the Congress and Gandhiji that in the end he was separated from the Congress forever.

We must make good use of our historical memory and distinguish between right and wrong. Trusting the Congress and Gandhiji was a historic mistake, since the caliphate that Maulana Muhammad Ali Johar was advocating, the Congress or Gandhiji never did. Could not be supported.

In this regard, here is an excerpt from an editorial of Maulana Muhammad Ali Johar:
What is needed now is a system of Muslims that belongs to the Muslims of our India and when the Khilafah movement is reorganized, it will guide the Islamic world. As happened after World War II. A system of Muslims from all over the world has been established in Muttamar and its Majlis-e-Tanfiziyah and this short seed will be the root of the re-established Khilafah in the future which will be based on the model of the Righteous Khilafah.

This is the best system of Islam and we should establish other small systems instead. Attention should be paid to its establishment. Now we have to go all around to lift this tower. It started from India and insha'Allah we will soon see that the top of this building will be adorned with the crown of the Khilafah and this caliph will be elected from the path of freedom of the Islamic world. ”(Hamdard 20 September 1924)
In January 1931, Maulana Muhammad Ali Johar went to England to attend the Round Table Conference. Where you demanded freedom of the homeland and said that if the British do not liberate my country, I will not go back and you will have to make my grave here.

He died at the Hyde Park Hotel in London, where he was staying, at 9:30 am on January 3, 1931, and was buried in Jerusalem at the request of the Grand Mufti of Palestine, Syed Amin al-Husseini. A poem of is still written today.
If you live, you will not show anything. The
essence of spring and death, your essence is open

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