The spirit of sacrifice of the Companions for the sake of religion

In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
 Prayers and peace be upon the Messenger of Allah

 The ocean of Islam

 Take a cursory look around you today, you will see a sea of ​​Muslims everywhere. No country, no city, no village, no town, no settlement will be found where the light of Islam has not reached.

 The reason for this progress is great In addition to acknowledging this fact, the question also arises as to how this call to Islam, which arose from Makkah and Madinah, finally reached such remote areas. ۔ ۔ ۔ ۔ ۔ ۔ ۔ ۔ The clear, simple and reasoned answer to this can be obtained from the books in which the deeds of our forefathers are shaking the conscience of those who will come till the Day of Judgment and awakening the sense of sacrifice for the sake of religion.
 In short, all the present springs are the result of the sacrifices of the Companions and those who came after him. If these holy people did not make sacrifices for the sake of religion in different ways, then of course this progress of religion would not be visible. It is better for us to know in detail about the sacrifices of our forefathers and try to awaken this awareness in ourselves.

 Types of Sacrifices of the Companions

 If these sacrifices of the Companions are studied, they can be clearly divided into five categories.
 (1) financial sacrifice (2) physical sacrifice (3) spiritual sacrifice (4) life sacrifice (5) desire sacrifice

 (1) Financial sacrifice: -
 The Companions (may Allah bless them and grant them peace) never resorted to stinginess in spending money for the sake of religion. The people generously supported the religion and in return became deserving of great rewards from Allah Almighty. In this regard, I would like to present some faith-inspiring incidents, listen to them carefully.
 Abu Dawud and Tirmidhi have written, quoting Hazrat Umar Farooq (may Allah be pleased with him), that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) commanded us to give some of our wealth in charity in the way of God. I was determined in my heart that today, I will do more in the way of Allah Almighty than Abu Bakr Siddiq (may Allah be pleased with him).
 So I took half of my wealth and came to the service of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) asked me, “How much wealth did you leave for your family?” I asked, “I have left half of my wealth for them.” Abu Bakr (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) asked them, “What did you leave for your family?” He said, “Allaah is with them. And his Messenger is enough. ”At that moment, I decided in my heart that I could not overtake him in anything. (History of Caliphs)
 Evaluate from this tradition how much grace was bestowed on you for giving alms to God with this spirit.

 Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):
 * Ibn Asakr narrated from Hazrat Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) that one day I was present at the service of the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) and Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiq (may Allah be pleased with him) was also present there and he He was wearing a robe which he wore with thorns on his chest. (That is, there were thorns in it instead of bantas or takmas.) So at that time Gabriel (peace be upon him) came to the Prophet (peace be upon him) and said, “O Muhammad (peace be upon him)! Why is Abu Bakr (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) sticking his kinsmen to his chest with thorns on his chest today? ” ) Has been spent. Gabriel (peace be upon him) said, “O Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him)! Allaah has sent peace upon them and said: Say to them: O Abu Bakr! Do you agree with me in this sentence? ۔ ۔ ۔ Or ۔ ۔ Unhappy? ”
 Hearing this, Hazrat Abu Bakr (may Allah be pleased with him) said, “How can I be unhappy with my Lord? I am happy with it, I am happy, I am very happy, I am very happy. ”(History of the Caliphs)

The passion of Hazrat Usman Ghani (may Allah be pleased with him):

 Hazrat Abdul Rahman bin Qabab (may Allah be pleased with him) narrates that the government of the two worlds (peace be upon him) called Jaish-e-Asra (Jaish, Lashkar and Asra, Tang Dasti). There was a time, so it is called Jaish-e-Asra. They were encouraging the Companions (may Allah be pleased with them) to prepare for it. I was also there. Hazrat Uthman Ibn Affan (may Allah be pleased with him) asked. “O Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him)! I take care of a hundred camels with food and supplies. ”The Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) again encouraged the Companions (may Allaah be pleased with them). Hazrat Uthman (may Allah be pleased with him) then said, “O Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him)! I take care of two hundred camels with equipment. ”The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) encouraged the Companions (may Allaah be pleased with them) for the third time. Almighty God! I am responsible for three hundred camels with food and supplies. ”Hearing this, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) came down from the pulpit and said,“ From now on, the sins of 'Uthmaan will not harm him. ” History of Caliphs)

