The need to make the impressions of the Companions a beacon

The need to make the impressions of the Companions a beacon

By: Sohail Akhtar Qasmi
The Companions have the highest, highest and foremost position among those who strive for the propagation of Islam, the preaching and invitation of Islam, the propagation of Islamic teachings and the fulfillment of the great national and religious duty in the teaching of the Qur'an and Hadith. The current global scenario of Islam spread all over the universe, the vast scope of Islam and the infinite geography of the Companions Rizwanullah Alayhim Ajmeen's golden efforts, sincere efforts, endless struggle and efforts are the hostage of Jamila and the event is that Islamic history, publication The basic role of the Companions in Islam is not complete without mentioning their basic role and leadership struggle. In fact, Islamic history itself is not Islamic unless it is filled with the immortal imprints of the Companions. Tazkirah with reference to Islam is an essential element of the history of the Companions of Islam. The position of the Companions of Rizwanullah Ajmeen in the publication of Islam, his preaching role and his personal and collective struggle and dedication is an integral part of the history of Islam. Without Islamic history, the meaning becomes vague.

 Incidentally, the Companions of Rizwan Alayhim Ajmeen showed complete steadfastness in the face of obstacles, severe difficulties, class struggles and many, many problems and sufferings in the way of Islamic Da'wah and preaching. For the sake of broadcasting and dissemination, make all the sacrifices and offer such sacrifices that to this day the United Nations has not been able to forget their selflessness, generosity, tolerance, forbearance, sacrifice of the Minister of Finance and his spirit of devotion when a country, a region or Regarding the background of Islam and the existence of Muslims in a city, if any incidental aspect is explained or if an attempt is made to know its preachers and propagators of Islam with reference to Islam, then the preaching of the Companions at that place And in the path of spreading Islam, the lines of endless and innumerable struggles are written and the story of determination and invitation of great efforts and sacrifices is recorded.

 After getting acquainted with these historical facts and objective truths, the question is, what is the place of the Companions in the publication of Islam? This would be a trivial and insignificant question because on this occasion the publication of Islam and the determination of a meaningful title regarding the distinction between the position and the role of the Companions and the limitation of their unparalleled participation in Islamic preaching, perfect research and investigation and perfection. Despite the compound, it will remain incomplete and flawed and will require further research and explanation. The reason is obviously that we finally pay attention to their great and immortal place, their imprints in the history of Islam, their immense attention and preaching. If you comment on the struggle, the spirit of sacrifice and selflessness and the unparalleled efforts of Jamila, from which aspect should you comment? Each aspect has such breadth, depth and breadth in its chapter that even if the longest essays are summed up, thirst and intoxication will remain. This does not mean that the biography of the Companions, their circumstances and events And the chronology of the impressions of life will be a useless object, but the meaning of this explanation is that the life of the Companions, their religious and da'wah activities, high moral values, national and religious services, preaching and publishing activities and their circumstances and Even after so much has been said about the events, it is necessary that they be well written, that all aspects of their lives be brought to the notice of the new generation and that they be commended for the services, sacrifices and devotion to Islam. It should be informed and written and filled so that we too can feel the same determination, courage and enthusiasm as the Companions and start following the same impressions on which the Companions had come a long way.

 Islam, after its birth, placed the responsibilities of its upbringing on the Companions and appointed them to propagate Islam and to prove its legitimacy and unity, and this choice was truly appropriate and timely because the Companions Not only did he accept the responsibilities, but he never left any gaps in the fulfillment of the responsibilities, duties and rights that come with preaching, full sincerity in fulfilling all the rights of preaching and preaching. Demonstrated perfection and left a role model and a beacon for generations after him. After the death of the Holy Prophet, his most valuable asset to the Companions was the memory of Madinah and its atmosphere, Yathrib. The streets of Madinah were beautiful trails leading to paradise for them, and then with all these areas the anecdotes whose fabric was connected to the tiny city of the Prophet's life. It was permissible to live. Despite all these tricks, the Companions set out for other cities and countries to promote the religion of Muhammad. And after the full effort of preaching Islam, some of the Companions settled in Makkah and the teaching of religion continued, staying in the central city of Kaaba, they had both good fortune and responsibility, Ayyash bin Abi Rabia Al Makhzumi, Abdullah bin Abi Dozens of Companions like Rabia Al-Makhzumi, Ikrimah Ibn Abi Jahl, Atab Ibn Aseed, Khalid Ibn Aseed, Hukam Ibn Abi Al-Aas, Safwan Ibn Umayyah Rizwan Alayhim Ajmeen were engaged in teaching and preaching in Makkah.

 Some of the Companions reformed Kufa, which was the headquarters of the Muslim Mujahideen, especially due to the centralization of Hazrat Ali's caliphate. Among the famous Companions were Ali ibn Abi Talib, Sa'd ibn Abi Waqas, Saeed ibn Zayd ibn Umar ibn Nafil, Nu'man ibn Bashir, Mughirah ibn Shu'bah, Jarir ibn Abdullah al-Bajli, Udai ibn Hatim al-Ta'i, Ash'ab ibn Qais, Jabir ibn Samra, may Allah be pleased with them all. Most of them lived in Kufa until the end of their lives and were buried there. The talk of knowledge and grace lasted for centuries in Kufa.

