
 In 427 BC, a great philosopher was born in the famous Greek city of Amiens, who outlined a political system for the stability of Greece that not only was adopted by Greece but benefited all Western countries after the French Revolution. ۔ Even today, his philosophy is driven by many principles of politics. Plato gave the world for the first time a system of thought that fully covers politics, theology, and ethics.

When Plato died in 347 BC at the age of 80, the people at his tomb confessed that the teachings and memories of this great philosopher would live on in the world, and it is so true that today, some 2,500 years later. Despite this, the world's political, moral, and educational system needs Plato's ideas for its fulfillment.

"He said Allama Iqbal Rod on Plato's" title that,

look, the right of men wise

life night Sharar's visibility in the dark

worthy of life and death, no attention

is himself only intended look of rapture

the ancient Greek philosopher Plato Reflects the beginning of Western political philosophy and, to a large extent, moral and metaphysical philosophy. His subjects on these subjects have been studied for two thousand three hundred years. Plato is one of the great founders of Western thought.

Plato was born in Athens in 5 BC. His real name was Staples. His father's name was Ariston and his mother's name was Prakash Tone. Plato's family was one of the remnants of the Athenian royal family. Plato also had two brothers and a sister. Plato was only three or five years old when his father died of a serious illness. After Ariston's death, Plato's mother married a close relative who was ambassador to the Iranian king's palace. 

Plato was very intelligent from his childhood so he read a lot of books in his boyhood and youth. He memorized the famous books of the time and learned music, logic, philosophy and gymnastics from well-known teachers. He was also a wrestler in his youth. From the beginning, Plato had a taste for literature and wisdom. First, he was a student of Cretius, a follower of Heraclitus' philosophy of change. Therefore, the first imprint of this philosophy on Plato As a young man, he met the philosopher Socrates, who became his guide and friend. At that time, Plato was 19 years old and his physical and mental strength was at its peak.

The meeting with Socrates can be called the most important event of his life. Socrates' knowledge, wisdom and philosophy influenced Plato to such an extent that all his life Plato remained intoxicated with philosophy and wisdom and this intoxication did not subside throughout his life. He lived with Plato and Socrates for eight years, during which time Plato learned much from his teacher and friend. Plato is said to have written some plays in his youth, which he later lost under the influence of Socrates. Plato was ill in those days when Socrates drank the cup of poison. After the death of the teacher, Plato left Athens and went to Magara. After that, he travelled to Siren, Sicily, and Egypt for some years. During the voyage, Plato was enslaved by the Spartan ambassador who was with him on the voyage and sold to the market. Is he 5 years old at that time? 

It was done. Back in the same year, Plato founded a seminary in a garden that belonged to a man named Garden Academies, which led to the school becoming an "academy." Called The institution soon became very popular and young people in Athens entered it and became acquainted with Plato's ideas. Plato's school gave birth to many eminent intellectuals and politicians. Many people benefited from it. The famous philosopher, founder of zoology and Alexander the Great's teacher Aristotle was also a student of Plato. Aristotle was 17 years old when he entered the academy, and Plato was 60 years old. Plato's Academy lasted until 529. When Emperor Justin Yenin forcibly shut it down. For forty years Plato taught mathematics and philosophy and logic. For the first time in Greek philosophical history, Plato tried to present a system of thought that could fully cover various aspects of the universe and life, such as ethics, theology, physics, and politics. Plato expressed his views in the form of regular ideas. From the views expressed by him

Although Plato seems to imitate his teacher in most of his theories, his own ideas are a fact in their own right. He used Kadma's ideas to form a universal philosophical system, so his thoughts reflect the ideas of Pythagoras, Socrates, and the Sophists, in addition to the family.

Shortly afterwards, Plato returned to Sicily and, with the help of his friend Diane, tried unsuccessfully to make Syracuse's dictator a philosopher. Returning, Plato began teaching at the academy and spent the remaining twenty years of his life there. When Plato died at the age of eight, in 8 BC, the people at his tomb confessed that the teachings and memories of this great philosopher would live on in the world, and it is so true that today, about 2,500 years later. Despite this, the world's political, moral and educational system needs Plato's ideas for its fulfilment.

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