 * Imam Tirmidhi narrates from Hazrat Abdul Rahman bin Samra that when the Holy Prophet (sws) prepared Jaish and Asra, Hazrat Uthman Ghani (ra) gave a thousand dinars to the Holy Prophet (sws). Offered in service. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) used to turn over the dinars and say, “No harm from 'Uthmaan will harm him after today. (The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said this twice.) (Also)

 (2) Physical sacrifice: -
 These beloved servants of Allah Almighty endured financial sacrifices as well as innumerable physical hardships in the path of religion. After reading these hardships, tears flow from the eyes of a person with a sensitive heart. Indeed, it was the blessing of the companionship of the Holy Prophet (sws) that these gentlemen were fortunate enough to meet these severe trials, otherwise it would not be humane to endure such tortures under normal circumstances. In this regard, let us consider a few incidents.
 (1) When Hazrat Bilal (RA) regained consciousness, he found the misguidance of disbelief and polytheism all around him. His master, Umayya bin Khalaf, was also a strict polytheist. He (may Allah be pleased with him) spent twenty-two (22) years in his slavery, at the same time the call of Tawheed reached his ears. He started preaching the truth in secret. Hazrat Bilal (may Allah be pleased with him) was a pious and pious person and even before the proclamation of Prophethood he was extremely impressed by the high morals of the Blessed Prophet (peace be upon him). Therefore, as soon as he received the invitation to Islam, he (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) responded without hesitation and sacrificed his heart and soul for the sake of the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). You are one of the seven Sa'id-ul-Fitr personalities who first converted to Islam.
 When the Umayyads heard of Bilal's conversion to Islam, they became furious. He called you and asked, "Have I heard that you have found another god?" Tell the truth, who do you worship? He (may Allah be pleased with him) replied, "The God of Muhammad (peace be upon him) is exalted." He said, "The worship of Muhammad (peace be upon him) means that He has become the enemy of Lat and Azi, come straight to the right path, otherwise he will be killed with humiliation. ”He (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) replied, No, now the worship and pleasure of Allah Almighty is the purpose of my life, so it is not enough for me to understand and worship your self-made gods. ”

The Umayyads went mad with rage at the words of a slave, saying, "Well then, taste this madness, I will see how Muhammad (peace be upon him) and his God (the Exalted) save you." ? ”Now this tyrant has started an endless series of oppression on you. The land of Hara in Makkah is famous for its heat, it heats up like copper in the heat. At noon, the Umayyads would lay you on this burning sand and place a heavy stone on their chest so that they would not be able to move. Then he would say, "Stop following Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), and confess that the God of Lat and Uzza is the truth, otherwise he will continue to lie like this." The sound of Uhud Uhud was coming from. The Umayyads would get angry and start beating them, but you would just keep saying "Uhud, Uhud". Once he kept you hungry and thirsty one day and night and watched their spectacle on the hot sand.
 Hazrat Amr ibn Aas (may Allah be pleased with him) said: I saw Bilal in such a state that the Umayyads laid him on such a hot sand that even a piece of meat would be placed on it and it would fry. But you were saying in this situation, "I refuse to curse. When the Umayyads saw that in spite of all these hardships, the courage of this beloved Prophet (peace be upon him) did not break their courage, the fire of the Umayyads erupted and he ordered his other slaves to Punish the rebel so much that he stops mentioning the name of Muhammad (peace be upon him) and his God. ”This unfortunate man beat you badly, beat you, took off your clothes during the day to please the Umayyads. Wearing iron armor and putting it in the sun. In the evening, they would be handcuffed and thrown into a room and at night they would be flogged, but "Uhud Uhud" would come out of his tongue.
 Allama Ibn Sa'd (may Allah be pleased with him) said that the Umayyads would tie a rope around his neck and hand him over to the boys and he would drag them into the valleys of Mecca, then lay them on the burning sand and He would put a pile of stones on it, but he (may Allah be pleased with him) would say one by one.