 Some of the visionary coaches of Basra spread the knowledge of Hadith and knowledge of the Qur'an and laid out beautiful jewels and works of art. Maqil ibn Yasar, Abu Zahra al-Islami, Abdullah ibn Mughal al-Mazni, Abu Bakra, Anas ibn Malik, Thabit ibn Zayd, Iqra ibn Habis, Uthman ibn Abi al-Aas, Abu al-'Ashra 'al-Darmi, Rizwan al-Ajmeen, and various other companions took command of the teaching of religion in Basra and dedicated their services to the propagation of the religion of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). Al-Ghaffari, Abu Fatim al-Ayadi, Abu Juma 'al-Shamus al-Balwi and other companions started a series of religious studies in Egypt.

 After the conquests of Egypt and the resurrection of Hazrat Umar ibn Abi al-'As, a small group of Companions was sent to Egypt by the Khilafah Center for education and propagation of Islam. Some other Companions also came in front of this group. When the famous general of Islam, Obaidullah ibn Jarrah, invaded Syria and annexed it to the Islamic State, Bilal ibn Raba 'al-Mu'adhn, Ibadah ibn al-Samit, Mu'adh ibn Jabal, Mas'ud ibn Ibadah, Sharjeel ibn Hasna, Khalid ibn Waleed, Ayyaz ibn Ghanim, Fazl ibn Abbas ibn Abdul Muttalib, Shaddad ibn Aws, Mu'awiyah ibn Abi Sufyan, Basr ibn Abi Artaat, etc., also visited the island. The presence of Aqaba (RA) etc. was for the purpose of spreading the religion and in a foreign land like Khurasan, Barida bin Hasib Al-Islami (buried Bumro) Abu Barzah Al-Islami, Hukam bin Umar Al-Ghaffari, Abdullah bin Al-Khazim Al-Islami, Qom bin Abbas The establishment of was based on the purposes of publishing religion.

 The task of preaching and invitation was not an easy prey for them to be easily swallowed, but it proved to be an iron fist for these devoted Mujahideen, in this way they have endured as much hardships as they have endured. Suffering has been endured with a smile on his face, it is all written in the pages of history, the Holy Qur'an, through his services and selfless spirit, declared that these "companions of the Prophet" received valuable blessings such as God's pleasure and pleasure Yazdi. May Allah be pleased with them.

 After reading the documentary books containing the biographies of the Companions, the fact becomes clear that what and how their services are in the way of spreading Islam? What is their role in the rise and stability of Islam in spite of the degree of instability? What was the nature and level of their practical obedience in the practical implementation of Islamic law? What has been their role in making Islam a strong and solid platform in spite of the persecution of the infidels, the utter lack of resources and the fierce opposition of the enemies? What were the styles of resistance and reaction? What were the methods of invitation and preaching? How did Muslims and Islam remain safe despite the onslaught of dangers, the aggression of the enemies and the measures taken? The answers to these questions become clear after the study and reflection of the best and ideal life of the Companions. The truth is that the services, courage and fortitude of the Companions, their wisdom, wisdom and ability, love of Islam, the goal of love and Devotion to God and all efforts for the propagation of Islam وان Fighting and resisting the forces that stand in the way of Da'wah and taking iron from enemy forces and proving to be a steely, stable and invincible mountain in every aspect and performing such deeds on which human intellects are still stunned. There is no story or imaginary sketch whose veracity can be questioned.

 All the writings that have come out in the fourteen centuries under the title of publication of Islam and its survival and protection are a clear acknowledgment of the services and excellent performances of the Companions. The narrators have written countless such books and writings. There are those who are intuitive arguments in determining and choosing the role of the Companions and their position. In fact, the object and purpose is that in spite of all the services of the Companions Jalila, in the Muslim community in terms of belief in the Companions It is not the practical stability that should be in the heart of a Muslim. It is a moment of reflection that only those gentlemen whose tireless struggle and cooperation have given Islam a wide and universal atmosphere have been forgotten and their services have been forgotten. Which is no less than the worst tragedy for the Muslim nation.

 The present crisis of the Muslim Ummah in today's history and all the causes and implications of its irreversible backwardness is a tragedy. In fact, setting the ideal goal is the cure for all these tragic stages If we devise and implement a plan of action keeping in view the principles of the blessed life of Ajmeen and the way of life, then it is quite possible that the evil pace of problems that arise day by day for the Muslim community will stop and the Muslim Ummah Backwardness seems to be disappearing, so it is important that we look once again at the life of the Companions and make the revolutionary corners of history full of their struggles a beacon. On the contrary, it is possible that the prospects of hope will be bright, we will get rid of our problems and we will regain our lost greatness.

 Monthly Darul Uloom, No. 11, Volume: 93 Ziqada 1430 AH according to November 2009

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