September 6, 1965 War for the Protection of Pakistan

September 6, 1965, War for the Protection of Pakistan

September 6, 1965 

The courage and sacrifice of the invaders and martyrs of the war for the protection of Pakistan is a shining chapter in our history.  Immortal Arif Jral: September 6, 1965 is the most important day in the history of Tamari.  This war in religion is reminiscent of the days of September when Pakistan's armed forces and the entire nation defended their independence and national identity against Indian aggression.  

On this day, brave Pakistani citizens showed unparalleled display of their Armed Forces comrade Kathy and this war was the common cause of the Pakistani nation and the Armed Forces which will continue to serve as a beacon for generations to come.  With this historic day, I have become so attached and contented that even time will not be able to prove it.  

While this day was a day of great ordeal for our Pakistani nation, it was also a day of unawareness for the brave, fearless and brave armed forces of Pakistan.  On this day, the whole nation and the officers and men of the army, with the spirit of their friendship, had crushed the nefarious and nefarious intentions of the cowardly and cowardly enemy.  Thanks to the unparalleled and timeless sacrifices of these sons of Pakistan, we have a place in history today.  In this seventeen-day war, a force ten times greater than itself in terms of equipment and numbers was reduced to humiliation, retreat and defeat, and its pride and arrogance were reduced to dust all over the world.  

Our armed forces, acting with courage and fortitude, turned a blind eye to the dangers.  In commemorating this day, we must not forget the historical fact that our nation and far fewer of our brave and courageous men, including both worshipers and martyrs, have accomplished what they set out to do.  The courage of the sacrificial bomb and the pass is not only a reflection of the spirit of honor, but also a golden chapter in our sexual history.  Why do we celebrate this day every year?  

In order to commemorate this great demonstration of national development and the glorious deeds of courage.  Despite the difficulties, September 6 marked the beginning of a new chapter in our national and smiling history.  On the back of our brave Murree, the goat and the air force, the whole nation united and became a leaden wall in front of the enemy.  The world is a part of our nation's unparalleled conquest and while recognizing the great achievements and battles of the Armed Forces, the spirit of jihad and faith of our lion-hearted soldiers, Mir Peez and Shaheen is full of truth.  I am a milestone and I pray for the desire to stay away with dignity.  

Our Armed Forces have been given the upper hand by other armies of the world in the sense that they have shown extraordinary courage and bravery in carrying out their professional duties in spite of the most beautiful and unfavorable conditions and conspiracies.  Made the impossible happen.  In it, along with smiling skills and training, the spirit of jihad and the power of faith is the most effective and working.  The wealth that Allah Ta'an has bestowed on our soldiers and officers with the strength of faith is the result of the fact that a state ten times greater than ours is in a state where you are always trembling and frightened.  As our religion begins to unravel this historic battle as we commemorate September 6th, we see how our cowardly, cunning and cunning, showing their traditional cowardice, took our beloved homeland in the dark of night.  

We were attacked for violating the sanctity of the Pak border and the critics. Such blatant violation of the international border could not be imagined in any way.  Pabani is part of its nature.  Our brave nation on this occasion demonstrated unprecedented national progress and crushed the nefarious and nefarious intentions of the enemy.  Reciting La ilaha illa Allah, the Messenger of Allah, the Armed Forces of Pakistan kept the aggression of India and the arrogance of the infidels alive.  The historic day of September 6th has left its mark on our youth and left impressions. Our brave Armed Forces and the nation are proud to remember them.  On September 6, 1965, India declared independence from Pakistan.

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