 Even Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiq (may Allah be pleased with him) bought them and set them free. (Moderation of Prophethood)
 (2) When the news of the conversion of Hazrat Khalid (RA) to Islam reached his father Abu Ahiha, he became very angry. You hid somewhere to escape your father's wrath. Abu Yahya sent his other sons to look for them, and they seized them and brought them to their father. Khalid (may Allah be pleased with him) was severely beaten by his father and beaten so badly that the wood in his hand was torn to pieces. When he got tired of beating, he said, "Leave the religion of Muhammad (peace be upon him), otherwise it will not be good for you." He replied, "Absolutely not!" Even if I die, I will not let go of the footsteps of the true Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him). ”The father was very frightened and threatened, but he did not touch her.
 After further beating, the father said, "You see with your own eyes that Muhammad (peace be upon him) has taken a different path from the whole nation. He condemns our gods and our ancestors." You are not ashamed to support him in these matters? ”You replied without hesitation,“ By God! I will follow whatever they say. ”The father was annoyed and said,“ Get out of my sight, you will not find food in my house. ”He said with satisfaction,“ You If you cut off my sustenance, then Allah Almighty will give me sustenance. ”Then he came to the service of Rahmat Quneen (peace be upon him) and stayed with him.
 One day he was praying in a deserted place on the outskirts of Makkah when his father heard the news. He called you and tried to seduce you again, but you said, "I will not leave Islam until I die." Hearing this, the father hit him on the head with a stick so hard that it split in two. He imprisoned you and stopped eating and drinking. Hazrat Khalid (may Allah be pleased with him) continued to suffer from solitary confinement in the scorching heat of Makkah for three days, hungry and thirsty. On the fourth day, they took the opportunity to flee and hid in the outskirts of Mecca.
 Some time later, he migrated to Abyssinia with another caravan of the Companions.

 (Degrees of prophethood)
 (3) During the caliphate of Hazrat Umar (RA), when the flood of Muslim conquests entered Syria, the madness of anti-Muslim sentiment among the Romans increased to such an extent that they martyred the prisoners of war with great cruelty. Arab historians write that the Romans made a copper cow, put olive oil in its stomach and kept it burning. If Muslims converted to Christianity, they would abandon them, and if they refused to renounce their religion, they would be thrown into boiling oil. (Explanation of Presidents)
 (4) Hazrat Abu Fakiha (may Allah be pleased with him). Umayya bin Khalaf was a slave. When he converted to Islam, he started persecuting in various ways and even allowed his family to break the mountains of oppression on the oppressed whenever he wanted. Give At noon, these tyrants would lay you face down on the hot sand and put a heavy stone on your back, until you fainted from the horrible heat and unbearable pain.

One day, the hard-hearted Umayyads tied ropes to both your feet and dragged them out badly. It was noon and the sun was shining. The tyrant threw you on the hot sand. Safwan, the son of Umayyah, also followed his father and asked Hazrat Faqih (may Allah be pleased with him), "Is not my father your Lord?" He (may Allah be pleased with him) replied, "Absolutely not." My Lord is Allah, the Creator and Master of all and the Sustainer of all. Safwan was very angry at this answer and he pressed his throat so hard that his tongue came out and he became completely numb. The oppressors thought it was over, but there was still life left. Coincidentally, Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiq (may Allah be pleased with him) passed by at that time. When he saw this painful scene, his heart was filled and at the same time he bought Hazrat Faqih and set him free. (Degrees of prophethood)

 (5) The most glorious chapter of the life of Hazrat Saad (RA) before the migration is that in which he was confined in the company of Abi Talib for three years (7 AH to 10 AH) in the company of the Holy Prophet (PBUH). Stay Although the siege of Shaab Abi Talib was specific to Bani Hashim and Banu Muttalib, but he (may Allah be pleased with him) did not mean Hashmi and Banu Muttalib for the sake of Allah and His Messenger (peace be upon him). He supported them and endured horrible sufferings with them for three years.

 In those days, Becks prisoners sometimes boiled the leaves of trees and shrubs to fill their stomachs. You say, “Once at night I found a piece of dried leather somewhere, I washed it with water, then roasted it on fire, coated it, dissolved it in water and drank it like a sutu to put out the fire in my stomach. “(Degrees of prophethood)
 Dear Islamic brothers!
 He observed how great hardships and perseverance these noble souls of the Holy Prophet (sws) endured. One of the great benefits of this perseverance was that the disbelievers became disillusioned with the conversion of these neo-Muslims, and this frustration became a great cause for the strengthening of the religion.

 (3) Spiritual Sacrifice: -

 Heartache is usually more of a test than a physical affliction. The Companions (may Allah be pleased with them all) left many examples for later generations in this matter. Let's hear some amazing facts about it.
(1) One and a half years before the migration of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), Hazrat Abu Salma (ra), fed up with the atrocities of the infidels, set out for Madinah. At that time he had only one camel, on which he took his wife Umm Salma (RA) and small children Salma (RA) on board and took the camel's neck and walked away. When the tribe of Banu Mughirah of Hazrat Umm Salma (RA) heard about it, they surrounded the camel and said to Hazrat Abu Salma (RA), “You can go but our daughter will not go with you. Saying this, he snatched the camel's neck from you and left.
 Among them were the people of Banu 'Abd al-Asad, the family of Hazrat Abu Salama (may Allah be pleased with him). He snatched the child from Hazrat Umm Salma (may Allah be pleased with her) and said to Banu Mughira, "If you snatched your daughter from our man, then why should we leave our child with you?" The hand went down. (Allama says without hesitation, "Mana's hand did not heal until he died.") It was a painful situation, but Abu Salamah (may Allah be pleased with him) left for Madinah alone without a wife and child Done.

 It is as if the three husbands, wives and sons were suffering the pain of separation for the sake of religion. Hazrat Umm Salma (may Allah be pleased with her) was naturally shocked by the separation of husband and child. She would leave the house every morning and sit on a hill all day crying. A whole year passed like this. One day, a compassionate and influential person of Banu Mughira saw him in this condition and his heart softened. She gathered all her tribe together and said, "This girl is our blood. How long will we keep this poor man away from her husband and children?" Our tribe is very noble and brave and does not love oppression. ”

 Hearing his speech, others also felt pity and they allowed Hazrat Umm Salma (RA) to go. When Banu 'Abd al-Asad heard this, he too took pity on him and sent Salma (may Allah be pleased with her) to her mother. Hazrat Umm Salma (may Allah be pleased with her) rode on a camel and left for Madinah with Mana. On the way, he met 'Uthman ibn Talhah (he had not yet believed, he believed on the occasion of the conquest of Makkah). (Istiab)

 BBM Salma's suffering for a year without a husband and child and Abu Salma's wife living without a child for a year for the sake of Allah will be a source of heartache. Have been away from your family for a long time.

 (2) Hazrat Khansa (may Allah be pleased with her) came to Qadisiyah with her four children to take part in Jihad. When the furnace of war was fully heated, he commanded his sons, “My children! Go and fight in the path of truth till the end. ”As soon as they heard their mother's order, the four brothers picked up the orchards of horses and recited Rajas one after the other. His mother heard the news of his martyrdom. "Thank God that my children did not turn their backs, God Almighty gave me the honor of their martyrdom, I hope that He will give me a place with my children in the shadow of His mercy. (Zarqani)
 It is better to ask a mother how painful it is to have four young sons forever in old age.

 (3) Hazrat Saad's mother Hamna was so obsessed with her ancestral religion that she became so upset when she heard of her son's conversion to Islam that she stopped eating, drinking and talking. ۔ He (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) loved his mother very much, so it was a great ordeal to see her dear, but he passed this ordeal. Mother was hungry and thirsty for three days. That was the insistence, "Leave this world." But your only answer was, "Mom! You are very dear to me, but even if there are hundreds of souls in your form and every soul dies one by one, I will not leave Islam. ”
 His steadfastness became so popular in the court of God Almighty that this divine command was enforced for the general Muslims, “Wan ja hdak latshrik b ma lais lak be ilm fala tatahma. And if they try to make you associate with Me that of which you have no knowledge, then do not obey them. (Translated by Kunzalaiman, p. 20 - Spider 8)

 (4) Sacrifice: -
 Probably man loves his life the most, that is why he does not hesitate to sacrifice the greatest thing in return if his life is in danger. But we see that when the opportunity arose to sacrifice one's life for the sake of religion, Chashma Falak was astonished to see these scenes that these gentlemen did not show any hesitation in this matter either. So

 (1) Hazrat Jabir (may Allah be pleased with him) narrates that “On the day of Uhud, a man asked the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him),“ O Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him)! If I become a martyr, where will I go? ”The government of Madinah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said,“ In Paradise. ”As soon as they heard this, they threw down their palms and engaged in fighting until they were martyred. (Muslim)

 (2) When the beloved Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) started walking from Madinah for the Battle of Badr, a strange and unparalleled discussion was going on in a house in Madinah between “a father and a son”.

 Father! "Son! There is no man in the house except the two of us, so it is appropriate for one of us to stay here and the other to take part in jihad. You are young and can take good care of the house. So stay here and let me go with the Holy Prophet (sws). ”

 In response, the blessed son asked, “Babajan! If it was anything other than heaven, I would have no excuse to stay at home. Allah Almighty has given me such power that I can fulfill the right of companionship of the Holy Prophet (sws). So stay here and let me go. May Allah grant me the honor of martyrdom.
 After much arguing, the father decided to draw lots and the one whose name came out would go to jihad. The son agreed. When the lot was drawn, the son's name came out. They were so happy that their feet did not touch the ground. His son's name was Saad and his father's name was Khathima. Hazrat Sa'd (may Allah be pleased with him) reached Badr with great relish in the company of the two scholars of the government and was martyred at the hands of Ta'imah ibn 'Uddi or Amr ibn' Abdu'l-Bah. (Public books)

 (3) Allama Ibn Athir (may Allah have mercy on him) states that one day before the battle of Uhud, Hazrat Saad bin Abi Waqas and Abdullah bin Hajjish (may Allah be pleased with them) gathered in one place. Hazrat Saad (may Allah be pleased with him) prayed: “O Allah! Let the enemy who comes against me tomorrow be very brave and furious and give me enough strength to kill him in your way. ”
 Then Hazrat Abdullah (may Allah be pleased with him) said Amen and prayed, “O Allah! Let me face an enemy who is very fierce and angry, may I have martyrdom and may he cut off my ears and nose. When I meet you and you ask me, “O Abdullah! Why were your ears and noses cut off? ”Then I said,“ O God Almighty! For you and your Messenger (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). ”Hazrat Saad (may Allaah be pleased with him) said Amen to his supplication.

 Both heartfelt prayers were accepted. So, during the battle, Hazrat Sa'd (RA) killed a well-known polytheist and Abdullah bin Hajj (RA) was martyred at the hands of Ibn Akhns Saqafi. The polytheists mutilated his body and cut off his ears, nose and lips and wrapped them in thread. After the battle, Hazrat Saad (may Allah be pleased with him) passed by his body and it came out of his mouth involuntarily, “By God Almighty! The supplication of Abdullah (may Allah be pleased with him) was better than my supplication.
 (6) Sacrifice of desires: -

 Man's desires are of different kinds. Sometimes they are very intense and sometimes they are light. Weak desires are easy to suppress, while strong desires are extremely difficult to prevent from reaching fulfillment. Then, if a heart-wrenching desire is being fulfilled immediately and then for some reason it is stopped, it does not feel so difficult. But on the contrary, if a wish comes true after a long period of suffering and then an attempt is made to stop it, it is certainly a cause of great suffering and requires a great struggle. Our forefathers spent their entire lives in the path of Islam enduring such persecutions and left a great example for us. In this regard, a faith-inspiring event is the present service.
 Allama Ibn Athir (may Allah have mercy on him) says that after accepting Islam, Hazrat Saad (may Allah be pleased with him) asked the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), “O Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him)! I want to get married but no one agrees to give me a relationship because of my ugliness. I have sent messages to many places but all of them have been rejected.

 On hearing this request of his devotee, Shaan Rahimi of the Holy Prophet (sws) did not notice that people would reject him only because he was deprived of outward beauty. So the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said, “O Saad! Don't worry, I will arrange your wedding myself. Go to the house of Amr bin Wahab Saqafi at that time and tell him that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) has made my relationship with your daughter. Hearing this instruction of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), he (may Allaah be pleased with him) walked towards the house of Hazrat Amr ibn Wahb (may Allaah be pleased with him).
 Hazrat Amr ibn Wahab al-Thaqafi (may Allah be pleased with him) had just become a new Muslim and his temperament was still full of ignorance. Hazrat Saad (RA) reached his house and informed him about the edict of the government of Madinah (PBUH). He was very surprised that the marriage of my moon-shaped, intelligent and resourceful girl was such a horrible sight. How can that be? Without thinking, he rejected the message of Hazrat Saad (RA) and asked him to return. Her (may Allah be pleased with her) blessed daughter had heard all these conversations. As soon as Hazrat Saad (may Allah be pleased with him) returned to return, she came running and shouted, “O servant of Allah! Come back, if indeed the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) has sent you, then I am gladly ready to marry you, with which Allah and His Messenger (peace be upon him) are pleased, I am also pleased with it. .

 But in that time Hazrat Saad had moved on, so he could not hear it. Then the lucky daughter said to the father, “Babajan! Before Allah Almighty humiliates you, try to save yourself. He was very angry that he did not pay attention to the command of the Holy Prophet (sws) and treated the messenger of the Holy Prophet (sws) harshly. ”When Hazrat Amr ibn Wahb (may Allah be pleased with him) said: When they heard this, they were ashamed of their refusal and came to Mustafavi (peace be upon him) in fear.
 The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) saw them and asked, “Did you return the man I sent?” Hazrat Amr ibn Wahb (may Allaah be pleased with him) said, “O Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him)! Of course I sent them back, but this mistake was made in ignorance, I was not aware of them so I did not believe them and rejected the message, for God's sake forgive me, The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) accepted their excuse and said to Hazrat Saad (may Allaah be pleased with him), “O Saad! I have made your marriage with bint Amr bin Wahb (may Allah be pleased with him). Now go to your wife. ”

 Upon hearing this good news, Hazrat Sa'd (may Allah be pleased with him) went to the bazaar and intended to buy some gifts for the bride. Just as they were about to leave, a preacher's voice fell on their ears, saying, “O king of Allah Almighty! Get ready for jihad and take the glad tidings of Paradise. ”He (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) was young, had just gotten married, had a thousand requests and longings in his heart. But hearing the preaching overcame all emotions and the idea of ​​buying gifts for the bride came out of the heart.

 With the money he had for this purpose, he bought a horse, a sword, and a spear, and wearing a turban on his head, he joined the Mujahideen under the leadership of the Holy Prophet (sws). He had never before had a horse or a sword or a spear, nor had he ever worn a turban like this, so no one could know that it was Hazrat Sa'd (may Allah be pleased with him). In the field of jihad, you fought with such zeal and courage that you left behind the great heroes.

 At one point, the horse flew away, jumped from behind and rolled up its sleeves and began to fight on foot. At that time, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) saw the ink on his hands, recognized them and called out, “Saad! But Hazrat Sa'd (may Allah be pleased with him) was fighting with such fervor that he could not hear the voice of his master and master, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). He said

 When the two scholars of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) heard of his (may Allaah bless him and grant him peace) martyrdom, they came to his body, placed his head in his blessed lap and then after praying for forgiveness said: I had married Sa'd to the daughter of Amr ibn Wahb, so the owner of his obsolete belongings is the same girl. "Deliver the weapon and horse of Hazrat Sa'd (RA) to him and his mother. Go to the father and tell him that now God Almighty has married Saad to a better maiden than your daughter. ”(Zarqani)
Reasons for these sacrifices

 Dear Islamic brothers!
 He observed that our forefathers had spent their entire lives in the service of religion while enduring hardships. On this occasion, the question may arise in one's mind that * what were the factors behind the countless sacrifices of these gentlemen? ۔ ۔ ۔ ۔ ۔
 And . ۔ ۔ ۔ ۔
 * What made them suffer so much? ۔ ۔ ۔ ۔ ۔ ۔ ۔
 The following five issues appear to be the answers to the following questions after a period of deliberation.
 (1) Love of religion.
 (2) Obedience to Allah and His Beloved Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and the pursuit of pleasure.
 (3) A sense of responsibility.
 (4) Fear of arrest on the Day of Judgment.
 (5) Desire for the rewards of the Hereafter.

 My dear Islamic brothers!
 In view of these sacrifices of the Companions (may Allah be pleased with them), we must make an honest calculation that
 * Do we also love our religion? ۔ ۔ ۔ ۔ ۔ ۔
 * Are we also engaged in practical efforts with the mindset of reforming the society in order to gain the pleasure of Allah and His Beloved? ۔ ۔ ۔ ۔ ۔ ۔
 * Do we realize our responsibility to improve the worst situation in today's society? ۔ ۔ ۔ ۔
 Have we ever feared that on the Day of Judgment we too will be asked about the reformation of the Muslims around us? ۔ ۔ ۔ ۔ ۔ ۔
 * Did we make preaching the religion a means to attain Paradise despite our desire for it? ۔ ۔ ۔ ۔ ۔ ۔
 Alas, alas!
 Of course, we have no answer to these questions except denial. Because
 * If we loved our religion, then just as we feel joy and sorrow at the pros and cons of our business and job, so we would feel at the sight of progress and decline. ۔ ۔ ۔ ۔ ۔ ۔ But the situation here is that neither the waves of happiness rise in the heart on religious progress nor the night's sleep and hunger disappear at its loss. Even the face never shows signs of depression.
 * If we wanted the pleasure of Allah Almighty and His Beloved Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), we would also perform the duty of preaching the religion with regularity and happiness to achieve this great goal. ۔ ۔ ۔ ۔ ۔ ۔ But we seem to be saving our lives by considering it as a burden and we have not learned to make up our minds to seek pleasure in this way.
 * Similarly, if we had a sense of responsibility, the society would be obedient to Allah and His Messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). ۔ ۔ Or ۔ ۔ At least make a serious effort to reform your family. ۔ ۔ ۔ ۔ ۔ ۔ But our mind has become that the work of religion is only to wear a turban, to have a beard. ۔ ۔ Or ۔ ۔ He will be the Imam and Khatib of the mosque. ۔ ۔ Or ۔ ۔ Why would I do such and such, why do we need to worry about this? ۔ ۔ ۔ ۔ ۔ ۔ ۔
 I wish! We would consider that religion is only for those who have beards and turbans. ۔ ۔ Or ۔ ۔ Imam and Khatib of the mosque. ۔ ۔ Or ۔ ۔ So-and-so is not a Muslim brother, it is ours too. So just as they have a responsibility to serve the religion, why not us? ۔ ۔ ۔ ۔ ۔
 * If we had a real fear of the Hereafter, then surely the people around us would ignore the Hereafter and try to find solace in their sins, and in response to that, our cold heart would be disturbed. ۔ ۔ ۔ ۔ ۔ ۔ ۔ ۔ ۔ But not so, but on the contrary, do we always seem to encourage others to commit sins and to be willing to cooperate with them in every way? ۔ ۔ ۔ ۔ ۔ ۔ ۔ ۔
 * If we truly wanted heaven, we would certainly be ready to endure all kinds of hardships along the way, just as the true devotion to the world encourages us to persevere in the face of great adversity. ۔ ۔ ۔ ۔ ۔ ۔ ۔ ۔ but alas! That the one who endures oppression, abuse, humiliation and all kinds of humiliation for the world, does not seem ready to endure a single word in this pure path and to attain the heights of ranks in heaven due to this patience.
 Dear Islamic brothers!
 Indeed, sincere sacrifices for the sake of religion are a part of the Sahabah (may Allah be pleased with them all). Critical Muslims like us who have received an eternal blessing like Islam from the comfort of their own home are not prepared to make up their minds to make any sacrifice in this matter, neither wealth comes out of our pockets, nor willing to give their time. Are
 * Then how will the work of religion? ۔ ۔ ۔ ۔ ۔ ۔
 * How will people become good? ۔ ۔ ۔ ۔ ۔ ۔
 * How is it possible to get rid of sins? ۔ ۔ ۔ ۔ ۔ ۔ ۔
 How will the enemies of Islam be confronted? ۔ ۔ ۔ ۔ ۔ ۔ ۔
 My dear Islamic brothers!
 We have to be brave. ۔ ۔ ۔ ۔ ۔ ۔ The work of religion must be considered its work. ۔ ۔ ۔ ۔ ۔ We have to feel sorry for its loss and have a heart for development. ۔ ۔ ۔ ۔ ۔ ۔ If we do not do this, there will come a time when this flood of evils, which is the cause of the destruction of faith, will wash us and our future generations with us and throw us into some filthy pit of Hell.
 May Allah Almighty bless us with the ability to realize our responsibility in preaching the religion. Amen instead of the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him)

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